Results for: hamas

UCLA Econ Class Caught Teaching Anti-Israel 'Divest' Ideology: The Call Is Coming From Inside the House
–  Read More: Videographer Physically Body-Checked, Blocked From Recording Pro-Hamas Protesters at UCLAUCLA Med School's 'Health…
UT-Austin Protestors Hit With Pepper Spray by Police, Have Meltdowns When Carted Off…esters-they-have-meltdowns-when-carried-off-by-cops-n2173511
– Starts Suspending Pro-Hamas Student Protesters Who Refused to DisperseColumbia Deadline Passes As Protesters Refuse to Leave, Post…
University of Texas Gives Pro-Hamas Student Group the Boot After Anti-Israel Protest…as-student-group-the-boot-after-anti-israel-protest-n2173409
– The University of Texas in Austin has suspended a pro-Hamas student organization after a series of raucous protests that were held … enforcement cracked down on several demonstrations taking place in Texas universities.Read: WATCH: Texas DPS Shows Up at a Pro-Hamas … ’s effort to eliminate terrorist group Hamas.…
Videographer Physically Body-Checked, Blocked From Recording Pro-Hamas Protesters at UCLA…rom-ucla-campus-as-pro-palestinian-protests-rage-on-n2173405
– They love to shout for a ceasefire, but there was a ceasefire in place, up until October 7th of 2023--a cease-fire that Hamas broke … Okay, in that last bit, I think I may have answered my own question.Previously on RedState: WATCH: Pro-Hamas Professor Who Tried … Finally Punished These pro-Hamas protests and encampments are growing in size across the country, including in California, not…
WATCH: Pro-Hamas Protester Squealing Like a Stuck Pig As Trooper Carries Her Away Is Gen-Z Personified…ig-as-trooper-carries-her-away-is-gen-z-personified-n2173413
– Pro-Hamas "encampments" continue to plague campuses across the nation, with some universities taking action while others have capitulated …  READ: Texas DPS Shows Up at a Pro-Hamas Protest, and Beautiful Chaos FollowsEmory University in Georgia also called in the police …  WATCH: Pro-Hamas Professor Who Tried to Claim Privilege Gives Her Lawyers an Aneurysm with AdmissionHere’s that Professor of…
Here Are the 'Community Guidelines' at USC's 'Gaza Solidarity Encampment'
– Central Community.This land is my land, this land is your land, from California to the New York island... this land was made for Hamas … us and we must remain steadfast and unified.Unlike the Columbia students in New York, they aren't going to hold signs asking for Hamas
WASTE: $7 Billion in Taxpayer Funds Went to Ivy League Universities with Anti-Israel Protests…o-ivy-league-universities-with-anti-isreal-protests-n2173486
– the federal government spends our money on, we learn that some of the very Ivy League schools currently dealing with virulent pro-Hamas
Hilarious: Jamaal Bowman Falls for Troll from Social Media Account of 'Chief Rabbi of Gaza'
– Jamaal Bowman and his fellow Squad members have shown they're clueless when it comes to the war between Israel and Hamas. … Now, of course, anyone with even one brain cell would understand that there isn't a "Chief Rabbi" in Gaza, which is controlled by Hamas …  "She" also had quips about Hamas needing to "socially distance" in its terror tunnels and other similar inanities.…
'Feminists for Hamas!'
– A large number of these pro-Hamas protesters are young women. … Where is the outrage over the lack of women’s rights in Gaza under Hamas? …  Don't those pro Hamas-Palestinian students know that music and dance is banned in Gaza by Hamas, along with alcohol, LGBTQ, women's…
The NYPD Has Mobilized, but Will Columbia University Ask Them to Clear Encampment As Deadline Expires?…university-as-deadline-to-clear-encampment-expires-n2173496
– The notice to vacate came after negotiations between the pro-Hamas group and the school failed as president Minouche Shafik said in…
NEW: Pro-Hamas Protest Leader Who Called for Jews to Be Exterminated Finally Punished…called-for-jews-to-be-exterminated-finally-punished-n2173395
–  As RedState reported, videos of the self-proclaimed revolutionary who leads the pro-Hamas "encampment" on campus showed him calling …  READ: Pro-Hamas Protest Leader Suggests Murdering Jews While Negotiating With Columbia OfficialsOne of the Columbia students … with a non-apology in which he essentially doubled down on his rhetoric while claiming that he was being victimized.SEE: Pro-Hamas
Protesters Drape Huge Palestinian Flag Over WH Correspondents' Dinner Hotel, Mock Biden Motorcade…r-hotel-where-wh-correspondents-dinner-taking-place-n2173428
– But it wasn’t just biased network anchors and grinning politicians who showed up; the pro-Hamas gang had to make an appearance, too … hundreds of protestors nearby.— Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) April 27, 2024The most dramatic sign of the pro-Hamas
New: 'Peaceful' Columbia Protester Threatens to Kill Pro-Israel Marcher in Incredibly Disturbing Scene…l-pro-israel-marcher-in-incredibly-disturbing-scene-n2173358
