Kansas Police Got More than They Bargained for While Looking for a Mountain Lion

It’s often a mundane job going through the footage of a wildlife camera looking for a reported mountain lion in the area. You’d expect hours and hours of shots of skunks,


and coyotes.

Or old women with walkers carrying sharp instruments.

Wait. What? Is that Santa?

Is that Santa?

Odd. Of course, there might be a bear. Wait a minute…

Oh. Um. What’s going on here??



That’s hilarious. Thankfully, the Gardner Police were amused as well. Posting on their Facebook page:

“We would like to sincerely thank the persons responsible as it made our day when we pulled up what we expected to be hundreds of pictures of coyotes, foxes and raccoons. Thank you to the citizens who noticed the cameras. Your effort and sense of humor are greatly appreciated.”


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