Results for: trump libertarian

Looming Third-Party Threat Creates Panic in Biden's Camp, but Is the Threat Real?…create-panic-in-bidens-camp-but-is-the-threat-real-n2164255
– Instead of fixing what he says Trump broke, he broke what Trump fixed. … But when third-party options are included, Trump leads Biden 39% to 36%. … He put a stop to Trump. He helped re-focus America on the climate crisis. Whatever he wants. He can walk away.…
When Will Democrats Get Their Own Trump?
– I came across an article that illustrated the paradigm shift that has occurred among conservative, and even libertarian, circles. … The Florida governor hovered for months around 30 percent, about 13 points behind Trump. … Conservatives are increasingly viewing populist politicians like Trump, Rep.…
Governor Matthew McConaughey? A New Poll Shines a Favorable Light
– RedState’s Brandon Morse also recently posed the possibility, pointing out, “He could be entering as an Independent or even a Libertarian … centrist: [20%] of GOP primary voters preferred a more centrist Republican, and 18% wanted someone more like former President Donald Trump
J.D. Vance Gives Tucker Carlson the Perfect Response to the 'Muh Private Companies' Argument…rfect-response-to-the-muh-private-companies-argument-n360444
– While some on the right tried to convince themselves that Donald Trump was the root of all evil and that a great peace would fall … the “muh private companies so we can’t do anything to fight back” crowd still exists on the right, especially among the more libertarian-leaning…
The Forgotten CA Candidates in the Recall Gavin Newsom Election
– Ratings and clicks will always trump supplying solid information so that people can actually deliberate and decide. … Hewitt is a Libertarian and, according to his campaign staff, has large supp… — Redlands Community News ( … Hewitt is a Libertarian.…
W.I.M.P.: Did Adjudication of These Votes Provide The Hologram’s Margin of Victory?…these-votes-provide-the-holograms-margin-of-victory-n373099
– These are ballots marked for candidates of minor parties who were qualified to be on the election slate, such as the Libertarian Party … candidate for president, received ~20,000 votes fewer by mail-in than down-ballot Libertarian candidates. … and switched to Biden through the adjudication process, while ~30,000 Trump Election Day and absentee votes were directly shifted…
Election: The Big Lie Versus The Big Lie
– January she “quietly orchestrated a Washington Post op-ed by 10 living former defense secretaries cautioning that then-President Trump … Given the timing of that op-ed and her vehement anti-Trump statements that began 3 days later, one wonders what she knew about the … Let us look at the facts and see which definition of “The Big Lie” is the correct one: Trump vs. Cheney.…
The Most Feared Man in the Republican Party
– Say what you will about Donald Trump being the largest threat to Democrats and the leftist agenda, but in his current state as “former … That’s not the case for Kentucky Senator and libertarian-conservative Rand Paul, who may be leading one of the most effective charges…
A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: The Bombshell Revelations Continue…
– CNN dutifully reported it, just as they do with everything that is anti-Trump. … And Trump would have won GA’s 16 electoral votes. … This over-performance was the same in Biden-counties as Trump-counties whenever Dominion was used.…
New York Times Stunned To Find Trump Volunteers Are Not Racist Skinheads
– protesters, many of them black or Hispanic, at Trump rallies in Chicago, St. … Trump here are noteworthy for their ethnic diversity. … He, too, wanted a Trump sign. Mr.…
No, Donald Trump Can't "Burn It Down." Washington Would Go On The Same.
– Lots of “burn it down” voters have flocked to Trump. But Trump is simply the wrong man for the job. … There is no libertarian streak to Trump – in the process of successfully navigating all of these terrible rules, he rarely takes a … Trump does not need more than this.…
Water Cooler 3/31/16 Cash for Killers; Trump wants nuke proliferation; Feds Fund French lesbians…ump-wants-nuke-proliferationfeds-fund-french-lesbians-n57953
Trump must refrain from his penny-wise and pound-foolish approach.” … Trump want to alienate two of our strongest allies in the Pacific ? … –CNBC Ouch Guess that means we have to work even harder to keep Trump off our ticket.  …
Will Roger Stone Face Criminal Charges For Inciting Violence?
