I don’t know about where you live but in Washington State, we’re apparently fast-tracking the changing of the meaning of “community service.” Sure the traditional things that come to mind are beneficial to, well, the community and are typically service-oriented. I know I know, how could you tell from the two word phrase?
That’s how it is for the rest of you rubes, but in Washington State, our junior Senator Maria Cantwell is taking the term in a whole new direction. To leisure activities, including but not limited to hiking!
Yes, indeed. “Community service” now includes being “an avid hiker and outdoorswoman.”
🤔🤔 @SenatorCantwell lists hiking and climbing mountains as her "public service" in voter pamphlet
(texted to me by a Dem who shall remain nameless!) #waelex pic.twitter.com/tgPAvFzVJe— Jim Brunner (@Jim_Brunner) July 26, 2018
The voter information pamphlet reads,
“Community Service: Maria is an avid hiker and outdoorswoman who has summited Mt. Rainier, Mt. Adams, Grand Teton, Kilimanjaro and hopes to tackle more of our nation’s highest peaks.”
How many hours of community service is that? Yeesh.
Of course, anyone who winds up in trouble with the law and gets assigned hours of community service to work off their misdeeds will be happy to hear a short trek up Mt. Baker or perhaps a weekend of salmon fishing will suffice.
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