Results for: hatred

Let's Talk About Kayleigh McEnany's Boobs
– Because they operate like their leader: with dishonesty, without boundary, and with extreme, despicable, visceral hatred.…
Dear LGBT Community, Resistance to Your Community Has Nothing To Do With Being "Phobic"
– So if it’s not phobia (id est, hatred or irrational fear), then why would we resist the LGBT community’s march on the culture?…
In The Age Of Hillary And Trump, Is Confusion Over Orlando So Surprising?
– The hatred for America and its inhabitants runs deep in evil hearts, and laws cannot and will not change that. … (This is relevant because it destroys the argument that Mateen killed the innocent in Orlando because of LGBT hatred.) …
US Attorney General Lynch's Flower Child Moment Prompts Outrage
– “Our most effective response to terror and hatred is compassion, unity and love,” Lynch said after meeting with officials in Orlando…
Loretta Lynch's Stance On Orlando Is Going to Get More People Killed
– “Our most effective response to hatred and terror, is compassion, it’s unity, and it’s love.” she said near the end of a speech that…
DHS Hired An Anti-Free Speech SJW With Interesting Thoughts On 9/11
– It will only bring further hatred. People who have contempt for the country can’t be trusted to have its best interests at heart.…
Defiance and submission
– finds objectionable: Within liberal democracies, freedom of expression has curtailments, such as laws against incitement and hatred
French PM Didn't Want Netanyahu in Paris, Declares French Republic Failed If Jews Flee…nyahu-paris-declares-french-republic-failed-jews-flee-n51615
– possible backlash against Muslims in France, and supporting those who refuse mandatory military service in Israel, it’s clear that Jew hatred
White House miffed that Israel's prime minister is invited to address Congress
– Fortunately for US national security policy, Obama’s hatred of Netanyahu and Israel are not reflected in the Congress.…
Queer agriculture and the melon of ecstasy
– Now that same quip would set of a paroxysm of hatred that would have driven Hope from the entertainment business.…
Left winger guns down Muslims, the left blames white people
– “What they have in common is that once they begin to ideate this philosophy, whatever their passion is, whatever their hatred is, whatever…
Understanding ISIS; understanding Islam
– implement the penal code, and don’t provide the social and economic justice of the Sharia—the whole package—they simply engender hatred
ISIS spreads to Afghanistan, Egypt, and Libya
– First, its hatred of anything associated with the Bush administration required it to deliberately reject a war won in Iraq in order…
To the Leftist Media, UNC Victims Are Just #Hashtags
– appeared to have been motivated by “an ongoing neighbor dispute over parking,” but that they were investigating whether religious hatred
John Kerry: disingenuous blowhard
– administration they professed to serve, and generally unable to make the stripey-pants folks at Foggy Bottom cease and desist in their hatred
Obama's wasted opportunity to counter "violent extremism."
– When people spew hatred towards others — because of their faith or because they’re immigrants — it feeds into terrorist narratives.…
Mike Pence signs religious freedom bill
– The genesis of the recent outbreak of bills guaranteeing religious freedom are a direct response to the anti-Christian hatred and bigotry…
Democrats Are In the Midst of a Civil War, and No One Is Talking About It
– They can’t decide where to focus their hatred first. On Republicans for choosing Trump, or on themselves for selecting Hillary.…
Milo’s Controversy Reveals Deep Problems - With Leftists
– If opposition to Milo is considered gay hatred by default, this means the protesters from Berkley who shut down Milo’s scheduled speech…
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