In a New York Post article out Saturday, a Democrat operative anonymously details out his involvement in numerous voter fraud operations throughout New Jersey (emphasis added):
“But the political insider, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he fears prosecution, said fraud is more the rule than the exception. His dirty work has taken him through the weeds of municipal and federal elections in Paterson, Atlantic City, Camden, Newark, Hoboken and Hudson County and his fingerprints can be found in local legislative, mayoral and congressional races across the Garden State. Some of the biggest names and highest office holders in New Jersey have benefited from his tricks, according to campaign records The Post reviewed.”
It is important to note that the insider fears prosecution, so there is no doubt in his mind that the activities in which he engaged are illegal. He likely entered into these operations with that knowledge and yet still engaged in these illicit actions.
There are those who will say that these activities are not common and are a rare occurrence, the operative explains that New Jersey was not his only base of operations:
“The whisteblower — whose identity, rap sheet and long history working as a consultant to various campaigns were confirmed by The Post — says he not only changed ballots himself over the years, but led teams of fraudsters and mentored at least 20 operatives in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania — a critical 2020 swing state.”
Okay, so we know it happens a bit more often than previously stated.
Yet again, Democrats will still tell you that it doesn’t happen on a large scale at any time, and certainly without any major lasting effects. They will want you to believe that this may be small municipal or State House races, but never on anything that would have a longing impact.
In my more than a decade working on political campaigns, I witnessed voter fraud operations by the dozens. One of the elections in which I was involved was the 2010 race for Attorney General in the State of California. The race came down to two big city powerhouse District Attorneys, Steve Cooley from Los Angeles County and the at-the-time-little-known Kamala Harris of San Francisco.
In the weeks leading up to the race, stories began to circulate about mail ballot operations being conducted throughout the state by forces loyal to Harris’ team. In that large-scale ballot harvesting operations were still in their infancy, no one was particularly clear as to what was occurring or just how devastating the effect was going to be. We were confident in our team and Steve demanded the highest level of integrity from every single one of the actions we took during the campaign.
On Election night I gathered with several of my fellow staffers at a Los Angeles area hotel to watch for what we expected to be a win, as polling suggested DA Cooley was on his way to become the State’s primary law enforcer. With the 8 p.m. returns Cooley surged early, giving him a nearly 10 point lead, and at 9 pm, Cooley declared Victory. As the hours transpired, Cooley’s lead began to shrink, first to eight percent then five, four, and three. At 2 am, and still gathered around a table at the hotel, we watched as Cooley’s lead shrink to less than a percentage point. Still, the next morning Cooley maintained his lead. Despite numerous media organizations in the State calling the race for Cooley, Kamala Harris did not concede the race. It was almost as if she and her team knew what was coming.

In the weeks following the race, I spent numerous days monitoring the ballot-counting process in Los Angeles County at the registrar’s office in Norwalk. In a room full of cubicles, dozens of county employees counted mail ballots, comparing signatures of the registered voter from county records, to the signatures on the ballots as they were counted. Just as we were there, Harris had her team there as well, challenging signatures on ballots. The problem was that we were representing a Republican candidate, deep in enemy territory. If we were to challenge a signature, it required that we all gather around the cubicle where the signature was being challenged, identify our concerns with the signature in question and then allow for the challenge from the Harris campaign – and numerous times it would go in their favor. In the meanwhile, it should be noted that the county employees who were counting these ballots were all SEIU members, often proudly wearing SEIU gear and chumming around with Harris team officials. As we were challenging a few votes, dozens of other employees were counting and eliminating votes on their own. It was an impossible situation.
Weeks later it became clear that Cooley was not going to be victorious and he conceded the race. Out of 9 million votes cast, Harris was victorious by 74,157 votes or .8% of the total votes cast. If voter fraud and biased counting operations accounted for just 1% total effect, it means that Kamala Harris would never have been Attorney General in the State of CA without those questionable and (at the time illegal) harvesting operations. (Ballot Harvesting was legalized in 2017 in California.)
Now, with Democrats attempting to foist Kamala Harris upon the American People, it is explicitly clear that ballot harvesting operations have lasting and consequential effects. Without her 2010 victory for Attorney General, she likely would not have won her 2016 race for the Senate and without the Senate, she would have never made the shortlist of VP. Simply put, Kamala Harris would not be on the Democrat ticket without having the prior benefit of voter fraud operations conducted by Democrat organizations.
When Democrats feel emboldened enough to publicly state that they have the history of conducting ballot harvesting and other voter fraud operations, it goes to show that Republicans have their work cut out for them in November – especially considering the number 2 position is held by a woman who directly benefited from them in the past.
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