While many of you are already checking your browser’s address bar, No, this isn’t ‘The Onion.’
Just when you thought that liberal tolerance couldn’t get any better, comes this story out of the New York Times Magazine:
‘Timothy’ as “he” likes to call “himself” (quotes for emphasis) was a new student at Wellesleyan last year. While filling out his application he applied as his genetically-born sex of female, and then later announced his transitioning because he was afraid of his mother finding out about his transitioning.
Later as a sophomore at the Massachusetts based school, Timothy decided he wanted to run for one of the school offices as a diversity officer. Predictable, laughable and absolutely adorable hilarity ensued:
The post he sought was multicultural affairs coordinator, or “MAC,” responsible for promoting “a culture of diversity” among students and staff and faculty members. Along with Timothy, three women of color indicated their intent to run for the seat. But when they dropped out for various unrelated reasons before the race really began, he was alone on the ballot. An anonymous lobbying effort began on Facebook, pushing students to vote “abstain.” Enough “abstains” would deny Timothy the minimum number of votes Wellesley required, forcing a new election for the seat and providing an opportunity for other candidates to come forward. The “Campaign to Abstain” argument was simple: Of all the people at a multiethnic women’s college who could hold the school’s “diversity” seat, the least fitting one was a whiteman.
Amazing. I literally couldn’t have written a more hilarious parody if I tried. First, that a girl, applies to an all-women’s school, transitions while there, and then is told at a liberal-arts college to take his patriarchy elsewhere. Best yet, Timothy accepts the outcome!
And yet Timothy said he felt conflicted about taking a leadership spot. “The patriarchy is alive and well,” he said. “I don’t want to perpetuate it.”
Want the cherry on the proverbial hilarious sundae? The most famous of Wellesley’s graduates? None other than the NOT-45th President of the United States, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
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