– We’ve documented here how Donald Trump henchman, Roger Stone, has been encouraging Trump supporters to riot at the GOP Convention … Stone, a former Trump campaign adviser who remains a vocal advocate for the billionaire, said in an interview with a libertarian podcaster … non-Trump delegate is harassed or assaulted by a Trump supporter then Roger Stone should be arrested and tried for his direct role…
The Looming GOP Civil War
– The second scenario will cause that majority of Trump supporters to attack anything and everything that opposes Donald Trump, including … What happens if Trump gets the nomination? Where do these other voters go? … Perhaps the Libertarian Party will see an uptick in registrations.…
EXCLUSIVE RedState Interview with Libertarian Candidate Austin Petersen (VIDEO)…interview-libertarian-candidate-austin-petersen-video-n58936
– I was privileged to sit down today with Libertarian Party candidate for President Austin Petersen. … Petersen, but there’s definitely more to commend him than Donald Trump.…
PJ O'Rourke Endorses Hillary Clinton
– Conservative/Libertarian humorist P.J. O’Rourke has endorsed Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump, in his own inimitable way. … Unfortunately for Donald Trump, he’s in first place, by a mile. … Of Donald Trump, he warned: “They’ve got this button, you know? It’s in a briefcase. He’s gonna find it.”…
Life Is Not Well-Represented This Election
– The presumptive nominee, Donald Trump, is no friend to the unborn. … Austin Petersen, the other Libertarian candidate, claims he is pro-life. … That’s not a pro-life backbone at all, but a Libertarian cop-out.…
Water Cooler 5/6/16 - Third Party Edition
– route we go, but there are a lot of Republican donors sitting on the sidelines who would rather fund a third party than fund Donald Trump … Erickson is not afraid to look at Gary Johnson or Rand Paul and the Libertarian Party as a vehicle, since that would ensure a candidate … He’s the likely Libertarian party nominee. And he’s set to be on the ballot in the vast majority of states.…
Watercooler 5/5/16 Open Thread:No Cookie For Donald:Dems Attack Bill Of Rights:AL Quaeda To Attack Forests:Hillary Being Hillary…ck-bill-rightsal-quaeda-attack-forestshillary-hillary-n58853
– Bush The Elder, And Bush The Younger Both Won’t Be Endorsing Trump President George H.W. … Bush have no plans to endorse Donald Trump, their spokespeople told ABC News.”President Bush does not plan to participate in or comment … Virgin Islands is targeting dozens of conservative and libertarian organizations in a racketeering lawsuit against climate change skeptics…
The Death of the GOP and the Need For a Third Party NOW.
– We must back Donald Trump and come together as a unified party, in order to save the party and defeat the Democrats in November. … I’m not sold on the Libertarian option. … With Trump as the new face of the GOP, many disenfranchised conservatives are looking for another option.…
Trump Is Terrible. So Is Hillary. Count Me In As #NeverHillary
– And yes, again, all of those things apply equally to Trump. … Like Trump, she says one thing and does another. Liar. … You can forget about my voting for Trump too, not that it matters to anyone.…
BYE GOP: Libertarian Party Registrations DOUBLE In Mass Exodus After Trump Win
– In the minds of voters, Trump represents capitalism. … So how is this going to play out for the Libertarian Party? … The majority of GOP voters – let me repeat that for Trump fans: the MAJORITY of GOP voters – have rejected Donald Trump.…
As Between Trump and Clinton, Gary Johnson (or Austin Petersen) is the Best Choice for President
– I’ve said this a million times and I’ll say it again: I don’t owe Donald Trump, the Republican party, or anyone else my vote. … The best choice remaining for President (at present) is clearly whatever Libertarian Party option emerges from their fray. … that I haven’t done all I can to keep the dangerous and unstable Donald Trump from the office.  …
Own It: If Trump Is The Nominee And Loses, Trump Supporters Are To Blame Not #NeverTrump…nd-loses-trump-supporters-are-to-blame-not-nevertrump-n58792
– I’ve about had it with Trump supporters. … I am just not going to vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton if they are the nominees. … Trump supporters are to blame. …
BREAKING: Romney Suspends Search for Third Party Candidate; Coburn Will Not Run
– Mitt Romney has apparently suspended his efforts to recruit a third party candidate to run against Trump and Clinton, and has indicated … For those people, they can still vote libertarian or just not vote, so nothing has really changed.…
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