Results for: 60 minutes

Wednesday Morning Minute
–  TOP O' THE MORNIN''60 Minutes' Gets Caught Red-Handed After Interview With 'Misinformation Expert'Starbird is nothing but a leech … , suckling at the government teet to push a political agenda, and "60 Minutes" remains a joke for not being honest about her background.Biden…
Lie-Able Sources Podcast: '60 Minutes' Misinforms on Misinformation, NBC News Has a Struggle-Session…misinformation-and-nbc-news-has-a-struggle-session-n2171911
– Then on “60 Minutes” Leslie Stahl has a grave segment about the plight of fact-checkers and misinformation researchers, without any … via ports, not across the border, as if this is somehow better and thus not a problem Biden is ignoring.The Russian collusion show “60Minutes” delivers a misinformation segment from the reporter who called the Hunter Biden laptop “unverifiable”.LSU women’s basketball…
Survey: Should Biden Admin Give in to Mexico's Extortion on Immigration?
– greatly diminished.Here are the details of President Obrador's demand:Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said during a "60Minutes" interview Sunday that the surge of migrants crossing into the U.S. will continue unless President Biden and his administration…
'60 Minutes' Interview of Mexican President Reveals a Lot About Our 'Friends' to the South…sident-reveals-a-lot-about-our-friends-to-the-south-n2171882
– You might assume that any "60 Minutes" interview would amount to a puffy softball-lobbing affair with some known left-wing politician … entering the U.S., but the president of Mexico lays part of the blame on the U.S.— 60Minutes (@60Minutes) March 25, 2024During the interview, Alfonsi hit Obrador with statements from the State Department and the Drug…
Coming Soon to a McDonald's Near You: Krispy Kreme Donuts
– two businesses by traveling the intervening 1.4 miles, which Google Maps estimates, given normal Wasilla traffic, will take four minutes … As for Krispy Kreme donuts, well, with my 60-something metabolism, I may just as well roll out the dough myself and staple it to my…
Pro-Hamas CBS Journalist Thrilled by Biden UN Resolution on Ceasefire, Former Israel Ambassador Slams It…tion-on-ceasefire-former-israel-ambassador-slams-it-n2171768
– The World Health Organization says that up to 60 percent of children under the age of five in Gaza are now malnourished.She continued … As ever.If you can stomach it, watch the full two minutes-plus of her apologia for murderous thugs.No surprise, someone who's been…
McDonald's Experiencing Outage With Food-Ordering App Overseas Reminds Me to Step Back From Tech
– where the Andy Rooney part of my brain kicks in (if you don't remember Andy Rooney, he used to do little thought experiments on "60Minutes" back in the day).…
The Lie-Able Sources Podcast: Biden’s Press Attack, a SCOTUS Meltdown, and '60 Minutes' Is at It Again…ack-a-scotus-meltdown-and-60-minutes-is-at-it-again-n2171149
– the Senate chambers.NBC News reported on Baker’s arrest, and its approach to this shameless fiasco was even more shameless.Then on “60Minutes,” they covered the false premise of book bans, as Scott Pelley spoke with two members of Moms for Liberty. … Minutes,” Scott Pelley and company resort to edited video to sell a narrative.…
'60 Minutes' Airs Hit Piece on Moms for Liberty and 'Book Bans' That Reeks of Bias…gunfight-with-moms-for-liberty-and-regrets-doing-so-n2170911
– A 60 Minutes segment featuring Moms for Liberty co-founders Tiffany Justice and Tina Descovich aired on Sunday, to much controversy … The team took to X and other outlets to debunk 60 Minutes' duplicitous reporting.Corporate media’s attempt to malign Moms for Liberty … If five people, 10 people, 20 people, 1000 people see through the baloney that 60 Minutes did, the baloney that 60 Minutes produced…
Unglued 'Father of Fake News' Dan Rather Demands Media End 'Both-Sides-Ism' When Covering Trump…emands-media-end-both-sides-ism-when-covering-trump-n2170952
