Results for: critical race theory

Gavin Newsom Accepts an Education Award in DC, Proceeds to Attack Red States…education-award-in-dc-proceeds-to-attack-red-states-n594336
– Math books in Florida were also banned due to what the state calls “prohibited topics,” including social-emotional learning and criticalrace theory.…
The New York Times Tries to Help Democrats Whistle Past the Signs of a Blowout Election in 2022…whistle-past-the-signs-of-a-blowout-election-in-2022-n594177
– But Democrats and Republicans begin the campaign in a surprisingly close race for control of Congress, according to the first New York … Some of the hot-button social issues thought to work to the advantage of Republicans at the beginning of the cycle, like critical racetheory, have faded from the spotlight.…
Politico Joins in on the Media Taking Aim at Ron DeSantis, Has the Same Problem Hitting the Target…ron-desantis-has-the-same-problem-hitting-the-target-n593593
– They detail that Florida has been paying a private company for services to provide Critical Race Theory, something that flies in direct … We’ve never contracted with MGT for anything related to Critical Race Theory, since Governor Ron DeSantis took office. ” Looking … “The Department of Education has NEVER paid MGT for work related to Critical Race Theory since Governor Ron DeSantis took office.”…
Exclusive: CA First-Grader Disciplined, Harassed By School Officials For Writing 'Any Lives' Matter on BLM Drawing…fficials-for-writing-any-lives-matter-on-blm-drawing-n589791
– In a school discrimination case that could set a precedent for beleaguered parents across the country frustrated with Critical RaceTheory-related issues in the classroom, a California woman is set to file suit against her child’s school district after her 7-year-old…
Marine Officer Discharged for Blasting Afghanistan Debacle: 'The American Military Is Promoting Cowardice'…debacle-the-american-military-is-promoting-cowardice-n603733
– Chiefs of Staff — the proverbial Three Stooges, hellbent on crippling America’s fighting forces with more emphasis on so-called “criticalrace theory,” gender self-identification, pronouns, and LGBTQIA+ (LMNOP) rights than maintaining combat readiness. … During critical moments when military leaders should be standing for American values, we instead find impressively dressed old men…
INTERVIEW: Dr. Carol Swain Says 'You're Either With the Mob or You're Not' in Academia…s-youre-either-with-the-mob-or-youre-not-in-academia-n603162
– Carol Swain is a renowned author on the intersection of race and politics in the United States. … Vanderbilt University, and she frequently appears on Fox News, Newsmax, and other platforms to inform the public on topics such as CriticalRace Theory and school choice.…
Zuckerberg Backs Platform That Encourages Teachers to 'Listen to Online Conversations' of Parents…eachers-to-listen-to-online-conversations-of-parents-n601107
– Mark Zuckerberg and his philanthropist wife, Priscilla Chan, recommends that schools monitor parents’ online activity — from “critical … CRT Teacher Training Material Decrying “Heterosexism” and Parental Autonomy National Education Association Suddenly Deletes CriticalRace Theory Documents From Its Website Proving CRT Is Not Taught in Our Schools…
Fiery DeSantis Comes out Swinging at GOP Sunshine Summit: 'I've Only Begun to Fight!'…nging-at-gop-sunshine-summit-ive-only-begun-to-fight-n600887
– the rest of America, Florida has faced considerable obstacles over the last few years, namely COVID, the Biden Border Crisis™, CriticalRace Theory, gender ideology, inflation, and more.…
Randi Weingarten Complains About Politicization of Schools, but Has Only Herself to Blame…iticization-of-schools-but-has-only-herself-to-blame-n598650
– Parents didn’t like what they saw, whether it was Critical Race Theory, discussions about teachers’ sex lives, or straight-out pornography … NEA) both focused their national conventions this month on overturning Florida’s parental rights law, protecting the teaching of CriticalRace Theory, and condemning the Supreme Court.…
Beto O’Rourke Goes Full Terry McAuliffe and Demolishes His Own Campaign
race theory (CRT) being taught in K-12 schools. … We don’t need to scare the parents of those kids… about something called CRT (critical race theory) that I’ve never heard of before … Who were the ones showing up to school board meetings to protest against progressive ideas on race being presented in classrooms?…
California Understands Something Important About Indoctrination
