Results for: gain-of-function

Sen. Roger Marshall Takes Fauci Apart on New Bombshell DARPA Report
– But then he tells Fauci that 59 percent of Americans didn’t trust him. … Fauci replies that that was a real “distortion of reality.” Next, Marshall hones in on the gain of function research lie. … Marshall asks why had Fauci previously said that they hadn’t funded gain of function research when the report indicated that they had…
UPDATE: US Military Report States COVID-19 Was Created by a US-Funded EcoHealth Alliance Program at Wuhan Institute of Virology…alth-alliance-program-at-wuhan-institute-of-virology-n504679
– Anthony Fauci had lied to Congress and, more specifically, “never-before-seen documents regarding the origins of COVID-19, gain of … DARPA rejected the proposal because the work was too close to violating the gain-of-function (GoF) moratorium, despite what Peter Daszak … with the similar synthetic nature and function of the respective spike proteins.…
The NIH Continues to Illegally Withhold and Redact COVID-19 Origins Information…lly-withhold-and-redact-covid-19-origins-information-n525785
– origins of COVID-19, nearly 300 of those pages were redacted in their entirety.  … Anthony Fauci, claims that later turned on to be unabashed lies, the NIH had indeed funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Insitute … , any more than they are interested in telling the truth about the risks associated with conducting gain-of-function research at a…
Rand Paul Is Coming out With a Book About the Fauci Coverup and It Will Be Marvelous…ook-about-the-fauci-coverup-and-it-will-be-marvelous-n755118
of gain of function research for at least a decade. … deflected, telling the Senator that the research didn’t rise to the level of gain-of-function. … I thought gain of function research had something to do with Viagra.…
Fauci's Latest Interview Sounds More Like a Swan Song Than a Prelude to a New Fake Crisis…like-a-swan-song-than-a-prelude-to-a-new-fake-crisis-n538602
– Fauci’s Lies and Excuses About Gain of Function Research) led to some epic verbal brawls on Capitol Hill. . … of Function Research in Wuhan, Senator Rand Paul, Congressman James Comer Send Letter Demanding Answers About NIH Deletion of Gain-Of-Function … anti-virals, of tests and of the ability to get boosted.…
EXCLUSIVE: CCP Counterintel Defector Dong Jingwei Is Still in the United States, Debriefing Continues…i-is-still-in-the-united-states-debriefing-continues-n759842
– the death of dozens of Chinese people who were working with the CIA Dong’s defection was especially significant because of his rank … spring of 2021. … public outbreak suggests gain-of-function acceleration.…
Biden Administration Suspends Funding to Wuhan Institute of Virology Over Safety Concerns…to-wuhan-institute-of-virology-over-safety-concerns-n778719
– EcoHealth Alliance attracted significant attention from Republican lawmakers during the pandemic because of its gain-of-function research … Two of EcoHealth’s NIH grants involve gain-of-function research and enhanced potential pandemic research on coronaviruses. … Check out our coverage of EcoHealth Alliance and the ties between Dr. Anthony Fauci and gain-of-function research.…
NEW: Coronavirus Subcommittee Releases Bombshell Email Showing Fauci Knew Gain-of-Function Research Happened in Wuhan…uci-knew-gain-of-function-research-happened-in-wuhan-n776057
– Health (NIH) director Anthony Fauci knew that gain-of-function research was happening in Wuhan. … Fauci was aware of risky gain-of-function research occurring in Wuhan, China prior to the emergence of COVID-19. … It continued: The suspicion was heightened by the fact that scientists in Wuhan University are known to have been working on gain-of-function
Rand Paul Exposes 'Retired' Fauci Getting Taxpayer-Paid Security Like a 'President'…auci-getting-taxpayer-paid-security-like-a-president-n780326
– he denied the NIH was funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan.” … Fauci reportedly retired at the end of last year, stepping down as the head of NIAID. … His first day at work was July 1, where he assumed the role of Distinguished University Professor in the School of Medicine.…
Fire Torches Building Housing Rand Paul's Bowling Green Office
– Anthony Fauci for lying to Congress when he denied the NIH was funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan. … Anthony Fauci lied to Congress when he claimed in a Senate hearing in May 2021 that the US wasn’t funding gain-of-function research … We documented that NIH/NIAID grant funding was used to conduct gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology through…
Don't Rule Out a Riot
of innocent third parties. … towards instinctual defense of the police as the alleged guardians of that order. … But as someone who went through a punk rock/skater phase in my younger days, I also am aware of what it is like to be a member of a…
EPA Proposed Regulation Would Significantly Hurt Access to Electricity
– Instead of engaging in thoughtful, substantive discussion, many of these environmental activists oftentimes resort to this tactic of … Since the time of the New Deal, the regulation of retail electricity sales and local distribution has been a sovereign state function … In short, the proposed Clean Power Plan for existing sources would offer little gain for a whole lot of pain.…
Hot Take from the American Revolution was a mistake
