Results for: merrick garland

Sen. John Kennedy Has an Inconvenient Reality Check for Joe Biden in Response to Gun Crime Speech…check-for-joe-biden-in-response-to-gun-crime-speech-n402302
– other Republicans watching President Joe Biden’s Wednesday speech where he unveiled several initiatives he and Attorney General MerrickGarland believe will help combat rising gun crime, Sen.…
A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: Is the Dam Breaking?
– AG Merrick Garland’s clumsy announcement that The Hologram’s DoJ Civil Rights Division will “scrutinize” the Arizona audit for potential … This is before any consideration of the alleged 30K fraudulent votes in Garland Favorito’s case.…
A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: Democrats Can’t Stem the Flow of Revelations No Matter How Hard They Try…the-flow-of-revelations-no-matter-how-hard-they-try-n408164
– So why would Attorney General Merrick Garland green light a case that seems likely to fail in spectacular fashion? … While I have great respect for Garland, this does seem like a rare moment of weakness in yielding to political pressure from the White…
Pulitzer Prize Parody Nominations: Shifting Bills, Acosta Grills, and Cuomo Kills…nations-shifting-bills-acosta-grills-and-cuomo-kills-n404929
Garland as the new Attorney General. … Well, after this landmark move, just how is Garland doing in his new position? … A DOJ insider tells me AG Garland will personally scoop ice cream to show his appreciation for employees at a DOJ event later this…
A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: The Pot Is Boiling out of Control!
– extremist” at worst; and threatening states conducting audits or implementing election integrity legislation, as Attorney General MerrickGarland has done with the states of Arizona and Georgia.…
Defense IG to Congress: Take Your Amazon Cronyism Oversight and Shove It…ess-take-your-amazon-cronyism-oversight-and-shove-it-n411311
– Ken Buck, R-Colo., to criticize the integrity of the report and request Attorney General Merrick Garland to reevaluate Amazon’s influence…
The DOJ's Latest Pronouncement on Voting Laws Is Truly Mind-Blowing
– AG Merrick Garland and his cohorts weren’t done, though. Now, the DOJ is releasing guidance that truly belabors belief. … In this case, Garland is not only going after new voter integrity laws, but he’s indicating that a reversion to prior laws could constitute…
IN MY ORBIT: The Curtain Has Been Pulled Back on Newsom, and It's Not Pretty…in-has-been-pulled-back-on-newsom-and-its-not-pretty-n417158
– blue state dictators in NY, MI, PA, and NJ, will probably never be brought to account over, because Biden’s DOJ, the “impeccable” MerrickGarland, would rather look for racism under every rock, as opposed to real crimes right under his nose.…
Merrick Garland, Stop Using Black Americans’ Struggles to Push Your Stupid Voting Law…k-americans-struggles-to-push-your-stupid-voting-law-n422353
– Attorney General Merrick Garland, In an op-ed you published yesterday for the Washington Post, you became the latest in a long line…
The Taliban's Lightning Victory Should Teach Joe Biden Something About the Second Amendment…teach-joe-biden-something-about-the-second-amendment-n428801
– Not even two months ago, President (so-called) Joe Biden gave a semi-lucid press conference on a “gun violence” jihad he and MerrickGarland were embarking upon.…
Cocaine Mitch Says He Has Zero You-Know-Whats Left to Give About the Sham Impeachment Hearing
– when it comes to exercising power and the Democrats are about to receive a lesson — one that they were not able to learn from the MerrickGarland episode: that McConnell is going to chart a path that he thinks gives him and the GOP maximum benefit and he could give a…
Two Articles of Impeachment – for Impeaching the Execrable Chuck Todd!
– Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) for not holding hearings for Merrick Garland, Obama’s pick for the US Supreme Court in 2016.…
Be Sure To Thank Harry Reid for Future Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh
– They had no real objections to Gorsuch’s nomination, other than the fact that they were upset Mitch McConnell didn’t give Merrick Garland
The Washington Post's full-court press against President Trump's still-unnamed Supreme Court nominee…president-trumps-still-unnamed-supreme-court-nominee-n91943
– Democrats are understandably angry after Republicans refused to consider Merrick Garland, President Barack Obama’s eminently reasonable … Garland. … So, President Obama’s nomination of Judge Garland to fill a seat previously held by a conservative was just fine, thank you very much…
Three Reasons I'm Not Giddy About Justice Kennedy's Retirement
– Maybe Mitch McConnell can withstand the Democrats hanging his Merrick Garland “let the American people decide” gambit around his neck…
Don't Blame Trump for Nominating Kavanaugh, Blame Hillary!
– over themselves and slapping each other on the back about the good fortune they had with Trump as a nominee, we would have had MerrickGarland and a Ruth Bader Ginsburg clone on the court.…
Brett Kavanaugh's Life Story Shows Just How Ridiculous Democrats' Attacks Are
– I have served with 17 other judges, each of them a colleague and a friend, on a court now led by our superb chief judge, Merrick Garland
Jennifer Rubin Rips Pence, McConnell and Ryan At McCain Service.
– McConnell personally destroyed the comity in the Senate by denying Judge Merrick Garland a hearing and then extinguishing the filibuster … The Democrats are still mad about the Merrick Garland hearing mostly because they didn’t get to do that to a Republican Presidents…
Only the GOP Can Defeat President Trump's Supreme Court Nomination
– this and right now he’s playing to the cheap seats and low IQs in his party by trying to compare Kennedy’s nomination to that of MerrickGarland.…
The Democrats are Worried About RBG
– a strategic stand point it makes perfect sense that the Democrats would push RBG to hang on until November so they can have the MerrickGarland debate again in the Senate, trying to handicap Republicans from nominating a justice until after the election, which at this…
Graduate Says 'No, Thanks' to Merrick Garland’s 'Mushy' Harvard Commencement Speech…o-merrick-garlands-mushy-harvard-commencement-speech-n573858
– just walked out of harvard’s graduation because I didn’t want to listen to merrick garland talk about himself for 30 minutes … Huessner describes the moment: By the time Merrick Garland finally started speaking, it was very much — I think he was trying to … Garland, when he was talking a lot of talk but not really walking the walk that he was preaching.…
The Spin on Real Aim of J6 Committee Begins, as Adam Kinzinger Hits the Height of Hot Takes…egins-as-adam-kinzinger-hits-the-height-of-hot-takes-n581008
– He tries to suggest that the purpose isn’t to try to influence the public, but to influence US Attorney General Merrick Garland. … Because that’s when Merrick Garland watches television. Come on, guys. You wanted to influence the public. But it’s not working. … But if Merrick Garland has to rely upon Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) for ‘evidence,’ he might as well pack it in now.…
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