Results for: the big guy

State Obamacare exchanges contemplating combining to form Vol...untary multi-state exchanges.
The guy running the Connecticut Obamacare exchange wants you to know that you’ll be amazed by the names! … can may be kicked down the road. … Combine the infrastructure, cut the overhead – that translates to ‘fire some people,’ by the way – and maybe the new mega-exchanges…
On behalf of the GOP, I would like to thank the AFL-CIO for NY-04 and CA-07.
– By all means, Big Labor: eat your own. I’ll happily pass you the salt. Maybe some pepper?   … PPS: As for Kathleen Rice: well, I suppose if Big Labor wants to torpedo the career of the physical and spiritual successor to the … I am weeping at the thought.…
The Environmental Encyclical and the assault on Faith and Reason
The Good Part Pope Francis affirms the dignity of man, the holiness of the traditional family, and the sanctity of life from conception … the Earth to the exclusion of man Created in the Image of God. … The mind is boggled and the imagination beggared.…
Oh, gee: the Democrats are 'rebranding.' AGAIN.
– Let’s unpack the important parts of this bit about the Democratic Party’s latest rebranding effort.   … Translation: he helped the Democrats lose 63 seats in the House. Also now at SKDKnickerbocker. … Was a legitimate big guy in the Oughts. Was a senior adviser to the DCCC in 2010. Didn’t do so hot in 2014, either.…
Jeb Bush and the Wisdom of Neal Boortz
The only thing we can do now is to effectively seal the border so the situation doesn’t get worse and to make sure that people who … Don’t support him in the primaries. … But be sure that if he’s the guy left over at the end, he is going to be light-years ahead of Hillary or any other potential Democrat…
Rachel Dolezal, Bruce Jenner, and how we've solved all the really hard problems
The argument has long been that much human pain is the result of denying the heart its deepest desires, that the path of indulgence … Even within the context of the left’s own arguments you see the utter imbecility clawing its way out of the very thin-shelled egg.  … It is hard to say that they are in the same universe when it comes to the scope of the problem.…
Bum Fight!! New York Times and POLITICO duke it out over a bottle of Night Train
The honeymoon is over. The bloom is off the rose. The cold light of dawn has arrived.  … For a few weeks POLITICO, and in particular its correspondent Dylan Byers (@DylanByers), has been the go-to guy the mainstream media … George Stephanopolous was allowed to grill the author of “Clinton Cash,” Peter Schweizer, without disclosing his big-dollar donations…
Allegations & Innuendo Fly in Failed Colorado GOP Coup Attempt
– One week after the failed coup attempt on the newly elected Chairman of the Colorado GOP details have begun to leak out, and it doesn … the things necessary to drive the boat in the direction we need it when elections come along. … Craig’s a great guy, and they love the technology and we don’t want to take it out of their hands, so we  established that an interface…
Scott Walker Extends the Middle Finger to the Enemies of America
– And this is a big but. … What was the story that dominated the news all week last week? … The challenge for Walker now is to become the same guy on the campaign trail that he is in the governor’s mansion.…
I Dissent
the Confederate flag (note: the flag in question is actually the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia, but for sake of brevity … When I see a black guy wearing a Malcolm X hat or shirt I assume that I am dealing with a dyed in the wool racist. … For all the talk about a “big tent” it is becoming increasingly clear that on the conservative side of the political spectrum we are…
Democrats Want Big Government Crony Socialism - Why Are Some Republicans Giving It to Them?
The side representing the Little Guys against the Bigs – Big Government and Big Cronyism. … be for the little guy. … The biggest Big Government Big Cronies of them all? Or the Little Guys?  …
The Progressive Ouroboros
The Ouroboros. The snake that eats its tail. It seems utterly stupid on the surface. … well a car just drove through the Chicago Pride parade cops had to smash the windows and cut the guy out … So now it’s the Civil Rights Government Industrial Complex versus the Big Pink. The winner gets to pig out like Pigford.…
Obama rewards a killer of American soldiers
– Among the big winners in the agreement to curtail Iran’s nuclear program, count a notorious and shadowy Iranian general who helped … Secretary of State John Kerry reportedly denied that the 58-year-old general was on the list to be freed from the sanctions yoke. … “Soleimani is the guy that sent the copper-tipped IEDs into Iraq,” said Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman [mc_name name=’Sen…
Nothing is quite as American as the Wehrmacht
– I’m agnostic on the presence of Donald Trump in the GOP primaries. … of the image. … Is this guy really ready to play in the big leagues?…
WHINOs, RINOs, Donald Trump, Bright, Shiny Objects, and The Intervention.
