Results for: House Freedom Caucus

BREAKING: GOP Congressman Reportedly to Resign
– Politico reported that Franks, a member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, is expected to resign but the initial article did…
Indiana's Most Conservative Senator, Afghan War Vet to run for Congress
– Marlin Stutzman (R-IN)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’S001188′ ], who earned props here on RedState for standing up to House GOP leadership … Eric Cantor (R-VA)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’C001046′ ]’s historic defeat in 2014. … highest scoring member of the entire 140-member state legislature on Americans for Prosperity – Indiana’s most recent economic freedom
Mark Meadows reinstated as subcommittee chairman
– And there is evidence that the Freedom Caucus decided to play the role of Samson in the Temple. … The House Freedom Caucus has a secret it wants to share with Democrats. … “Matt Fuller is a prop for Freedom Caucus propaganda,” Smith wrote via email.…
Coaches have been Fired for Stupid Decisions like Jason Chaffetz just Made
– assume the chairmanship of the House Oversight Committee, because conservatives don’t get enough of those. … Mark Meadows (R-NC)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’M001187′ ] of the conservative House Freedom Caucus. … Jason Chaffetz (R-UT)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’C001076′ ]’s official Twitter account, @jasoninthehouse.…
GOP establishment blocks effort to impeach Koskinen
– Despite the best efforts of outgoing Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep. … Jim Jordan (R-OH), House Speaker Paul Ryan and the rest of the GOP establishment successfully blocked the effort to impeach the corrupt…
BREAKING. Trump Taps Mick Mulvaney To Be Director Of OMB
– Mulvaney is a rock solid conservative, a co-founder of the House Freedom Caucus, and a guy who has “the rent is just too damn high, … Mulvaney, 49, was elected to Congress in 2010 in the wave that brought a cohort of younger, staunchly conservative members into the House … out ground as one of Congress’s most outspoken fiscal hawks — playing a key role in the 2011 showdown between President Obama and House
Despicable Painting, Portraying Police as Pigs Comes Down for Good Today
– Architect of the Capitol, which oversees maintenance of the Capitol complex, determined late last week that the painting violated the House … Clay’s, along with that of the Congressional Black Caucus’ insistence that the painting remain, while framing it as a “freedom of expression … Clay held a public event a week ago with fellow members of the Congressional Black Caucus to re-hang the painting after Rep.…
Will Puerto Rico Tip Over – Economically?
– The House Freedom Caucus and members like, Reps. … House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Speaker Paul Ryan have floated a number of trial balloons designed to protect the islands big…
Watercooler 1/26/16 Open Thread: Ryan's Outreach, Falwell Endorses DJT, Sanders vs. Obama, Coalition in Disarray.
– Ryan is also breaking bread with everyone, literally, including the Freedom Caucus, by hosting weekly dinners: Ryan typically invites … Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay says the FBI is “ready to indict” Hillary Clinton.…
Paul Ryan on President Obama: Don't Feed The Troll
– And that’s what House Republicans are going to do. … does is depress our base and in turn help Democrats stay in the White House. … In the meantime, he’s trying to keep his caucus from feeding the troll.…
Hey GOP Candidates, Here's What You Should Do At The CNN Debate Tonight
– the party stands for are in everyone’s best interest, that our ideas when implemented result in the most widespread prosperity, freedom … way that sounds like something you would say at your kitchen table, but with the flair of what you might hear in a Reagan White House … And for all the moaning about the idiosyncracies of the Iowa Caucus, the fact is Ted won.…
BREAKING: Kevin McCarthy to Lead Republicans Under Democratic House
– with another House Republican derailed his candidacy — has been elected to lead the GOP caucus as Minority Leader when Congress returns … The House Freedom Caucus attempted a run against McCarthy with Rep. … NEW: House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy has defeated Rep.…
Does Kevin McCarthy Really Have House GOP Leader Sewed Up?
– Ohio Representative and Freedom Caucus stalwart Jim Jordan has declared his intent to run for caucus leadership. Rep. … @Jim_Jordan announces bid for House minority leader: "We have to stand up and defend the White House. … Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), a hardline conservative who helped found the House Freedom Caucus, is running against McCarthy.…
It's Over, Again -- Andrew Gillum Concedes, DeSantis Wins Florida
– During his campaign, DeSantis got the Trump stamp of approval — the President appeared at Florida rallies in support of the House FreedomCaucus member, twice just in the week prior to the election. … See 3 more pieces from me: the UK siding with religious freedom, Chuck Schumer & the b*tch flight attendant, and your contribution…
Hearing Next Week on Clinton Foundation 'Pay-To-Play' Allegations Will Include 6,000 Pages of Whistleblower Documents…tions-will-include-6000-pages-whistleblower-documents-n98470
– And when the hearing opens, House Congressional members will have before them “6,000 pages of evidence attached to a whistleblower … Mark Meadows, R-N.C., who heads up the conservative House Freedom Caucus and is the chairman of the House Oversight Subcommittee on…
House Freedom Caucus To Release New "Contract With America"
– Now the House Freedom Caucus is in the throes of drafting a Son-of -Contract-With-America for the 2016 campaign. U.S. … Members of the House Freedom Caucus are preparing a “Contract With America II” that would call for House votes in the first 100 days … The draft of the Freedom Caucus contract calls for House floor votes on proposals to require a balanced federal budget, repeal the…
Martha Roby Thinks Her Voters are Idiots
– Isn’t the House controlled by Republicans? … Mo Brooks (R-AL)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’B001274′ ], [mc_name name=’Rep. … Jim Jordan (R-OH)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’J000289′ ], and most of the House Freedom Caucus voted against the rule.…
David Brock Says Ted Cruz Is the Main Threat And Lays Out His Attack Plan
– in the race” and a “hyper-partisan who has aligned himself with the most extreme elements of the Republican party,” including the HouseFreedom Caucus and Iowa [mc_name name=’Rep. … Steve King (R-IA)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’K000362′ ], a divisive figure within the GOP who has endorsed Cruz.…
Rubio’s Nightmare Act Folly
– The Republican Conference in the House and Senate will be split, yet all Democrats will support some version of the DREAM Act.  … Half the Republican caucus will be tagged as being anti-Hispanic for opposing.  … Push for traditional marriage, more freedom to create small businesses, freedom to work without compulsory union membership and the…
Huntsman Not Ready for the Big Dance
– We care about our families, our faith and our freedom. We are not single-issue voters. … After all, our last two presidents won the Iowa Caucus before they went to the White House.…
Biden's Next Failure
– The House is managed by the Speaker, who is elected by the entire membership, virtually guaranteeing that person belongs to the House … Strangely, however, the Speaker need not be a House member. … Remember the GOP’s maverick Tea Party and Freedom Caucus?…
Trump Speaks With Alan Dershowitz During Christmas Dinner Amid Rumors He Could Join President's Legal Team…istmas-dinner-amid-rumors-join-presidents-legal-team-n123732
– In an appearance with Sean Hannity on Fox News, he slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s refusal to transmit the articles of impeachment … there needs to be one other attorney that’s added to the mix for the president, and that is Alan Dershowitz,” he said on a recent HouseFreedom Caucus podcast.…
Rep. Mark Meadows, Fierce Trump Supporter, Announces He Will Retire in 2020…ws-fierce-trump-supporter-announces-will-retire-2020-n123247
– President Trump had considered Meadows for the White House Chief of Staff position last December, but ultimately decided he would rather … He served as the Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus from 2017 through October 1, 2019. He had helped found this group in 2014. … Additionally, he is the ranking Republican on the House Oversight and Transportation committees.…