Results for: the big guy
Supporting Sarah Palin's #AKGov Endorsement Requires Abandoning Conservative Principles…dorsement-requires-abandoning-conservative-principles-n50941…dorsement-requires-abandoning-conservative-principles-n50941
This group says that because Alaska’s economic pie is as big as it’s going to get, the government has to grasp more, to get all the … It’s that Obama-like thought process that the pie is as big as it’s going to get and the government has to grasp everything it can. … He is a fiscal guy, a big picture guy. He will leave the social stuff to somebody else.…
Unaccomplished hipster explains why soldiers are not heroes
Earlier in the week some guy named David Masciotra writing at the failed group blog, Salon, garnered a lot of attention and page … The men and the women of the Armed Forces comprise most of the types of people you run into in daily life. … The good, the bad, the diligent, the lazy, etc. Putting on a uniform doesn’t change that.…
Delusional Wendy Davis Campaign Remains Delusional in Postmortem Analysis
The Journal added that, “Another challenge, [Petkanas] said, was that Texas was at the center of two issues — immigration and the Ebola … for the shellacking of the Davis campaign was that, from the top down, it was horribly. … The Democrats even ran a guy named Sam Houston for attorney general. Like Davis, he only managed 39% of the vote.…
Message to the GOP: Governing is not crony capitalism
The GOP’s biggest branding problem is that Americans think we’re the party of Big Business and The Rich. … If our “Show-We-Can-Govern” agenda can be fairly attacked as giving Big Business what it wants—while the rest of the country suffers—we … It is good policy, restoring growth and fairness to an economy that Big Government and Big Business have rigged against the little…
The "Romney 2016" Talk Needs to Stop Now
Put another way: The increased share of the minority vote as a percent of the total vote is not the result of a large increase in minorities … case against Obamacare from the foundation up when we run the guy who paved the way for it at the state level. … made the case for him at Breitbart’s Big Hollywood back in September.…
2014 and Republican Morale
third-party candidate and former Republican Tom Tancredo taking a big chunk of the vote; the blowback from that, plus some gaffes … The rage in 2013 was talk of how it really was different now and Democrats had broken the code of using micro-targeting and Big Data … As it turned out, the big OFA stories of 2014 were about it winding down its staff and transitioning to prepare the Obama Presidential…
Vanity Fair Pans Trump Grill Unleashing Donald's Inner 'Mean Girl' Again On Twitter…rump-grill-unleashing-donalds-inner-mean-girl-twitter-n65082…rump-grill-unleashing-donalds-inner-mean-girl-twitter-n65082
With a stupid guy like Jonah Goldberg who uses “tweeting like a 14 year old girl” to hit me, no wonder the NRO is doing so poorly. … Has anyone looked at the really poor numbers of @VanityFair Magazine. Way down, big trouble, dead! … The plate must have tilted during its journey from the kitchen to the table, as the steak slumped to the side over the potatoes like…
Mitt Romney Hits Harry Reid With A Verbal Flamethrower
In 2012, Reid took to the floor of the Senate and accused Mitt Romney, sans evidence, of being a criminal. … From the Senate floor. With no evidence. … Here is what Reid said:
“This is man who came out big-time against Trump. Oh, the things he said about Trump.…
Mitt is Out, Globalism is IN
the globe and, well, you get the picture. … If ever there was a candidate for big-time, ultra-wealthy, independent mega-corporate, “illuminati” conspiracy award, it’s the guy … But as far as being the kind of guy that the #MAGA Trump Train can get behind, he’s about as opposite as you can get.…
Trump, the CIA, the FBI, Russia, the DNC, the RNC, and YOU
It’s the notion of the specificity of Russia’s aims.
