Results for: michelle wu
WATCH: CNN's Hot Take on Claudine Gay's Harvard Resignation Was Something Else…laudine-gays-harvard-resignation-was-something-else-n2168208…laudine-gays-harvard-resignation-was-something-else-n2168208
We wrote earlier about how Boston Mayor Michelle Wu (D) had conveniently been absolved of wrongdoing by Massachusetts' woke Attorney…
Jonathan Turley Skewers Massachusetts AG Over Decision on Michelle Wu's 'Electeds of Color' Holiday Party…akes-decision-on-electeds-of-color-party-complaints-n2168190…akes-decision-on-electeds-of-color-party-complaints-n2168190
In early December, we learned through local media reports that Boston Mayor Michelle Wu's (D) office had sent out an email invite … Wu herself, in a clear campaign to make "separate but equal" great again, defended the party when asked about it, proclaiming that … READ: Boston Mayor Michelle Wu Exposes Her Inner Richard Nixon by Targeting Political Enemies In an update to this story, Massachusetts…
Boston's Very Diverse Mayor Practically Begs Texas to Ship Her Illegal Immigrants…actically-begs-texas-to-ship-her-illegal-immigrants-n2168164…actically-begs-texas-to-ship-her-illegal-immigrants-n2168164
Did you know that Boston Mayor Michelle Wu is diverse? … Boston Mayor Michelle Wu:"Every human being has the legal right to come to the United States and seek asylum or shelter." … If Wu wants that policy to remain in place, then she and her city should bear the brunt of its consequences.…