– On Thursday, we wrote about Columbia University pro-Hamas student Khymani James who was seen in an alarming video from January where … human wall to keep Jewish students off campus.READ-->> Insanity: This Is How Columbia Administrators Are 'Policing' the Pro-Hamas … war and the protests here at home, because some of them have sympathies for - you guessed it - the Hamas "mission."…
Bill Maher Does a Devastating Dissection of Narcissistic Far Left Protesters
– Golden Gate Bridge Blocker Being Pried Out of Concrete Barrel Is Chef's KissFlorida Law Enforcement Confirms FAFO Strategy on Pro-Hamas …  Maher also noted that when you talk about genocide that's what Hamas wants to do to Israel. … protesters are and how much what they do alienates regular people.READ MORE: CONSEQUENCES: Google Employees Who Staged Pro-Hamas
WATCH: Pro-Hamas Professor Who Tried to Claim Privilege Gives Her Lawyers an Aneurysm With Admission…vilege-gives-her-lawyers-an-aneurysm-with-admission-n2173398
– , Fohlin was filmed being taken to the ground and handcuffed during a violent scuffle at Emory University between police and pro-Hamas …  READ: Woke Emory Prof Claims Professor Privilege at Pro-Hamas Protest, Police Have Other IdeasFull video shows the chaotic…
WATCH: Harvard Protesters Raise Palestinian Flags on Building Where American Flag Is Usually Flown…ll-down-american-flag-replace-with-palestinian-flag-n2173453
– the warnings.Related:U of Florida Shows How to Deal With Encampment Protests—Featuring ConsequencesIlhan Omar Visits Columbia Pro-Hamas
District of Columbia Police Reject George Washington University Request to Clear Pro-Hamas Encampment…on-university-request-to-clear-protester-encampment-n2173416
– related story, presented a photo of a protestor carrying a sign reading "final solution" on the GWU campus.See Related: The Pro-Hamas … increasing evidence of outside funding and promotion of these protests.See Related: Iran-Backed Militias Incite the Raging Pro-Hamas
Ilhan Omar Visits Columbia Pro-Hamas Encampment, Makes Disgusting Comment About Jewish Students…t-jewish-students-as-she-visits-columbia-encampment-n2173415
– There is no "genocide" by Israel -- it's Hamas that's trying to commit genocide against Israel and the Jewish people.Not only did she…
Concealed Carry Applications Are on the Rise in NYC, but It's Not Time to Celebrate Just Yet…rise-in-nyc-but-its-not-time-to-celebrate-just-yet-n2173479
– their Second Amendment rights.This development comes amid fears about heightened crime rates in the city and the outbreak of pro-Hamas
Democrats Fear Their 2024 National Convention May See Repeat of Violence in 1968…ational-convention-may-see-repeat-of-1968s-violence-n2173449
– who are protesting in favor of violent, misogynistic, racist Bronze-Age barbarians.See Related: Sowing Meets Reaping As Pro-Hamas
The Pro-Hamas Crowd Has Found a New Terrorist Group to Support
– It appears the pro-Hamas crowd staging protests at universities across the country is also supporting another radical Islamic terrorist …— AG (@AGHamilton29) April 25, 2024"No one is actually defending Hamas and Hezbollah!!!" … While it purports to support the Palestinians, the leaders of these protests rarely have an unkind word to say about Hamas, which has…
Iran-Backed Militias Incite the Raging Pro-Hamas Protests at US Universities, Mock America…pro-hamas-protests-at-us-universities-mock-america-n2173334
– As the pro-Hamas protests rage on at universities across the nation, some of our enemies are laughing at us and encouraging the protesters … and causing Jewish students to feel extremely unsafe.Campus ChaosUSC Just Canceled Its Entire Commencement Ceremony Because of Pro-Hamas …  See Also:Pro-Hamas US Students Lose the Plot As Iranian Rap Artist Faces Death Sentence…
Will the Left's Control of Information Be the Death of America?
–  When Hamas murdered 1,200 people, raped captive women, and mutilated babies, Attiah “liked” and reposted a tweet that read: …
Presidential Brother Jim Biden Was in Cahoots With Qatari Officials for Fundraising, Loan Backing…with-qatari-officials-for-fundraising-loan-backing-n2173444
– Cut off from financial and diplomatic ties by its neighbors over support for terrorism - Hamas leaders, among others, are known to…
Joe Biden Slammed for Self-Serving, Narcissistic Picture With Child Held Hostage by Hamas…af-picture-with-child-who-was-held-hostage-by-hamas-n2173324
– Joe Biden continues to try to toe a line that cannot be toed when it comes to the conflict between Israel and Hamas. …  Hamas took Edan hostage on October 7th after the terrorist group gunned down her mother and father in front of her. … Others complained that Biden wasn't being soft enough on the Hamas fanatics taking over college campuses.…
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