Results for: gain-of-function

As the Musk-Twitter Deal Falls Apart We Ask, Just What Are 'Bots' Anyway?
– In the wake of Elon Musk’s decision to pull out of his Twitter purchase because of the social media giant’s hesitation to share information … quarter of 2021.” … his tens of millions of devotees are bots.…
Senator Rand Paul's First Gain-of-Function Hearing Highlights Top-Secret Research Committee…ion-hearing-highlights-top-secret-research-committee-n607118
– The hearing comes on the heels of the Senator attempting to pass an amendment that would have ended all US funding of gain-of-functionGain-of-function (GOF) is research that improves the ability of a pathogen to cause disease. … Two of the three absolutely said it was gain-of-function.…
As the CDC Reverses Course on COVID Policy, I Want to Know: Where Do I Go to Get My Apology?…olicy-i-want-to-know-where-do-i-go-to-get-my-apology-n611939
– he lauds his contribution to the world: Actually, “the Fauci effect” is when you circumvent a ban on gain of function research and … the United States of America.  … Only five percent of parents of 6 months to 4 years olds have opted to get their babies and toddlers jabbed, and only 30 percent of
New NIH Letter Again Confirms That Fauci Lied, Funding Went To Wuhan Lab; Cancels Funding of Grant…d-funding-went-to-wuhan-lab-cancels-funding-of-grant-n617692
– In a letter dated October 20, 2021, the same day that the NIH changed the definition ofgain-of-function research” on their website … In May 2021, Fauci told Senator Rand Paul that funding from the NIAID never was for gain-of-function and that none of the research … And Later: “[W]e have not funded gain-of-function research on this virus in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”…
Fricasseed Fauci: Megyn Kelly Gives a Master Class in Cooking as She Deep-Fries 'Dr. Integrity'…ster-class-in-cooking-as-she-deep-fries-dr-integrity-n617540
– “His unexplained reversal cost millions their livelihoods: As of October of 2021, five percent of unvaccinated adults said they had … Fauci’s “biggest lie,” she argued, regarded gain of function research. The medical man told Sen. … “The NIH was later forced to admit in writing…to Congress that it had indeed funded gain of function research at the Wuhan lab despite…
Rand Paul's Latest Move With the NIH Shows He's Beginning to Move in on Fauci…with-the-nih-shows-hes-beginning-to-move-in-on-fauci-n617304
– (READ: Senator Rand Paul’s First Gain-of-Function Hearing Highlights Top-Secret Research Committee) Keeping to his word, Paul is … Paul has been something of a libertarian conservative and Fauci represents one of the greatest infringements on American liberties … Paul may not just be pursuing Fauci to get to the bottom of the truth, he may very well be doing this in order to make an example of
Former Surgeon General Dunked Into Next Week After Declaring Fauci ‘Never Asked for the Spotlight'…after-declaring-fauci-never-asked-for-the-spotlight-n616042
– Fauci in the wake of news of his retirement,” Adams wrote in one tweet. … And what I symbolize in an era of the normalization of untruths and lies and all the things you’re seeing going on in society, from … Unfortunately for Fauci, however, his lies about the what he knew about the origins of the virus and U.S. gain of function research…
Why I'm Not Fighting the Tax Treatment of Carried Interest
– For one thing, the carried interest to the general partners of private-equity and venture-capital firms is usually a gain that they … stupidity of the general public, who are perennially willing to buy the stock of IPOs at ridiculous valuations. … So I just don’t buy the argument that changing the treatment of carried interest for PE general partners will destroy lots of jobs.…
Charlatans and the Horse They Rode In On
– donors, burning bridges, and making it all the more difficult for solid conservative activists to gain the trust of large conservative … Along the way they consume large amounts of money, burn the goodwill of donors, and leave a wake of destruction in the online conservative … of it.…
The Legacy Media is Still Fighting the Last War (and Losing)
– Confirming what everyone with a pair of eyes and a brain believed, even liberal members of the media like Bill Maher said, “Jeez, these … However, this week, the old guard of the legacy media has clearly realized the importance of not allowing the dastardly Republicans … are guilty of any one of a number of business sins, they will be swept away and replaced with a company who will provide what the public…
Winners and Losers from Tonight's #CNBCGOPDebate
of what it was about. … question about serving on the board of Costco, which does not hate gays or something. … On the merits, his performance was probably third best of any of the candidates.…
Mitch McConnell to Steve Bannon: You Can Go Now, Boy
– Bannon rode the wave of anti-everything-not-Trump that swept Trump into the White House, with his control of Trump’s campaign counting … And now the GOP tax bill has made it through, with none of Bannon’s fingerprints involved. … Fans of Godzilla movies and Dr. Seuss will get those references.  …
The war of skirmish and symbolism
– Our war lacks that kind of centralized organization, or at least it lacks that on the part of the aggressor side of the war, which … His brazenness is simply a function of his supreme confidence in (a) the justice of his cause and (b) the bewilderment and discontent … of his enemy.…
Filibuster Reform is "Unwise"
– Our Founders wanted Senators to be statesmen capable of compromise and negotiation in the face of the threat of unlimited debate and … of all 100 members. … Short term gain in power is no reason to toss aside the long tradition of the Senate as the most deliberative body in the world.…
Which Comes First, People or Government?
