Results for: 2024 presidential election

Ronna McDaniel Slams Vivek Ramaswamy After He Calls for Her to Resign
– Following another disappointing election for Republicans, Vivek Ramaswamy made waves during the third Republican presidential debate … Projections prior to the election suggested that the majority could have been over 20 seats. … None of this is going to help the GOP win in 2024, and that's the real tragedy here. …
Trump Isn't the Easy Button…t-the-gops-election-success-sits-at-the-local-level-n2166049
– That much can't be denied, and the likelihood of him becoming the GOP nominee for the 2024 presidential election is, as of this writing … Assuming everything remains static in the presidential primary, Republicans are going to re-run that play again in 2024. … This is politics 101, and the GOP needs to remember that going into 2024.…
Putin's War, Week 89. Zelensky Gets an EU Invitation, the EU Looks East and the Russians Have a Timetable
– in March 2024. … his country as scheduled by the law on March 31, 2024 (during the war which might not end by that date). … 🗞️Presidential Office, in a comment to Ukrainska Pravda, revealed that Maj. Gen.…
Republicans Aren't Tired of Losing Yet
– Think back to the day after the 2022 election. … It got us another losing election on Tuesday.   … Assuming everything remains static in the presidential primary, Republicans are going to re-run that play again in 2024.…
Not One Primary Vote Cast: Trump Is Not Inevitable.
– It's a year away from the 2024 Presidential election, and it sure looks like the silly season is underway. The latest? … Trump has enjoyed a commanding lead over all GOP presidential aspirants since early spring. … The GOP needs to be unified to win in 2024 and deal with America's grave challenges.…
6 Questions for Republicans on Iran
– By Tyler Deaton  War in the Middle East raises the stakes for 2024, and the next Republican debate should reflect this new reality … Here are six pressing questions for Republican presidential candidates about Iran. … One recalls the last Democrat president to lose re-election lost in part due to a hostage crisis sparked by the same ayatollahs fomenting…
White House's TikTok Army Threatens Mutiny Against Biden Over Support of Israel…reatens-mutiny-against-biden-over-support-of-israel-n2166014
– We share your conviction that the 2024 election will be one of the most important in American history. … The young activists again highlight the importance of younger voters, noting that “there is no way for a Democratic presidential nominee … Now, just 61% of Michigan Democrats under 30 support your re-election, with 21% opting to vote third party.…
Will America Make It Until November 5, 2024?
– As of Sunday, we are exactly 366 days until the 2024 presidential election. … Can America make it to November 5, 2024? … But the collective threats America now faces could easily erupt into utter unmanageability well before the 2024 election, and we would…
Biden's Approval Ratings Lowest for an Incumbent Seeking Reelection Since Jimmy Carter…an-incumbent-seeking-reelection-since-jimmy-carter-n2165928
– Biden in five of the six most important battleground states — all of which Biden carried in 2020 — just one year out from the election … Israel-Hamas War Threaten Biden's Reelection Campaign If you just go by the numbers, it would seem as if Biden's going to get the boot in 2024 … However, it's not guaranteed, unfortunately, because who would have ever thought a two-time failed presidential candidate would win…
Dark Times, Dark Outlooks in America: Is the Biden Administration Ruining Us?…s-in-america-is-the-biden-administration-ruining-us-n2165921
– Biden had defeated Trump in all six states during the 2020 election. … At this point, two things about the 2024 Presidential election seem likely: President Trump will continue to drive forward in his attempt … I've never cared for the whole "The next election is the most important in the nation's history" claim.…
The Biden Beatdown Continues as Damning Poll Shows the Coalition That Elected Him Is 'Fraying' Big-Time…oll-shows-the-coalition-that-elected-him-is-fraying-n2165922
– It's hard for this veteran presidential politics junkie to think of a more catastrophic collapse of an incumbent president in modern … This brings us to the latest New York Times/Sienna College Poll of 2024 battleground states. … Biden in five of the six most important battleground states — all of which Biden carried in 2020 — just one year out from the election
The Strange, Marathon, and Dangerous 2024 Campaign
– The 2024 U.S. presidential campaign is unfolding as a fascinating and historic marathon of unexpected and disturbing events causing … Trump launched the country’s longest-ever presidential campaign one year ago next week. … Trump’s 2024 challengers point out he did not pursue numerous 2016 pledges.…
Growing DNC Divisions Over Israel-Hamas War Threaten Biden's Reelection Campaign…srael-hamas-war-threaten-bidens-reelection-campaign-n2165911
– Growing rifts among Democratic National Committee staffers over the Israel-Hamas war are threatening President Biden's 2024 presidential … Johnson’s re-election in 1968.…
Appeals Court Halts Gag Order Against Donald Trump in Election Interference Case…against-donald-trump-in-election-interference-case-n2165891
