Results for: the big guy
To Defeat Claire McCaskill, Missouri Conservatives Must Vote for Josh Hawley
That’s why Hawley is the right guy. … And in recognizing that, Hawley is the type of guy who is going to support constitutional judges and justices, and vote against the … man for the GOP.…
How Badly Did Rudy Giuliani Mess Up in His Fox News Interviews?
Giuliani make some pretty big errors in giving some of the answers he did regarding Stormy Daniels? … That's the mob defense. … I’m in the same boat, but I also feel like the strategy could misfire for the reasons stated in Malor’s thread.…
Has the Special Counsel Admitted That Paul Manafort Had No Contact With Russian Intelligence?
The key player in the whole drama is Paul Manafort. … as their ticket to the big leagues, but Manafort was the villain sent directly from Central Casting. … He was the PR guy for tyrants and despots. He appears to have been actively involved in money laundering for the Russian mob.…
Trump Shakes Up White House Legal Team by Bringing in an Experienced Fighter
He said he planned to stay at the White House, likely through the end of the month, to help Mr. … If so, he hired the right guy. Flood represented Bill Clinton during his impeachment proceedings. … The close relationship with McGahn is critical and having a guy who has fought political battles at the highest levels is a big plus…
Nothing Says ‘Small Business’ - Like Big Government Handing Big Business Big Crony Policy…big-government-handing-big-business-big-crony-policy-n88966…big-government-handing-big-business-big-crony-policy-n88966
But one example of Reagan’s genius: “You can’t be for big government, big taxes, and big bureaucracy and still be for the little guy … So the Big Government-Big Business Borg is born. … Perhaps never before has Big Government-Big Business cronyism – been better-dressed-up as “looking out for the Little Guy.”…
We Still Need To Talk About Tom Brokaw
The past five days or so has been an incredibly long month’s worth of big news stories, one after the other. … Several women, including big names at NBC – Brokaw’s employer – have since come out to defend him, talking about what a stellar guy … While I don’t know about Brokaw’s guilt, what I do know is that many people who have been big stars in the media for years feel they…
North Korea Continues to Move Toward Summit Meeting. Experts Hardest Hit
There was a big feel-good at the Winter Games. Kim and Moon met at the DMZ. … That’s the big take away, not the assurance.
— (((James Acton))) (@james_acton32) May 17, 2018
Exactly … Then came the unhinged war threats that brought the region to the brink of war.…
President Trump to North Korea: There Are Two Libyan Models for Denuclearization Available, Pick One…two-libyan-models-denuclearization-available-pick-one-n89793…two-libyan-models-denuclearization-available-pick-one-n89793
Two days ago, shortly after the North Koreans announced they would allow foreign media into the DPRK to witness the destruction of … their nuclear test site, the North Korean news agency said the United States needed to mind its manners or the meeting between Kim … That’s the big take away, not the assurance.
— (((James Acton))) (@james_acton32) May 17, 2018
Right Move, Wrong Execution in Jerusalem
the relocation of the US Embassy to Jerusalem on the pain of withholding funding. … Hagee sounds familiar, he’s the guy who endorsed John McCain in 2008 and, once McCain found out about Hagee, rejected the endorsement … Yet here we are, Trump taking the guy to Israel.…
There Might Be a Very Good Reason Why Mueller Is Not Indicting Paul Manafort's Russian Business Partner…not-indicting-paul-manaforts-russian-business-partner-n89631…not-indicting-paul-manaforts-russian-business-partner-n89631
Deripaska is the guy Democrat Senator Mark Warner tried to meet with in Russia. … That is not the way the story was viewed two summers ago.
The Russia Probe. …
So a guy who now looks like was involved in the development of the Trump dossier was asked by the FBI…
Politico Misses the Real Story of How #FakeNews Spreads
But the big takeaway from the story is this. The “news” originated as parody. … It is difficult to believe that this was an accident given the experience of the reporter or the magnitude of the story. … It was designed to further the Russia collusion narrative and to lock in Flynn’s role as a shifty guy owned by Putin.…
New voting method trial in Maine's June 12 Primary
At the same time, the state will vote on a people’s veto effort to repeal a law passed by the Legislature that could delay use of the … So the entire motivation for the system is moot, but the rest of the ballot is affected anyhow. … Ted Cruz and is an original Tea Party guy in the state legislature.
