Barack Obama has convinced me. I am newly converted. I have seen the light. War is not the answer – particularly if Barack Obama is Commander-In-Chief. He is the Modern Western analog to an old English Monarch. He is America’s answer to Ethelred The Unready. Unlike King Ethelred, he has no excuse for being poorly advised. He chose his own team of experts. Chuck Hagel, Hillary Clinton, John F. Kerry and Valerie Jarret are all his own personal hires. His degrees are from Columbia and Harvard. There is no acceptable reason for his failure to prepare for the crisis occurring now in The Middle East with ISIS. If this man leads our armed forces; we should not engage our soldiers, sailors, airmen or marines in any combat operation unless the United States is directly attacked. Otherwise, it would be utter moral malpractice to place the lives of our military personnel in the hands of
anyone so personally unwilling to do what is necessary to lead America into the future.
We ultimately will be drawn into a war against ISIS. They will feel emboldened to attack us. Paticularly when we are ruled by a man who is too foolish to admit that The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria has much of anything to do with Islam. The hope here in my heart is that two years will pass before they are so brave and somebody with a decent set of ethics and morals will reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to lead us to war against the sick and degenerate infidels who behead, mutilate and crucify their victims on behalf of ISIS. President Obama’s recent speech on his strategy to combat ISIS is prima-face evidence that he has no business being in charge of any such conflict. A doppelganger capable of writing plain English hijacked David Frum’s column at The Atlantic and properly critiqued President Obama’s Night-Before-The-Paper-Was-Due Address below.
Barack Obama’s address Wednesday on the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria was surprisingly terrible: a disorganized mess, insincere and unconvincing.
Frum replaces Obama’s Doublespeak answers to simple, obvious questions with plain translations. Here is a flavor of just how completely banal Mr. Frum found The Commander-In-Chief’s latest GHG emission of a speech for the masses.
Q: Why are we fighting ISIS? Is the group a threat to the United States or American allies?… A: No, not really….. Q: Do we have a plan to defeat ISIS? A: Again, no, not really…..The question before the nation is, “What is the benefit of this war to America and to Americans?” That was the question the speech left unanswered.
We can sum this up as follows: David Frum, famous for his NeoCon bellicosity; has listened to our President.* He has concluded from the verbal effluvium that President Obama is proposing to introduce lethal force against a foe he does not personally believe can do us or our allies any harm. He has no plan on how to manage said lethality once he pops open the can of Whoop-A–. Having popped a can on a bunch of people unable to harm the US or its allies; he is incapable of naming a single benefit that this course of action will accrue to the American people. If this is what the War-Monger Caucus thinks of the latest from His Most Grandiloquent Emperor of The Sand Trap then where is Code Pink when they’d be any more useful to the commonweal than a case of hemorrhoids? Why aren’t Howard Dean and Cindy Sheehan singing karaoke duets of “Give Peace A Chance” by John Lennon?** Where is the mighty voice of internet Progressivism? That one, at least, we can answer.
I can envision no plausible scenario in which this country stops its endless projection of military force. Not in my lifetime. I suppose I hope only that people in the media will someday be honest and say: we are bent on war, and our media is bent on war, and there is no such thing as an anti-war voice in our politics or media, and we will go to war again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.
It may not be quite that bad. Our President made that whole thing up off the cuff. It was a strategy, but I’m not sure it was directed at ISIS as much as it was directed at five toss-up Senate races for seats currently held by Democrats. Get past this election, and he’ll be talking off the other cuff. He’ll have more flexibility. He’ll be back at the links ignoring the world outside of fundraising and celebrity-schmoozing. That would suit me just fine. I’m totally against this war. Not because ISIS isn’t as sick as a town with an Ebola outbreak. I simply see our armed forces as having no path to victory under the failed and unconcerned leadership of President Barack Obama. Until this failed and feckless president is out of office, I’m now staunchly anti-war unless The United States of America is directly attacked.
*-Whew! Now the rest of us don’t have to!
**-OK, scratch that! Sorry about the visual.
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