– administrative stay of a gag order barring former President Trump from targeting witnesses and the prosecutors in his federal electionpresidential election. … The federal judge overseeing the 2020 election subversion case against Donald Trump in Washington imposed a narrow gag order on him…
National Archives to Release Treasure Trove of Biden Pseudonym EMails
– pressure, the National Archives has located 82,000 pages of emails that President Joe Biden sent or received during his vice presidential … proving prescient, and it's more than likely that this will be an albatross around the neck of the Biden campaign as we move into the 2024election season.…
Do Former Presidents Have Immunity from Criminal Prosecution? Trump's Lawyers Say Yes; They May be Right…rosecution-trumps-lawyers-say-yes-they-may-be-right-n2165684
– fact that he moved to dismiss the Washington D.C. case filed against him by Special Counsel Jack Smith based on a claim of “Presidential … In addition to the motion asserting Presidential immunity, Trump’s legal team filed additional motions last week challenging the case … So while the lack of attention given to the motion and opposition based on a claim of Presidential Immunity may be understandable,…
Colorado Judge Rules 14th Amendment Suit Can Continue That Seeks to Keep Trump Off 2024 Ballot…ar-trump-from-2024-ballot-in-colorado-will-continue-n2165621
– was filed in Colorado seeking to use the 14th Amendment to the Constitution to keep former President Donald Trump off the state's 2024 … Wallace also opposed Trump’s argument that state election officials cannot invoke Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. … , which was brought by a little-known 2024 Republican presidential candidate.…
Betrayal: It's Biden's Turn to Learn Just How Loyal the Left Is
– When the Israel/Hamas war kicked off, Biden's administration likely looked at the pre-2024 landscape and found that sympathizing with … Hamas was only going to get them destroyed in the upcoming election. … But if the Democrat youth is serious and they plan to skip pulling the lever for Biden in the upcoming election, then the Democrats…
Joe Biden Gains a New 2024 Primary Challenger, and This One Is Different…challenger-that-represents-a-significant-escalation-n2165602
– President Joe Biden has gained a new Democrat challenger in the 2024 primary, and this one is different than the rest. … #BREAKING: Dean Phillips officially challenging Biden in 2024 presidential race — The Hill (@thehill) October … The Congressman confirmed he would be running against Biden in the Democratic primary because the 2024 election after previously signaling…
Get Ready to Hate the New Speaker, Part II — Even Though You Really Shouldn't…f-the-house-part-ii-even-though-you-really-shouldnt-n2165605
– This fight should have never happened 13 months before a presidential election; this should have been taken care of back in January … Well, with even less time before the November 2024 election, you have even less time to do the work. … election.…
Flying Pigs Alert: ACLU Agrees With Former President Trump, Calls Gag Order 'Unconstitutional'…grees-with-trump-says-gag-order-is-unconstitutional-n2165569
– While I'm not qualified to litigate or relitigate what Trump has wrongly said about the 2020 presidential election results,  I am — … presidential campaign. … That's kind of profound stuff, right there, regardless of one's opinion(s) of the indictments against Trump, the 2024 presidential
Larry Elder Drops Out of 2024 GOP Presidential Race, Endorses Trump
– Another GOP presidential primary contender has left the race. … Conservative radio host and Republican presidential candidate Larry Elder announced on Thursday that he is suspending his campaign … for 2024: Just IN 🚨 : (R) Presidential Candidate Larry Elder drops out of race and endorses Former President Donald Trump.…
Godless Goons and Cowardly Christians in America
– Secretary of State advocating for the "formal deprogramming" of American citizens who plan on voting for President Trump in the upcoming 2024Presidential election.…
Last (Only) Michigan Republican Running for President, Perry Johnson Drops Out and Endorses Trump…resident-perry-johnson-drops-out-and-endorses-trump-n2165490
– Well, that's a wrap on the self-proclaimed quality gurus campaign for the Republican nomination for President for the 2024 cycle. … At this point, 13 months before a presidential election, the Michigan Republican Party should have about $10 million in its accounts … You should have 10 million dollars this far out from a PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION and you have less than 1%?…
Don't Look Now, but the 'No Labels' Third Party Threat Has Democrats on Edge…he-looming-third-party-threat-has-democrats-on-edge-n2165485
– continued presence of the "No Labels" group that is flirting with fielding a third-party candidate to take on Trump and Joe Biden in 2024 … No Labels is the centrist political group aiming to field a third party presidential “unity ticket” in response to what it says is … The data in the offending slide suggests that No Labels’ best shot at influencing the general election is by fielding a Republican…
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