Results for: christopher wray

Mike Pence Shows That He Just Doesn't Get It When It Comes to DOJ and FBI Corruption…oesnt-get-it-when-it-comes-to-doj-and-fbi-corruption-n764776
Christopher Wray’s office, though he is a part of the problem and certainly needs to be fired. … Heck, Pence isn’t even directly saying he’ll fire Wray, which should be a prerequisite for any GOP voter when the primaries start (…
Tucker Takes Down Chris Christie, Long Distance, Even Without an Interview…ris-christie-long-distance-even-without-an-interview-n777583
– But if that wasn’t enough, Christie also came to the defense of FBI Director Christopher Wray, saying he thought he has done a “very … Chris Christie goes on Fox to defend FBI Director Christopher Wray while House Republicans are grilling Wray him for weaponizing justice … But then, while he went to bat for Wray, he was also trying to draft off DeSantis, telling DeSantis, “Welcome to the party” with the…
FBI Director Wray Stands Firm: No Regrets for Targeting Parents Based on Political Affiliations…or-targeting-parents-based-on-political-affiliations-n776497
– Well, apparently, FBI Director Christopher Wray has no regrets about weaponizing the Bureau against Americans based on their political … WRAY: Yes sir. … WRAY: No.…
"Like a Bank Robber Saying, 'We're Hitting Smaller Banks'": Prof. Turley Slams FBI's Celebration of "Only" 200K Illegal Queries…slams-fbis-celebration-of-only-200k-illegal-queries-n776412
– While the fur flew in Wednesday’s hearing with FBI Director Christopher Wray as the duck, dodge, dip, dive, and dodge witness, Friday … You know, what’s perplexing to me, and we just had Director Wray come in — Professor Turley, you alluded to that earlier — who, if…
Hyperpartisanship: How Political Loyalties Enable Government Abuses
– Let’s take a look at the recent congressional hearings with FBI Director Christopher Wray. … Wray faced a Republican onslaught that showed how the ex-president turned Washington’s traditional loyalties upside down. … Trump’s allies – and GOP lawmakers who seemed to be trying to catch his eye – laid into the Trump-appointed Wray, portraying the bureau…
BUSTED: Chris Wray’s Claim About FBI and School Boards Smacked Down by Twitter's 'Community Notes'…hool-boards-smacked-down-by-twitters-community-notes-n776065
– On Thursday, they were at it again, nailing FBI Director Chris Wray, whose agency tweeted Thursday that “The FBI is not and has never … On Thursday, he flat-out called Wray a liar: The @FBI Director told @JudiciaryGOP that special agents did not conduct surveillance … Wray.…
Congressman Kiley Holds Christopher Wray's Feet to the Fire on the DOJ Targeting of Parents…ays-feet-to-the-fire-on-the-doj-targeting-of-parents-n775850
– It was full court press on Wednesday for the House Judiciary Oversight hearing with FBI Director Christopher Wray. … As my colleague Nick Arama reported on Thursday: Republicans grilled FBI Director Christopher Wray during a House Judiciary Committee … Today FBI Director Christopher Wray confirmed there was absolutely no basis for Merrick Garland's infamous directive targeting parents…
Even Dems Put Wray Under a Hot Lamp About Abuses, Expose a Big Contradiction in His Testimony…t-abuses-expose-a-big-contradiction-in-his-testimony-n775696
– Republicans grilled FBI Director Christopher Wray during a House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, but as one might have anticipated … That didn’t seem to bother Wray at all. … “I understand that,” Wray said.…
It Sure Looks Like U.S. Attorney David Weiss Has Been Obstructing the Hunter Biden Investigation…has-been-obstructing-the-hunter-biden-investigation-n774516
– Ted Lieu’s questioning of FBI Director Christopher Wray during Wednesday morning’s hearing certainly lends credibility to that last…
WATCH: Swalwell's Spin on Hunter Laptop and Tongue Bath of FBI Is Something to See…er-laptop-and-tongue-bath-of-fbi-is-something-to-see-n775372
– FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday. … Eric Swalwell uses a blockbuster hearing with FBI Director Christopher Wray to ask about the Bureau's "family day" … Wray responded: Family Day is an opportunity for employees from, really, all over the FBI.…