– All of this information can be simply obtained from a few minutes of a simple Google search on the Internet, perhaps that is something … But this is an opportunity to gain an insightful view into the minds of Obama and his supporters alike.   … An honest answer to this sort of question will undoubtedly produce a different kind of expectation for our government and how we try…
Requiescat in Pace, Jon Huntsman for President Campaign
– The first of these was no doubt the hiring of John Weaver, who inexplicably continues to get jobs working for Republicans who want … At every step along the way of his early campaign, Huntsman displayed a stunning lack of ability to perform this basic function which … Regardless of his politics, people are desperate for the tone of a guy like Christie (who has likely blown his one and only shot at…
State Department Promoting "Gasland", Other Enviro Films To Foreign Audiences…oting-gasland-other-enviro-films-to-foreign-audiences-n42279
– Gasland in a list of 29 films to be showcased around the globe as part of an “international cultural diplomacy initiative”. … Both of these may be fine subjects for documentaries, but one wonders what the Department of State hopes to gain by screening them … and reasonable function of our government (insert wink), but is it entirely necessary that the bulk of what the movies have to say…
Timeline of Targeting: The Evidence Mounts Against the IRS’s Lois Lerner
– behavior, violating the free speech rights of thousands of Americans. … Angling for a job at OFA, using the power of the office for political gain, and putting the full weight of the most dangerously abusive … [See letter to DOJ] May 10, 2013: Lerner Misleads Public:  At an American Bar Association function, Lois Lerner, director of the…
Dave Weigel's Hand Waving Will Not Make Benghazi Go Away
– As the investigation proceeds we will see more of this. … There were demonstrations in Cairo and some other locations over the airing of a clip from Innocence of Muslims on Egyptian television … It was known at the time of the attack that there was no demonstration.…
Center For American Progress demands Sustainable Racism in education
– majority of students are students of color. … a function of differences in teacher quality that could not be directly observed. … 1-500 of the achievement of schools by geography.…
Janet Yellin’s Predicted Monetary Policy And The Tragedy Of The Commons…dicted-monetary-policy-and-the-tragedy-of-the-commons-n47330
– To complicate matters further, the immediate gain is recognized fully by a select group of individuals. … The positive component is a function of the increment of one animal. … The negative component is a function of the additional overgrazing created by one more animal.…
Media Matters President Targeting Tucker Carlson Made Controversial, Racist Statements…tucker-carlson-made-controversial-racist-statements-n102673
– But Carusone has his own track record of inflammatory statements.  … Carusone is the head of a powerful media company, so he’s no less of a target, right? … That’s an awful, regressive way for a society to function.…
Secret 'Memorandums of Understanding' Among House Democrats; It's Almost As If They Don't Trust Each Other…dums-understanding-among-house-democrats-bring-trump-n105213
– Your ability to function as a fair and unbiased finder of fact is now at grave risk. … To the extent your MOUs create duties for the Committee that conflict with the Rules of the House of Representatives or the Rules of … This provision of your MOU may conflict with Rules of the House of Representatives and the Committee’s whistleblower protocol, which…
The Intercept's New COVID Report Confirms What RedState Reported in May 2021…d-report-confirms-what-redstate-reported-in-may-2021-n439142
– Fauci testified to Senator Rand Paul that the US had not funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology during … Ralph Baric, often referred to as the “Father of Gain-of-Function Research.” … Alliance was conducting this research at the Wuhan Insitute of Virology: New USG funding will not be released for gain-of-function
#FauciLied Trends After FOIA Documents Prove RedState and Rand Paul Right
– RedState’s Scott Hounsell has been chronicling the twists and turns (see here, here, and here), including the fact that NIH funded a gain-of-function … Now, The Intercept has obtained 900 pages of documents on that research, proving that the NIH funded gain-of-function research on coronaviruses … to the damning conclusion, which is that Fauci absolutely lied to Congress when he repeatedly denied that grant funding went to gain-of-function
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