But, and this is a big but, it’s not merely the CIA saying this. … networks somehow altered the eventual outcome of the election, in the face of the wall-to-wall “Donald Trump is the unholy offspring … Look, I’m as keen to bash batty Donald as the next guy, but you have to be equally nuts if you think that the comparatively small amount…
Carly Fiorina, Possibly Being "Considered" for Secretary of State, Suddenly Praises Trump
Carly Fiorina will be visiting Donald Trump tomorrow, and this guy claims that the buzz is that Trump is considering her for Secretary … — John Gizzi (@johngizzi) December 11, 2016
I don’t put a lot of stock in the unsourced tweet of a guy who can’t even begin … I could see that the party was going to support, not just Donald Trump, but Donald Trump’s brand of anti-free market, pro-big government…
RUMOR. John Bolton Will Not Get Any Position At the State Department
Kennedy is the guy who repeated foisted on the public the lie, the “fake news” if you will, that the classified information on Clinton … But I’ll ask him the same question I’ve asked the others: do you understand the historic lesson that the Iraq war was a failure, a … He’s still a big cheerleader for the Iraq war. He’s promoted a nuclear attack by Israel on Iran.…
Media Very Concerned About Whether Sadistic Killer Might Have Coughed During His Execution
Big Media is in a tizzy today about the possibility that an inhuman killer might have coughed once or twice as he faced justice for … Instead, media should remind the public what the killer did to the victim, and the impact on the victim’s life and family. … And then he said the guy was holding up his hand telling him to ‘stop, I got a baby.…
Sean Hannity Strips Away Any Prior Denials of Alt-Right Involvement
in and promotes the ignoble cause of white nationalists. … alt-right to refer to conservatives they say have sold the white race out. … Hey @seanhannity this is the guy you just retweeted. Slowly turning #altRight huh?…
Trump Standing by Promise to Drain the Swamp is Already Disrupting Influence Peddling System…in-swamp-already-disrupting-influence-peddling-system-n64830…in-swamp-already-disrupting-influence-peddling-system-n64830
Nowhere has that been clearer over the last week than in the healthcare space. … Supposedly this was a betrayal of doctors and patients, or something, but the big health-care societies always cater to power. … The contract includes four items related to draining the swamp, or as Conway put it today, ending the corruption gravy train.…
A General James Mattis Christmas Story
When hot food is brought to the field the chow line forms in reverse rank order, that is, the senior guy eats last. … If you are shorted on meals or if some nimrod has a big spoon, the senior guys are the ones who go without. … They will utterly kill the career of the most talented guy alive if he violates those unwritten rules.…
Ben Sasse Live Tweeted His Daughter's Piano Recital and It Was as Good as You'd Expect
Big show kicking off… (Who knew you could spell "O, pain" from the letters in "piano"?) … Guy just texted that he missed SupBowl3 b/c of a #PianoRecital
For the love of all that is good, who wld sched a recital during … Shortest day of the Yr
Also, Steinbeck taunts Florida:“What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness…
Tribalism Reigns: Trump Retains Private Security at Rallies, Left Complains About 'Goon Squads'…s-private-security-rallies-left-complains-good-squads-n65267…s-private-security-rallies-left-complains-good-squads-n65267
Every day it seems the incoming administration is departing from the logistical norms for the Presidency. … So what’s the big deal? … All the talk about draining the swamp misses the mark because Washington isn’t a swamp. It’s a sewer.…
Regrets, Mr. President? Obama Warns Trump Not to Rely on Executive Orders.
In my first two years I wasn’t relying on executive powers because I had big majorities in the Congress and we were able to get bills … solution to some of the big problems that we’ve got.” … I still don’t trust the guy. However, if the Democrats aren’t cooperative, go it alone. They would deserve it.…
Treason Accusations. It's the New Black
The left that lives in America (I won’t call them the American left for the simple reason that they aren’t really American) has come … The third possibility that Shattuck offers is so far beyond the Pale that he should be horsewhipped through the streets. … These are the people the KGB wants and finds easiest to recruit.’…
Still Campaigning: Trump Taking Cheap Shots at Election Rival, Evan McMullin, in Florida…king-cheap-shots-election-rival-evan-mcmullin-florida-n65153…king-cheap-shots-election-rival-evan-mcmullin-florida-n65153
from the nonsense that made up the entirety of his campaign. … At some point in the evening, as Trump regaled the crowd with the war stories of his election win, his attentions turned to those who … The ex-CIA operative launched a 3-month, long shot bid for the presidency with little backing, and no war chest to fight the big money…
Did The New York Times Publish "Fake News" On Faithless Elector?
There’s a big difference between shopping at Old Navy and being a Navy SEAL,” said the first responder who knows him. … Read the whole sorted story.
It turns out the guy may have embellished quite a bit on his resume according to the article. … Is it any wonder the American public hates the Media?
Free Trade, Automation, And Were the Luddites Wrong?
the grasp of the guy who occupy the middle of the Bell Curve and made impossible for those people to the left side of the curve. … All the big box stores are well on the way to eliminating cashiers. … The bill payer here is the parents.…
Dear Celebrities: Please Stop Condescending to Your Fans, Shut Up and Act
Today Redstate covered yet another sad, serious, somber celebrity video begging politicians to fight off the big, bad boogie man named … Featuring an array of stars from Sally Fields to the guy from WestWorld, Jeffrey Wright, all of whom issue “demands” to Congress and … THE VOTERS.…
Trump wants to tax YOU to give money to UNIONS!
The Trumpers like to call us names because we won’t sell out our principles after their guy won. … To buddy up to the United Auto Workers! … It used to be the Democrats who wanted to funnel American money into the pockets of the union fatcats.…