Mask-less Biden Announces National Mask Mandate 'Everywhere He Can'

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

As if we didn’t already know this was coming, Joe Biden, in the event Trump’s challenges fail and he becomes President, announced that he will mandate masks everywhere he can.


“My first hundred days, is going to require.. I am going to ask for a masking plan. Everyone for the first 100 days of my administration, to wear a mask.  It will start with my signing an order on day one to require masks, where I can, under the law, like Federal Buildings, interstate travel on planes, trains and busses.  I’ll also be working with the Governors and Mayors, to do the same in their states and their cities.  We’re going to require masks wherever possible. But this goes beyond government action and so, as a new President, I am going to speak directly to the American People and say what I am saying now, we need your help.  Wear a mask for just 100 days,  It’s the easiest thing you can do to reduce COVID cases, hospitalizations, and deaths.  Help yourself, your family, and your community.  Whatever your politics or point of view, mask up for 100 days once we take office. One hundred days to make a difference.  It’s not a political statement, it’s a patriotic act.  It won’t be the end of our efforts, but it’s a necessary and easy beginning, an easy start.”


Among the things I find hilarious about this is that people can wear masks if they want to now.  Nothing is stopping anyone from wearing a mask, anywhere they want to go.  If wearing a mask all the time is a good way of preventing the spread, why isn’t Sleepy Joe wearing one while he gives this speech?  Why isn’t he wearing one 24/7?  Additionally, why wait until after he takes office?  If it isn’t political, why not issue a directive to all of your supporters to wear a mask everywhere they go?

He also promises to work with governors and mayors to spread the mask mandates in their states and cities.  Is he going to remind Gavin Newsom and John Bel Edwards that they need to wear a mask all the time, even at fancy restaurants and country clubs?  What about the family of these Governors?  Should Joe Biden be giving a personal phone call to Chris Cuomo to remind him to wear his mask?


The issue, by and large, behind mask-wearing isn’t just the wearing of a mask. It is that while people cooperated with the mask and lockdown orders early on, they have become annoyed with the continued hypocrisy from leaders who claim to be the authority of this matter.  Whether it is elected officials who ignore their own orders or members of the press who wear their masks out of vanity on air but pull them off as soon as the cameras aren’t looking.  What would go a long way to serve to push people to cooperate is leadership that actually shows they believe their orders.  We never heard any criticism from Joe Biden for his good buddy Gavin Newsom.  Instead, he says it isn’t political.

Sure Joe, whatever you say.


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