Results for: democrats should replace

Martha McSally Faces an Electoral Beatdown In 2020
– In 2012, she ran in the GOP primary for the special election to replace Gabby Giffords (AZ-8) and lost. … In 2018, she tried to fail upwards and ran to replace Jeff Flake in the US Senate and lost to Kyrsten Sinema, hooker boots and all, … But they won’t and a seat that we should have retained will be handed to the Democrats.  …
Ric Grenell at CPAC: "I Have Never Seen a Better Case for a Recall Than There Is Right Now in CA"…tter-case-for-a-recall-than-there-is-right-now-in-ca-n333967
– be a discussion of who should replace him. … He says he's fully committed to getting signatures for recall verified before discussing who should replace Newsom. … Grenell cast this fight as not one between Republicans and Democrats, but one between the establishment and everyone else.…
Gov. Andrew Cuomo Just Got Some More Horrific News
– All throughout 2020, Democrats and the activist media incessantly lauded Gov. … But now, it turns out that the press should have done more digging. … The fact that the media and Democrats have turned on Cuomo is already bad enough.…
A Step Forward -- Adding "Blue Anon" to the Political Lexicon to Stigmatize Idiot Pundits on the Left…ical-lexicon-to-stigmatize-idiot-pundits-on-the-left-n338554
– all-in” or “all-out” in terms of endorsing or rejecting the QAnon narrative AS CREATED AND DEFINED by the left-wing media and the Democrats … Here are some examples which should fall right in the heart of the “Blue Anon” definition — hyperbole or not (sometimes it’s hard to … Blue Anon should now be attached to all reporting on about the “QRF” for the Oathkeepers at the January 6 protest.…
Time to Take out the Trash: Conspiracy-Mongers and RINOs
– By the way, any ire at Democrats over the election also needs to be directed at the flip-side of the Uniparty coin, too. … Then there are the 10 “Republican” House members who voted to impeach President Trump in the Democrats’ rush to judgment before any … How about the six “Republicans” who voted with the Democrats in claiming that the Senate impeachment farce was “constitutional”?…
Equality CA Came out Hard Against Newsom Recall - What Are They Afraid Of?…t-hard-against-newsom-recall-what-are-they-afraid-of-n344787
– Lots of elected Democrats in California have publicly defended Gavin Newsom and attacked recall proponents, labeling them Trumpers … There are a handful of Republicans who’ve said they will run to replace Gavin Newsom in a potential recall election, and, as far as … The liberal media likes to ignore that fact because Grenell doesn’t fit their stereotype of what a gay man’s political beliefs should
Election Fraud: Three Challenges That Must Be Overcome
– With the success of their machinations in 2020, the Democrats have shifted to institutionalizing nationally what they were able to … States should determine appropriate methods for voter registration based on their own experiences with voting access and voter fraud … HR 1 must be stopped in the US Senate and repealed if passed by the Democrats and signed into law.…
Oops: Media Makes a Rather Embarrassing Error in Rush To Declare 'Firsts' for Rev. Warnock…sing-error-in-rush-to-declare-firsts-for-rev-warnock-n305388
– The rule is almost exclusively applied to Democrats because Republican firsts don’t seem to count. Why? … In the media’s/left’s view, minorities who choose to be Republicans instead of Democrats are insufficiently representative of their … Nikki Haley to replace Sen.…
A Successful Recall of California Gov. Newsom Could Portend a Disaster for Democrats in 2022…newsom-would-tee-up-a-disaster-for-democrats-in-2022-n310408
– The second question is who should replace the recalled official — a choice of a replacement Governor If the official subject to the … enter the second contest to replace him.  … creates a blueprint for running against all Democrats in 2022.…
Joe Biden Goes For the Jugular In His Bid to Destroy Small Business
– There should be a national minimum wage of $15 an hour. Nobody working 40 hours a week should be living below the poverty line. … longer true: Between 1991 and 2012, the political alignment of US physicians shifted from predominantly Republican toward the Democrats … gateway drug to guaranteed minimum income, the doubling of the minimum wage is simply a bludgeon to kill off small businesses and replace
The Actions of the Establishment Interests in Washington Reflect Fear of the Political Coalition Formed By Donald Trump…reflect-fear-of-the-coalition-formed-by-donald-trump-n309286
– Not that it should be. … The Democrats also want to stigmatize every Republican who failed to join the ranks of the “NeverTrumpers,” and to render all such … The Republican Establishment is being cowed into standing by while the Democrats do this with the media’s help.…
California Dems Characterize Recall Gavin Newsom Effort as "California Coup"…terize-recall-gavin-newsom-effort-as-california-coup-n309053
– We often say about Democrats, “All they had to do was not be crazy.” … If they have that information, they should spill it. … Lorena Gonzalez-Fletcher) as the state’s next Attorney General, to replace Xavier Becerra.…
Biden’s America Last, Power-Grabbing Executive Action Blitzkrieg Will Only Get Worse…bing-executive-action-blitzkrieg-will-only-get-worse-n316232
– Nigh ALL of what Biden is doing – should actually be done first by Congress.  … Because Democrats’ desire to power-grab is endless. Biden Put Climate at the Heart of His Campaign. … Which absolutely should begin as legislation in Congress – should anyone be stupid enough to want to impose it.…