'Creepy Personal Snoop Machine': Matt Gaetz Grills FBI Director Chris Wray Over Illegal FISA Queries…ls-fbi-director-chris-wray-over-illegal-fisa-queries-n775239
– FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before the House Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill on Wednesday. … FBI DIRECTOR CHRIS WRAY: "Absolutely not!" … Wray: Absolutely not.…
WATCH LIVE: FBI Director Christopher Wray Testifies Before House Judiciary Committee…pher-wray-testifies-before-house-judiciary-committee-n775132
– We may be a week past the 4th of July, but expect some fireworks on Capitol Hill Wednesday morning as FBI Director Christopher WrayWray is sure to face some tough questioning — at least from GOP committee members — particularly in light of recent developments surrounding…
NEW: Grassley and Comer Had the Biden Bribery Form Before Wray Admitted it Existed; Grassley Says FBI Redactions Are 'Obstructive Conduct'…grassley-says-fbi-redactions-are-obstructive-conduct-n781984
– Not so, Grassley says; both Barr and Wray believe it to be credible, and Wray told Grassley and Comer that it’s “relevant to an ongoing … investigative matter,” something RedState has reported both Wray and U.S. … Grassley gave Wray a bunch of rope to see if he would hang himself.…
Our Corrupt FBI Is Here to Stay
– While FBI Director Christopher Wray ordered the memo’s withdrawal, the FBI refused to release related records in response to a Freedom…
Judge Reveals the FBI Illegally Spied on a U.S. Senator, FBI Gives Astonishing Response…pied-on-a-u-s-senator-fbi-gives-astonishing-response-n780278
Christopher Wray actually used the news that his agency spied on a U.S. … significant improvement in the FBI’s Section 702 querying compliance since the implementation of our substantial reforms,” FBI Director ChristopherWray said in a statement on the release of the FISC opinion.…
Shocking Release of FD-1023 Reveals Egregious Attempt by the FBI to Cover for the Bidens…egregious-attempt-by-the-fbi-to-cover-for-the-bidens-n779381
Christopher Wray actually tried to claim in May that the FD-1023 didn’t even exist. … When it became clear that sources had proven to GOP congressional members that it did exist, Wray then tried to over-redact the form … That’s where Wray is right now.…
Unredacted FBI Form Provides Devastating Details of Biden Bribery Scheme…ewly-released-fd-1023-about-the-biden-bribery-scheme-n779352
– Typical FBI and DOJ shenanigans ensued, with FBI Director Christopher Wray first claiming that the form didn’t exist, then stonewalled … The subpoena deadline was extended a few times, and on May 31 Wray said he’d allow committee members to view – and not have copies…
The FBI's Grotesque Rehab Tour Commences
Christopher Wray, the current FBI Director, fought tooth and nail to cover up the FISA abuse that targeted Trump associates, slow-walking … Back to Wray, though, his masterpiece happened just prior to the 2020 election. … FBI Director Christopher Wray tells 60 Minutes he took this job because, “I believe deeply in the work… and the people of the FBI.”…
Simone Biles, Other Gymnasts Assert $1 Billion Claims Against FBI
– FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before Congress in 2021. … Per ABC: At a September Congressional hearing FBI Director Christopher Wray expressed outrage and sadness for the victims of Nassar … “I’m sorry for what you and your families have been through,” Wray told the Senate judiciary committee.…
BREAKING. Senate Republicans Don't Completely Cave to the Demands of Kavanaugh's Accuser
– on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, July 12, 2017, during the committee’s confirmation hearing for FBI Director nominee ChristopherWray.…
Deep State Leaders Call On DOJ And FBI To Defy President Trump's Declassification Order…doj-fbi-defy-president-trumps-declassification-order-n94956
– Warner wrote a letter to Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director ChristopherWray expressing their “profound alarm” over Trump’s order.…
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