Of course, evaluating the wisdom of the American Revolution means dealing with counterfactuals. … of the Slavery Abolition Act. … Much of the habitable land east of the Alleghenies had already been claimed.…
Voting is for adults
– This would slather an extra-thick veneer of democratic approval on the power of the total State.   … That’s not so much a function of chronological age as state of mind, but I suppose we’ll never have a basic civics test for aspiring … gain a sense of the society they are shaping with their votes.  …
Federal Decision Threatens Apple Smartphone Encryption
– And the backdoor would defeat years of Apple’s own research and development in the smartphone security field. … find its way into the hands of hackers and identity thieves. … The federal Magistrate issued an order that is contrary to the stated intent of the Obama administration and in the absence of express…
Time for the Senate to Tell Obama Where He can Put his Phone and Pen
– Since the day he was elected, Obama has treated Congress like a lazy set of his own personal scribes. … When Obama started stacking independent agencies with radical leftists who could not gain Senate support via abuse of the recess appointment … This blatantly unconstitutional action by Obama had absolutely no chance of succeeding, and wasted billions of federal dollars before…
"Traditional" College Can Possess a Bloated Sense of Importance
– Career pursuits of 2015 are vastly different than those of previous generations. … Beyond that, the source of the chart data reveals a more important point. … According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics from May 2014, the number of people employed as Philosophy and Religion Teachers, Postsecondary…
How the Coming War Between Donald Trump And Hillary Clinton Is A Win For the GOP
– state of unfairly trading on her gender. … As push back, a Democrat hack, improbably named Brent Budowsky as though he’d just stepped of the set of Animal House, wrote this in … If Budowsky thinks all of Clinton’s “good works” is going to be of use fighting Trump, he is in for a rude awakening.…
As the Walls Close in, Fauci Doubles Down on More Lies Regarding COVID Origins…ci-doubles-down-on-more-lies-regarding-covid-origins-n464170
– not fund gain-of-function research in Wuhan. … gain-of-function research. … Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina, often referred to as the “godfather of gain-of-function,” was researching coronaviruses…
CNN Host Angry Conservatives Don't Trust the Media, But Here's a Few Examples Why…es-dont-trust-the-media-but-heres-a-few-examples-why-n463780
– GOP's anti-media streak summarized: Governor of one of the biggest states in the USA says citizens should "assume" news outlets are … What happened when Paul was proven right and the NIH admitted that funding for gain-of-function research had indeed occurred? … It features a smorgasbord of BS saying BS about any given subject. But let’s focus on his last bit of clear and present bias.…
The New NIH Letter Blatantly Ignores a Likely Potential That Would Prove Wuhan Lab Leak…s-a-likely-potential-that-would-prove-wuhan-lab-leak-n463072
– Comer (R-KY) that the NIH was indeed funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology through the non-profit EcoHealth … They know that gain-of-function research was being conducted, and they know that viruses must undergo gain-of-function lab manipulation … Again, the NIH has admitted that they funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and that that type of research…
My humble suggestion for the new DSCC slogan.
– cycle – which would be where the DSCC spent 97.8 million and went into debt for 8.9 million in order to lose six Senate seats and gain … zero – demonstrates handily that the DSCC cannot be trusted to come in out of the rain; wipe its own nose; or, indeed, wear its … Accordingly, the DSCC is now outsourcing to actual functional adults every possible function that it can… which includes finding a…
Cringe: Texas Dem Flaunts Christmas Gift He Got in the Cult of Fauci
– For some on the left, their reaction to COVID is something of a religion. … In case you think I am kidding about it, they’re promoting action figures of him. … Do they have the gain of function research included in the box? How about accompanying abused puppies as accessories?…
Dr. Fauci Uses a CNN Program to Try to Get Jesse Watters Fired for Encouraging Citizens to Ask Him Hard Questions…d-for-encouraging-citizens-to-ask-him-hard-questions-n495068
– BERMAN: On the subject of divisiveness, Dr. … pandemic response differently than many of us. … Fauci about gain-of-function research and his words have been twisted completely out of context.”…
MIT Virologist Tells UK Parliamentary Committee That SARS-CoV-2 Was Likely Engineered, Originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology…neered-originated-at-the-wuhan-institute-of-virology-n491897
– She highlighted a number of coincidences in the Covid timeline and said the state-sponsored Chinese cover-up of the early stages of … Ralph Baric, an expert virologist with the University of North Carolina and who is often referred to as “The Godfather of Gain-of-Function … Baric too has much on the line, as at least two of his studies, labeled as gain-of-function and ordered by the NIH and NIAID to continue…
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