We’ve heard and seen a lot in recent weeks about the contentious and at times loud and attracting protests. Some lawmakers, like Sen. Marco Rubio, have been chided for declining to hold town halls when they know the meetings will be overtaken by shout downs and protests.
However, The Hill reported on Friday what some might find a surprising truth when it comes to who is actually holding the most town hall events and listening to their constituents.
10. Rep. Tim Walberg (Michigan) – Town halls: 66
9. Rep. Tom Reed (New York) – Town halls: 67
8. Rep. Mike Conaway (Texas) – Town halls: 68
7. Rep. Frank Lucas (Oklahoma) – Town halls: 68
6. Sen. Rand Paul (Kentucky) – Town halls: 79
5. Sen. Chuck Grassley (Iowa) – Town halls: 81
4. Former Rep. Tim Huelskamp (Kansas) – Town halls: 103
3. Sen. Jerry Moran (Kansas) – Town halls: 123
2. Sen. Mike Crapo (Idaho) – Town halls: 168
1. Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (Wisconsin) – Town halls: 195
That’s right, the top ten congressmen that are holding the most town halls in order for their constituents to speak to them are exclusively Republican.
Not only that, according to the site Legistorm, 24 of the 28 who have held the most town halls are Republican as well.
So, while Republicans have been facing more than their fair share of backlash while meeting with constituents, at least they’re out there face-to-face at a significantly higher amount of time than their Democratic colleagues.
Democrats and the media can never say Republicans didn’t give the American people a fair hearing. Much of the dissension is over the impending repeal of Obamacare, which is something Republicans must follow through on. They ran on and were elected over the past 7 years largely because they promised to do so.
Leftist protesters can shout all they want to, but as novelist John Vorhaus contended, “If you can’t be right, be loud,” I suppose.
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