A lot of Republicans would like to be President in 2016. I’m one of them on some days. The intelligent question that needs to be asked is whether these individuals are up to the job. I’ve seen the pretenders and sell-outs bruited around by the sycophantic lick-spittles of the MSM and can think only one thing: cry the beloved country!
Luckily, things in GOP-land at least have improved. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has formed a committee he named “Our American Revival” and has his website live. Walker describes his philosophical approach to leading America below.
Our American Revival will focus on reforms that will take control from the federal government and big government special interests and give it back to hard-working taxpayers. We will highlight the ideas and solutions coming from the states that would help Americans move from dependence on government to the independence and dignity that from from work. We will showcase successes and proposals that will help assure that every child in our nation has access to a great education. And we will help put power back in the hands of the taxpayers by taking on the big government union bosses through collective bargaining and pension reforms.
This sounds like GOP boilerplate until we examine what Governor Walker has actually done in office. When Scott Walker first took office he inherited a $3.6Bn Budget Deficit. He proposed the Wisconsin Budget Repair Bill to close this shortfall. This bill in fact did reduce the size of government (1,500 public sector layoffs), reduced pension liabilities, limited collective bargaining of government unions and reduced taxes. Liberals then pitched their predictable chimp-out.
In hopes of scaring Scott Walker and the Wisconsin GOP into turning yellow and running away from the necessary reforms, 14 Democratic members of the Wisconsin State Senate left the state to avoid having to vote on the bill by preventing a quorum. The City of Madison shut their school system down in acquiescence to protest activities undertaken by the teachers’ union. They launched recall elections against Governor Walker and Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefish in 2012. They took The Budget Repair Act to the State Supreme Court and were defeated.
After Walker’s reelection in 2014, the gibbering Marxians received a fulsome and condign repudiation. This taught Governor Walker the following lesson.
“If you’re not afraid to go big and go bold, you can actually get results,” he said in Iowa. “And if you get the job done, the voters will actually stand up with you.”
All of this leaves me with the following conclusions.
1) Contrary to the Internet doomsayers, there are actual living, breathing, existing Republicans who will fight for decency against the Parlor Pinks and the Street Marxians.
2) If you stand these Leftists down, they can be beaten.
3) This willingness to actually fight back against the Left is more important to me than a candidate’s stated position on an issue. We all know Renee’ Ellmers enthusiastically supported the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act in 2014 while the Dems still had the Senate and it had zee-row percent chance of ever reaching President Obama’s desk.
Its deeds not words that count. Governor Walker has done deeds. He has done what he believed proper and necessary even in the face of the fekestorm tsunami. It is early on yet to preemptively endorse, but the inclusion of Gov. Scott Walker in the 2016 GOP field is an encouraging sign and a dose of good news for a Conservative who feels my party is increasingly defecting against the tacit agreement under which I continue to support them. An adult who understands duty, honor and obligation has entered the primaries. We are better for having Scott Walker make the attempt.
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