– Remember when everyone thought Chris Christie was the Next Big Thing – last year’s bright, shiny (and big) object? Huh. … You see the next Teddy Roosevelt and all I see is someone who talks big and carries a small schtick. … The WHINO is a captive of the populist Right’s master narrative, which is the tragic tale of the holy, holy base, the victory of which…
World Health Organization Wants in on Bloomberg's Sweet, Sweet Cigarette Tax Money
– He’s building a big headquarters in London from which to push nanny statism global, lobbying the likes of London Mayor Boris Johnson … Meanwhile, Nanny Mike’s allies at the World Health Organization are currently prepping for a big bash to be generously hosted by keen-to-impress-on-the-global-stage … You know a philosophy has to be awesome when it has the backing of Nanny Mike, Big Bad Vlad, Erdogan and UN bureaucrats.…
Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D, VA): condemned [Puckett] judgeship deal in public, made his own offer in private.
– point where the reporter read them a transcript of the call.   … First off, the Washington Post didn’t put the actual transcript in the article. … In Beltway-speak that translates to Start the Doom Clock on this guy.  …
Elizabeth Warren: Money talks and populist bullcrap walks
– … But in seizing on issues animating her party’s base — the influence of big banks, soaring student loan debt and the widening gulf … between the wealthy and the working class — Ms. … She talks populism and looking after the “little guy” but when push comes to shove she is as much a tool of corporate interests as…
Tech at Night: Nobody cares about privacy, not even criminals
– Even idiot dope dealers are blasting information on Youtube, which is really stupid when you’re breaking the law like that. … I will say though it’s very interesting that a guy who sold a spyware program has been arrested for it. … By the way, you may have heard about the ‘bash’ or ‘shell’ bug.…
How biomedical research fails the nation why no one cares
The actual drafter of the speech, Ralph E. … that the president himself inserted the reference to the role of the Congress, an element that did not appear in the delivery of theThe final thing to understand about how the structure of the award process produces the research results is the process by which grants…
Fact Check On Fact Check Of Dana Loesch's New Book 'Hands Off My Gun'
– super clubs that are practically mini-me governments so the big britches boys in DC can’t boss us around.” … The intent was that every man be armed, the method was through the militias and the army. … The pillar of the cloud existed only in the wilderness. In the nonage of the Israelites.…
Mitch McConnell: I stand with Obama on Ebola
– Even the stupid ones: “The way we’re going to reduce risk to Americans is to do the steps of protection and stop Ebola at the source … I suppose a big-brain guy like McConnell sees “stop[ping] Ebola at the source” as being compatible with a free-flow of travel from … In the big scheme of things, this statement by McConnell bodes ill if he becomes Senate Majority Leader.…
Lessons From the Night
– After blocking the GOP and refusing to reach across the aisle or across to the other House, the GOP needs to shut down the Senate Democrats … The media ignored so much in Kansas. In Georgia, the media bought into the Democrats’ narrative that the state was going blue. … More troubling, Democrats in support of big government are going to have to make Barack Obama be the fall guy.…
Don't Be Crazy Pete
– I do not think the night closes with the fate of the Senate being unknown due to runoffs. … Folks, the GOP is going to win tonight and probably win big even down to the local level in unexpected places. … Your neighbor, the guy down the street, and even the person stuck in front of you on the interstate with all the “Obama 2012”, “Coexist…
Governors Breakers Report October 30, 2014
The big news yesterday is Scott Walker’s 46-45 lead among registered voters and 50-43 among likely voters in the Marquette Law poll … A big part of the national case for Walker is that he’s a guy who has shown he understands how to close a deal in a close election … Granted, some of the big gains are in races that still look like likely defeats or easy wins, but the overall 1.3 point improvement…
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