Several weeks ago, shortly after Ben Carson endorsed Donald Trump, he made a shocking admission. Carson told NewsMax TV he had been promised a spot in Donald Trump’s administration, and implied that it was promised to him in exchange for his endorsement.
What Carson didn’t realize at the time I’m sure, judging by the way he so casually dished out this information, is that it is illegal for a candidate to promise a person any kind of position should they become president in exchange for his or her support. Most politicians know better than to get caught doing something like this, but I suppose that’s one of the downfalls of being an outsider who is completely ignorant of the political game: you don’t know enough to know when to keep your mouth shut.
Well, American Democracy Legal Fund released a statement on April 1st expressing that they had filed a criminal complaint with the Department of Justice against Donald Trump.
It reads:
The American Democracy Legal Fund has filed a criminal complaint with the Department of Justice to investigate whether Donald Trump violated federal law by offering Dr. Ben Carson an appointment to his administration in return for supporting his candidacy.
It has recently come to light that Mr. Donald Trump may have willfully offered Dr. Ben Carson an appointment to his administration should he become president in return for supporting his candidacy. Federal law prohibits a candidate from directly or indirectly promising the appointment of any person to any public or private position in exchange for his or her support. Dr. Carson’s comments indicate that Mr. Trump used the promise of a role in his administration to secure Dr. Carson’s support for his presidential campaign.
The complaint is available below and in full with exhibits here. The American Democracy Legal Fund holds candidates for office accountable for possible ethics and/or legal violations. It was established by David Brock and is run by Brad Woodhouse.
American Democracy Legal Fund
455 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001
March 15, 2016
Raymond Hulser
Chief, Public Integrity Section
Department of Justice, Criminal Division
Bond Building, 12th Floor
1400 New York Avenue, NW
Re: Unlawful Promise of Administration Appointment
Dear Mr. Hulser:
American Democracy Legal Fund (“ADLF”) is a group established to hold candidates for office accountable for possible ethics and/or legal violations. It has recently come to light that Mr. Donald Trump may have willfully offered Dr. Ben Carson an appointment to his administration should he become president in return for supporting his candidacy in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 599. ADLF respectfully requests that you investigate this matter and take all appropriate action as soon as possible.
Former presidential candidate Dr. Carson endorsed Mr. Trump for the Republican presidential nomination on March 11, 2016. Mr. Trump and Dr. Carson met the day before to discuss and finalize the endorsement. Three days later, on March 14, Dr. Carson gave an interview to Newsmax TV to discuss his recent endorsement of Mr. Trump. During the interview, Dr. Carson stated that he believed Mr. Trump would “surround himself with very good people.” When asked if he would be one of those people, Dr. Carson responded, “I will be doing things as well.” When the interviewer asked whether that meant in a Trump administration, Dr. Carson replied, “Certainly in an advisory capacity.” The interviewer then asked Dr. Carson if “that’s been determined” and followed by asking, “When you sat down with [Mr. Trump] that was discussed?” Dr. Carson openly admitted, “Yes,” and said that while they “hadn’t hammered out all the details,” “it is very important that we work together.” When asked if this meant a cabinet position, Dr. Carson declined to “reveal any details about it right now, because all of this is still very liquid.”
Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 599, “[w]hoever, being a candidate, directly or indirectly promises or pledges the appointment, or the use of his influence or support for the appointment of any person to any public or private position or employment, for the purpose of procuring support in his candidacy shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if the violation was willful, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.”
Dr. Carson’s comments strongly suggest that Mr. Trump promised him an administration position in return for his endorsement. In his interview, Dr. Carson stated that he would “certainly” have an advisory capacity within a potential Trump administration. When asked directly whether this role was discussed during their endorsement meeting, Dr. Carson responded, “Yes.” Dr. Carson’s assured answers lead to the reasonable conclusion that Mr. Trump promised Dr. Carson an administration post in order to secure his endorsement in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 599.
Federal law prohibits a candidate from directly or indirectly promising the appointment of any person to any public or private position in exchange for his or her support. Dr. Carson’s comments indicate that Mr. Trump used the promise of a role in his administration to secure Dr. Carson’s support for his presidential campaign. For the above stated reasons, we respectfully request that you undertake an immediate investigation of this matter.
Now bear in mind, Brad Woodhouse is a notorious Democrat super douche. In the past, he has claimed that remarks criticizing Obama were “almost treasonous,” so to say that he’s a bit of a drama queen would be a fair assessment.
It would probably also be a fair assessment to say that if Hillary Clinton still hasn’t been thrown in jail for her treatment of classified information, the DOJ probably won’t do much about this complaint.
But hey, remember Trump’s comments during a debate about the potential lawsuit against Ted Cruz for not being born in the United States?
“This isn’t me saying it, I don’t care…here’s the problem…if for some reason he beats the rest of the field, I already know the Democrats are going to be bringing a suit. You have a big lawsuit over your head while you’re running, and if you become the nominee, who the hell knows if you can even serve in office? So you should go out, get a declaratory judgment, let the courts decide.”
Well, the Democrats have filed a lawsuit- against Trump. And in the interest of being fair- since Trump consistently makes it clear he has quite an affinity for fairness- Trump needs to face this lawsuit head on and let the courts decide if he can even serve in office.
Being an outsider like Carson, maybe he didn’t even realize he was committing a crime. Considering he is ignorant about everything else in politics, including policy, it would make sense. In which case, he should definitely take his own advice and be proactive in getting this criminal complaint resolved.
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, right?
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