Results for: vivek ramaswamy

RNC Chair McDaniel Faces Criticism and Calls for Her Resignation After Years of Failure…nd-calls-for-her-resignation-after-years-of-failure-n2166097
– GOP Presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy went on a hard-hitting attack against the Republican establishment in general and Republican … Vivek Ramaswamy was not letting McDaniel off the hook for them either; after trouncing her while he was on stage and live during the … “She was in complete MELTDOWN mode over Vivek,” the source said.…
Ronna McDaniel Slams Vivek Ramaswamy After He Calls for Her to Resign
– Following another disappointing election for Republicans, Vivek Ramaswamy made waves during the third Republican presidential debate … Ramaswamy quickly moved to further capitalize on the moment, posting a clip on his social media accounts. … I’m calling on @GOPChairwoman to resign tonight. — Vivek Ramaswamy (@VivekGRamaswamy) November 9, 2023 While…
Time to Vote in the RedState/Townhall Media 2024 Presidential Straw Poll!…redstatetownhall-media-2024-presidential-straw-poll-n2166133
– Trump was the clear leader with over 60 percent of the vote, with Ron DeSantis coming in second at 24 percent and Nikki Haley and VivekRamaswamy in a distant third and fourth.…
In a Race Between Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis, Neither Looked Comfortable…i-haley-and-ron-desantis-neither-looked-comfortable-n2166090
– As much as we can say any of the people on that stage (except for Vivek Ramaswamy) are potentially the best choice for the adult in … The only time where losing your composure was acceptable was when Ramaswamy went after her family. … That was out of bounds, and everyone in the room - except for Ramaswamy - knew it. …
GOP: Party of Hope, Growth, and Opportunity
– It was mentioned by Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy, but nobody else. How did this happen?…
Fetterman: Gavin Newsom Doesn't Have 'the Guts' to Announce, Slams Shadow Presidential Candidacy…idential-candidacy-doesnt-have-the-guts-to-announce-n2165988
– Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy expressed similar views in Iowa City in October and also called out the disastrous…
Vivek Ramaswamy Says Claims He Is Anti-Israel Are 'Dead Wrong' in Republican Jewish Coalition Speech
Vivek Ramaswamy, who is in fourth place behind Haley in most national polls about the Republican presidential field, took the opportunity … Ramaswamy told the RJC: Let me relieve some of the tension in the room this morning by calling out the elephant in the room: Many … Clearly wanting to encourage more applause, Ramaswamy went hard when talking about what should happen to Hamas leadership: NEW - Ramaswamy
DeSantis to Republican Jewish Coalition: I Don't Care What the U.N. Says; the U.S. Has Israel's Back
– READ: Vivek Ramaswamy Says Claims He Is Anti-Israel Are 'Dead Wrong' in Republican Jewish Coalition Speech DeSantis began his speech…
While All Eyes Are on Israel, Haley and DeSantis Dead Even, Trump Still Running Away From GOP Field…s-dead-even-trump-still-running-away-from-gop-field-n2165444
– Chris Christie at four percent, and former Vice President Mike Pence and Vivek Ramaswamy in a tie at three percent. … I want to see DeSantis debate Haley one on one for an hour and Ramaswamy one on one for an hour.…
Trump to Skip Third Republican Primary Debate: Who Benefits?
– Interestingly enough, biotech entrepreneur and author Vivek Ramaswamy indicated that he might also skip the third debate, even though … Vivek Ramaswamy would not commit to the Nov. 8 showdown in Miami.…
New Campaign Finance Report Shows Mike Pence Is Struggling — Time to Pull the Plug?
– According to the latest RealClearPolitics average, Pence is sitting at 3.6 percent support, trailing entrepreneur and author VivekRamaswamy, former U.N.…
Where Has Matt Gaetz Gone Since His Motion to Vacate the Chair?
– WHAT IS UP WITH MATT GAETZ AND I DON’T MEAN HIS HAIR I don’t know much about Matt Gaetz, except that Vivek Ramaswamy apparently stole…
Democrats Circulate Ridiculous Theory Blaming Trump for Hamas' Assault on Israel…us-theory-blaming-trump-for-hamas-assault-on-israel-n2164878
– This is what happens when we have leading voices like Donald Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Ron DeSantis signaling retreat from America…
Mike Pence Has One of the Worst Takes Ever When It Comes to the Hamas Attack…worst-takes-ever-when-it-comes-to-the-hamas-attack-n2164835
– This is what happens when we have leading voices like Donald Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Ron DeSantis signaling retreat from America … Mike Pence (@Mike_Pence) October 8, 2023 "But I also believe this is what happens when we have leading voices like Donald Trump, VivekRamaswamy, and Ron DeSantis signaling retreat from America’s role as leader of the free world," Pence said.…
5 Important Facts About Israel's War With Hamas
– In a scathing rebuke, Pence faulted “voices of appeasement like Donald Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy and Ron DeSantis that I believe have…
Mike Pence Rips Trump and the GOP for Being 'Voices of Appeasement' After Hamas Attacks Israel…ng-voices-of-appeasement-after-hamas-attacks-israel-n2164798
– In a scathing rebuke, Pence faulted “voices of appeasement like Donald Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy and Ron DeSantis that I believe have … On the other side, people like Trump and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy advocate for a more non-interventionist approach.…
Nikki Haley Passes up Ron DeSantis in New Hampshire Poll, With Trump Still in the Lead…antis-in-new-hampshire-with-trump-still-in-the-lead-n2164677
– Tim Scott over curtains, and schooling tech entrepreneur Vivek Rasmaswamy. … Nikki Haley’s put-down of Vivek Ramaswamy was perhaps the closest thing to a zinger in an otherwise messy Republican primary debate … Chris Christie was at 6%; tech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and South Carolina Sen.…
Ramaswamy Speech on Culture Wars and America First Principles Receives Standing Ovation at California GOP
– Republican Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy spoke at the CAGOP convention in Anaheim, California Saturday at a lunch event before … Ramaswamy began speaking about being in a war for the survival of the nation. … Ramaswamy laid out his plan for moving forward from the threats he listed prior.…
Trump Dominates the GOP, Whether You Like It or Not
– debate, which most polls show DeSantis won easily over opponents like former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and entrepreneur VivekRamaswamy.…
Was the Future Truly Debated at the Second GOP Presidential Debate?
– Nikki Haley, former Vice President Mike Pence, biotech entrepreneur and political commentator Vivek Ramaswamy, and Sen. … Tim Scott established himself and even got combative with tech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy. … The lowlights: Vivek Ramaswamy became testy when challenged or corrected.…
Takeaways From a GOP Debate Watch Party in CA, a Stone's Throw From the Reagan Library…party-in-ca-a-stones-throw-from-the-reagan-library-n2164439
– Both entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie started out with strong statements, but it was Florida…
What the Heck Was Fox News Thinking?
– Not to say some candidates didn't acquit themselves very well, including Ron DeSantis, Doug Burgum, and Vivek Ramaswamy (in my opinion…
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