Los Angeles Times Writer Promotes Unity By Comparing Trump Supporters To Hezbollah Terrorists And Nazis…g-trump-supporters-to-hezbollah-terrorists-and-nazis-n323348
– Heffernan then seems to struggle over how she should approach her Trump supporting neighbors, who are clearly only being nice to her … To understand people like Heffernan when it comes to this issue, one must replace the word “unity” with “submission.” … Indeed, as a resident of Austin, TX, I have seen that most rank-and-file Democrats may not like Trump, but they do not see all of us…
Chuck Schumer Quietly Flip-Flops -- He's Now Opposed to Puerto Rico Statehood…flip-flops-hes-now-opposed-to-puerto-rico-statehood-n329805
– simply be that he recognizes as Senate Majority Leader that such a naked play for an outright majority in the Senate, done when the Democrats … The requires that there be some clash between the two in order for AOC to make the case for why she should replace him — and for Schumer … to make the opposite case for why it would be a mistake for New York Democrats to choose her to replace him.…
Republican Senators Who Voted To Convict Trump Already Facing Blowback From Constituents…vict-trump-already-facing-blowback-from-constituents-n326875
– The seven GOP senators who sided with Democrats to remove Trump after he is already out of office included the usual suspects. … However, it will give Pennsylvania Republican voters a chance to replace him with a lawmaker who actually represents their interests … Burr, who also indicated that he would not seek re-election, voted with the Democrats as well.…
DNC Member David Atkins Says His "Deprogramming" Comment Didn't Really Mean Deprogramming; His History Says Otherwise…trump-supporters-invokes-post-ww2-germany-and-japan-n282101
– In a piece published November 7, Atkins argued that Democrats should “Reach Out to Trump’s Victims. Not His Supporters.” … replace us.” … We should be reaching out to the Black people suffering the brunt of billy clubs, tear gas canisters and bullets in no-knock raids,…
Unity? Definitely Not. Compromise? Maybe.
– Right now, Democrats are very big on preaching “unity” in politics. … You don’t have to replace the whole thing. You just have to replace enough of them that you can create a stalemate. … Unity isn’t an option, but compromise definitely should be.…
Gaming Out a MAGA Party
– Both of our major parties are splitting into factions, as the Democrats had in 1860. … I don’t think the Democrats would have much time to gloat. … When the R Party disappears right out from under him, he’ll join the Democrats. Finally.…
Senate Prepares For Bloody Brawl Over Attorney General Barr’s New Special Counsel
Democrats argue that Biden’s nominee should be willing to fire Durham because he has not yet revealed any substantial examples of wrongdoing … And so why should the resources of the next attorney general go to something like that?” she asked. … “The new attorney general should unwind all the bat-shit crazy moves that Trump has made, this included.”…
The Four Stages of a Communist Takeover as Told from an Ex-KGB Agent That are Happening Right Now
– ex-KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov being very clear that we’re in a war whether we like it or not, but it’s not the bullets and missiles we should … Our military is under constant threat from Democrats both on the level of defunding (something Trump thankfully stopped cold) but also … America to a head with an event and supplant those in power with communists and socialists that can then collapse the system and replace
Check Chuck Todd's Credit Card Receipts -- I Think DNC/Biden 2020 Is Covering His Expenses…iepts-i-think-dncbiden-2020-is-covering-his-expenses-n252972
– He terrorized Democrats and Republicans on Meet The Press. … The Democrats CANNOT disavow the violence they have supported for over three months.  … NBC should make them pay his salary. The entire interview can be seen here:…
A Most American City Becoming Increasingly Unlivable
– Here, some believe liberal-leaning leadership coupled with blue-collar values should blend into a lifestyle that promotes stability … Outdated domestic policies remaining in place and continuing the tensions, despite Democrats’ hollow calls for “racism as a public … Leveraging the diversity of thought, policy, and backgrounds must be a natural remedy to replace the “…you ain’t Black…” us vs. them…
Former Democrat Party VP Candidate Wants Senate to Remain in GOP Hands: Joe Lieberman Endorses Susan Collins…in-in-gop-hands-joe-lieberman-endorses-susan-collins-n253944
– the Senate should remain in the hands of the GOP. … The GOP currently controls 53 seats, while the Democrats control 45, with two independents who caucus with the Democrats and would … Democrats, on the other hand, will certainly lose Doug Jones in Alabama.…
Larry Elder Op-Ed: Democrats Demand Trump Not Replace RBG: 'Cue the Laughter'…ocrats-demand-trump-not-replace-rbg-cue-the-laughter-n260523
– “Democrats control the United States Senate, 54-44, with two independents who caucus with the Democrats. … “Therefore, the Democrats’ continued control over the Senate is anything but a foregone conclusion. … “The notion that Democrats, if they controlled the White House and the Senate, would not seek to immediately replace her before the…
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