race theory and progressive gender identity. … In June, Tredyfrrin/Easttown School District (TESD) in Pennsylvania hired an educational consultant to provide critical race theory … This includes one titled “Using Critical Race Theory to Transform Leadership and District,” and “Introduction to the Theory of Transformation…
Parents Defending Education Is Showing Us How to Push Back Against Groomer School Districts…us-how-to-push-back-against-groomer-school-districts-n606372
– Ever since it was discovered that school districts were presenting radical progressive ideas inspired by critical race theory in K-…
House Republican Rolls out Resolution Condemning Critical Race Theory, Calls It a 'Threat' to America…ng-critical-race-theory-calls-it-a-threat-to-america-n605291
– This was not Bishop’s first rodeo against Critical Race Theory. … Bishop passionately declared on his congressional website: Critical Race Theory is a poison to the psyche of our nation. … Cutting off the flow of money Critical Race Theory is a good place to start.…
Former CIA Director Says Republicans are More ‘Nihilistic’ and ‘Dangerous’ Than Terrorist Groups…more-nihilistic-and-dangerous-than-terrorist-groups-n614018
– It wasn’t that long ago when a major teachers union colluded with the Justice Department to label parents protesting critical racetheory as “domestic terrorists,” right?…
Here's How Absolutely Toxic Joe Biden Has Become to Dems in Some Parts of the Country…iden-has-become-to-dems-in-some-parts-of-the-country-n612901
– has made or votes he has cast in the state legislature indicate that he’s an open borders advocate who supports the teaching of CriticalRace Theory in public schools and is someone who will “bow to leftist mobs.” … I haven’t seen any polls on this race, but judging by the state’s voting history, I think it’s safe to suggest Noem will be a shoo-in…
THIS... Is CNN: Embattled Network's Lawyers Make Ridiculous Argument in Court About Retweets and Follows…iculous-argument-in-court-about-retweets-and-follows-n612700
– They are critical questions in this motion to dismiss. … incessantly retweeting “guilty by association” nonsense about any number of controversial issues, from Antifa to radical Islam to criticalrace theory indoctrination and beyond.…
School Board Member Tries to Clean up Racist Remarks After Calling Black Conservative ‘Token’ During Meeting…fter-calling-black-conservative-token-during-meeting-n612720
– It is part of the national debate over educators subjecting students to progressive ideas on race, sexuality, and gender identity. … “It let me know why you’re for critical race theory,” King continued, “because you want the little kids to grow up and be racist like … That was my clear point in the video which in no way mentioned the skin color or race of any parents or children,” she said.…
Flight Risk? Trump Says FBI 'Stole' His Passports in Mar-a-Lago Raid
– parents as “terrorists” for demanding that Loudoun County schools stop indoctrinating their children with Marxist-derived so-called “criticalrace theory” and concealing incidences of sexual abuse against their children This is the same Justice Department that failed to…
Ron DeSantis Rally in Arizona Was a Barn Burner
– From fighting “gender-affirming care” to Critical Race Theory in schools, he’s stood up when other Republicans didn’t, willing to put…
Eye on the Target: 2024 Should Not Be About Donald Trump, It Must Be About Stopping the Radical Left…ald-trump-it-must-be-about-stopping-the-radical-left-n616921
– (See: Critical Race Theory.) … Which is why it’s critical to fix your sights on principles, not people. Susie’s point remains spot on.…
Liz Cheney Got Thoroughly Trounced Alright - but It Wasn't Just Donald Trump…ghly-trounced-alright-but-it-wasnt-just-donald-trump-n615167
– To be clear, Liz Cheney has less chance in a 2024 presidential race than I do. And I’m not thinking about it. … Townhall Media   During Trump’s tumultuous presidency, Cheney was occasionally critical but routinely supported the president. … She was often loudly and harshly critical of Trump, so much so that the GOP House caucus stripped her leadership post.…
As Climate Hysteria Hits Fever Pitch, Democrat Senate Candidate Links 'Racism' to 'Global Warming'…crat-senate-candidate-links-racism-to-global-warming-n615052
race theory“? … Speaking of “critical race theory,” Barnes didn’t miss an opportunity to promote the controversial philosophy, arguing that religious … Many of the same people rallying against critical race theory on the basis of “indoctrination” are totally cool with tax dollars going…
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