“Stop right where you are! You know the score, pal! You’re not a cop, you’re “little people.” From The Movie Blade Runner.– HT: Le Wik
It was back in my misspent youth, when my parents packed me off to Camp Brady Saunders for their own sakes more than mine that I got to experience the joys of eating bugs. It was for my Wilderness Survival Merit Badge, and I wasn’t going to be the only wimp in the group who wouldn’t chow down on a fuzzy, crawling larva in honor of the Scouting Spirit! I learned from that experience and can tell my five or six Constant Readers first-hand that when a powerful environmentalist tells you to go eat bugs, you can pretty much surmise that they don’t have your best interests at heart. Michelle Obama has yet to even insert them in her school lunch program. They admit that “consumer disgust” could remain an issue in many Western Countries, but we shouldn’t go blaming that on Charlie the Caterpillar.
There is a reason these people tell you to go eat bugs. There is a reason that these people want you to go have fewer children. There is a reason why our Fearless, Liberal President came into office touting the necessity of higher fuel and gas prices. You eating bugs, having fewer kids and paying more for energy are all necessary. They are necessary to keep you in your place. Villains ye were, Villains ye remain.
So when the Modern Left cues up the sanctimonious drone about Diversity, Sustainability or Equality, they are lying. They are wealthy, liberal hypocrites looking for ways to wall people off from the opportunity to join the upper reaches of American Society. Sustainability always means making the energy more rare and more expensive so that those not to the Gore Manor born can know their place. Diversity means forcing your kids to go to school with the most hopeless of the poor while their kids are different and enroll at Exeter. Equality!? Equality is making You People the characters in a sad, real-life parody of Harrison Bergeron.
So we’ve covered the ideology here, but the practicalities remain vexatious. How do we make sure that the population is properly managed? More importantly, how do we make certain the right ones are culled from the herd? This involves a measurement and a mechanism. The measurement is suggested by the authors of the book Freakonomics.
In the early 1990s, just as the first cohort of children born after Roe v. Wade was hitting its late teen years — the years during which young men enter their criminal prime — the rate of crime began to fall. What this cohort was missing, of course, were the children who stood the greatest chance of becoming criminals. And the crime rate continued to fall as an entire generation came of age minus the children whose mothers had not wanted to bring a child into the world. Legalized abortion led to less unwantedness; unwantedness leads to high crime; legalized abortion, therefore, led to less crime.
Who needs Pre-Crime when you’ve got Planned Parenthood? We note with interest that the planned, clinical vivisection of unborn children from inside of their mothers is not considered a heinous act of terrorism in any of these statistics. Canadian Abortionist Henry Morgantaler gives away the game completely in his apologetic “It’s Better for Us That They Died.”* Getting rid of inconvenient people makes life so much happier for the elite. It’s better for us (those lucky enough to win the genetic lottery) that they (Miniver Cheevy and his fellow children of scorn) died.
So what do you do with the ones that get away? Fred Reed offers us a glimpse of what keeps on happening in real life. The unneeded, not special people just get warehoused.
The apartment was small, tidy, dark, and smelled of good cooking. Three men in middle age sat in the living room, watching television. They looked tired somehow….. I thought about granny, as I mentally called her, and the guys in the living room. They struck me as being warehoused. In all likelihood they were decent people, but they just weren’t necessary. Maybe most of us aren’t–the world wouldn’t fall from its orbit if, say, lawyers and columnists vanished. But most of us do things in the day that let us imagine that we aren’t just breathing. Downtown, many don’t. The men in the living room weren’t hungry, had adequate clothing, weren’t mistreated by anybody. They just had nothing to do, no trade, nothing to offer that anyone wanted.
Most police officers try to do right and remember the people they work with are human beings. Sadly, most does not equal to all. So what then do some of the more corrupt the policemen do with these warehoused people who should have been aborted when they make trouble? They view them as being about as human as the people who currently run our society view them to be. They see them as excess population, perhaps; like The UN Climate Chief; they view these people as shaved-monkey pollution and a burden on the lush, green environment.
Once a policeman decides he works as a garbage man tasked with picking up human garbage; then evil and tragedy will ensue the same way it did at Kermit Gosnell’s “Women’s Health Clinic.”
The police have released a dashboard video showing Walter Scott running from a traffic stop prior to the shooting. You can judge for yourself if the video is exculpatory with regards to the subsequent shooting. I don’t believe so.
I still believe most uniformed police officers haven’t gotten to where they resent the continued existence of the populations they police. I pray this is the case. But it seems more and more like an increasing proportion of them have. And if that is the case, then they, like the environmentalist radicals and the pro-abortion zealots will become another group of people with nothing to lose and something to gain if our lives continue to be devalued.
*-The Palestinians feel the same way about Jews.
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