– Bush’s military service in the early 1970s in a “60 Minutes” broadcast and later said a key source on the story had lied to the network…
Trump's Bump Stock Ban Not Likely to Survive the Supreme Court
– He killed 60 people and wounded over 400. His motive remains unknown and seems to invoke no curiosity. … if it concluded that it was incorrect.The key exchange is below.Justice Brett Kavanaugh picked up on Gorsuch’s questions a few minutes
The Terrifyingly Wonderful Day I Drove an Indy Car
– He asks a lot of questions.”Well, that’s what I’ve done for more than 60 years in journalism that took me to many interesting places … And they only go, what, 60?But unquenched curiosity is a terrible thing with me. I knew I’d always regret not going. … strapping into an 1800-pound, open-wheeled race car on a 118-inch wheelbase with 8 cylinders generating 600 horsepower took several minutes
Super Bowl Advertisers Just Handed Conservatives a Major Victory
– Few of them will expand beyond the usual 30-second or 60-second running time, according to two people familiar with the matter — a … change from recent years when the Big Game featured commercials 90 seconds or even two minutes in length to encompass big concepts…
Biden Can't Handle Softball Super Bowl Halftime Interview, Chickens Out for Second Year in a Row…l-halftime-interview-skips-for-second-year-in-a-row-n2169609
– was interviewed by the “CBS Evening News” anchor Norah O’Donnell ahead of the 2021 Super Bowl, and he participated in two lengthy “60Minutes” pieces, in 2022 and 2023, with the correspondent Scott Pelley.…
Fox News' Jennifer Griffin Nails Biden and Austin on Telegraphing to the Iranians About Strike Locations…they-are-telegraphing-to-the-iranians-about-strikes-n2169526
– Gates doubled down on those claims during a 2021 interview on CBS' "60 Minutes," saying, "I think he’s gotten a lot wrong," specifically…
EXCLUSIVE: Update on RNC Finances Shows McDaniel's Still Spending Millions on Limos, Flowers, Consultants…rnc-didnt-learn-a-single-lesson-over-the-past-year-n2166897
– “This story took several days of research, albeit sloppy research, to come to fruition yet the RNC was only given 60 minutes to respond … For example, our team just took less than 5 minutes to poke through the DNC’s expenses, and found $3 million in ‘consulting’ and over…
WTH Is Media's Big Rush to Crown a GOP Winner After Only 2 States Have Voted?
– The contests are 60 minutes minimum to see who has the strength, stamina, physical and emotional endurance, and strategy to compete…
Are Conservatives Really Scared of Black Men With Guns?
– If you have been paying attention to the gun debate for longer than ten minutes, you have probably seen a fair number of anti-gunner … That trend continued into 2021, where 60 percent of firearm retailers surveyed said the increased traffic from African Americans, Hispanic…
The Golden Remington Awards - (Dis)Honoring Journalism Fumbles in 2023: The Media Categories…ing-journalism-fumbles-in-2023-the-media-categories-n2168426
– WINNER: 60 Minutes Australia In a bat-crap crazy segment from “60 Minutes Australia,” we were served this report on parents who want … SUNDAY on #60Mins, the new parenting trend letting young children choose their own gender. — 60 Minutes
Anti-Israel Activists Stage Another 'Insurrection' at US Capitol Building, Police Arrest About 60 of Them
– Police arrested “roughly 60” anti-Israel protesters inside the Capitol Rotunda Tuesday after a group led by controversial activist … Once they broke the law, roughly 60 people were immediately arrested for [violating] D.C. … Rotunda closed off after 5 minutes.…
War Fatigue in America, Is There an End in Sight to Paying for Other Countries' Wars?…an-end-in-sight-for-paying-for-other-countrys-wars-n2167162
– RedState covered this back in September when a "60 Minutes" report showed some damning information regarding how our funding is being … According to 60 Minutes, USAID has helped Abramova's knitting business find customers overseas.…
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