Thank you @tedcruz for your endorsement!…
Europe Claims It Will Salvage the Iran Deal But It Can't
into the Iranian market in a big way. … The Euros are promoting the fiction that they can keep the agreement going. … To be clear, you are counting on a strategy that worked on Bill Clinton in regards to Cuba to work on the guy who has already ignored…
Mike Rowe Talks on Moving "Somebody's Gotta Do It" Away From CNN, and How Following Your Passion Isn't the Way to Happiness…s-gotta-away-cnn-following-passion-isnt-way-happiness-n90354…s-gotta-away-cnn-following-passion-isnt-way-happiness-n90354
Too often we glorify the big highrise office job and look down on the jobs where you get your hands dirty. … However, they’re definitely having a better time doing it than the guy with all the student debt, trying to get the same job everyone … It’s a world overflowing the opportunity and prosperity, and Mike Rowe is just the guy to show you how much there is to see, do, and…
Government Duplicates When It's Stupid - and Doesn't When It's a National Security Imperative
Which begs the question: What the heck was the office charged with government accountability doing for its first ninety years – if … And with the government spending a massive $4-trillion-per-year – and the massive politics involved in electing the people to spend … So the guy in charge of handing out contracts – at the Defense Department sub-agency in charge of handing out contracts – immediately…
The Daily Beast Launches a "Your Twitter Followers Hit a Girl" Attack on Elon Musk
Here is Musk’s response to the article:
The holier-than-thou hypocrisy of big media companies who lay claim to the truth, but publish … And the MAGA set were thrilled that someone with such a big following was on their side against science and journalism. … the log.”…
Morgan Freeman Wants You to Know He's Not That Bad
Actor Morgan Freeman was the latest big name to end up on the #MeToo list this week, after CNN published allegations from multiple … The aggrieved party’s emotional reaction is not the problem; the original misbehavior is the issue, and the reason an apology is needed … Where should the #MeToo movement draw the line?
Follow Sarah Rumpf on Twitter: @rumpfshaker. …
ESPN Seeks to Buoy Sinking Ratings with Keith Olbermann Shaped Anchor
mental patient, Keith Olbermann at the network. … The defense carried this team.” … to win the big games.…
SHOCKER. Never Trump Republicans and Democrats Are Working Together
Never Trump was about the GOP primary and the general election, not the presidency. … Well, that’s not what we — or at least I — signed up for.
We only have one president at a time — and the guy isn’t even president … The election is over and I believe that Trump’s success is critical for America and because of that I want the guy to succeed.…
NEWSFLASH: The DOJ's Having a Russia Investigation Party, and Democrats Aren't Invited
Last week, Trump alleged the FBI had spied on his presidential pursuit, demanding the DOJ investigate the bureau’s use of a plant. … More importantly, how big of a win do you believe this entire SPYGATE idea is for the GOP? … Let the spinning world know in the comments below.…
Michael Cohen Learns That You Should Never Feed the Trolls
Still, whether on his own initiative or at the direction of Donald Trump, Cohen poked the bear. … In 2013 when nobody even knew who Michael Cohen was The Onion probably thought milking the threat for comedy was worth the effort but … Someone at The Onion found the five year old stick Cohen gave them and decided to beat him with it.…
Water Cooler 06/07/18 Open Thread; Watching The UK Suicide
the middle of the carriage. … It was intimidating, he was a big guy and I am only size eight.’ … the middle of the carriage
The mother-of-one told MailOnline, children were crying as the agitated man squared up to her and…
Why Did James Comey's Minion Go Bonkers Over This Donald Trump Tweet
Is the Mainstream Media interested yet? Big stuff!
— Donald J. … was as a counterintelligence investigation and Strzok was the number two guy in the FBI counterintelligence division makes this seem … , who apparently is the guy who allegedly told Papadopoulos about the Russians having “dirt” on Hillary, was in February 2016.…
Sen. Graham Finally States the Obvious About Rosenstein and his Conflicts of Interest
One of the weirdest things about the Mueller investigation is the selectiveness with which recusals and conflicts of interests … Lindsey Graham, a big supporter of Robert Mueller and his probe by the way, had this to say. … one of the people who prompted the firing (even if only partially providing the cause used).…
Remember the Media Outrage Over Obama's Early Release Jobs Information? I Don't Either
But the President just big-footed them.
And really, who's surprised that the numbers were stronger than expected? … guy you are making a trade with the night before? … — Justin Wolfers (@JustinWolfers) June 1, 2018
And finally the Thorazine kicks in and this guy realizes what kind of a clown he…