The Los Angeles Times has shown that its respect for women matches that of Donald Trump. A greasy cartoonist/opinionator of theirs named David Horsey wrote the following passage about Sarah F-word-abee Sanders, and an editor approved it:
Sanders looks more like a slightly chunky soccer mom who organizes snacks for the kids’ games.
Lovely. Here is a screenshot of the passage, which has since been removed from the piece:
An editor read the line "looks more like a slightly chunky soccer mom" & thought sure, good, yes, lets publish this
— Tom Gara (@tomgara) November 3, 2017
Horsey has now been forced to issue issued this apology:
I want to apologize to Times readers — and to Sarah Huckabee Sanders — for a description that was insensitive and failed to meet the standards of our newspaper. It also failed to meet the expectations I have for myself. It surely won’t be my last mistake, but this particular error will be scrupulously avoided in my future commentaries. I’ve removed the offending description.
Yeah, well, it lives on, buddy. Well done.
Horsey is the same fella who recently wrote a smug column about how he was one of the Good Guys who never harasses women:
Women who have suffered harassment need to know that the old cliches, such as “all men are alike” or “all men want the same thing” are fallacious. There is an army of men who are very different from the brutish stereotype. . . . There are good guys. We are here. And, if you are looking for someone to stand with you, we say, “me, too.”
We all bow down to you, David Horsey. Oh by the way, I notice you still have a cartoon of Sanders up calling her a “Big Mother.” Yeah: you’re one of the good guys!
Here’s the thing, though: watching diehard Trump supporters try to make A Thing out of this is jarring. For example, here’s Joel Pollak at the Trump-loving Breitbart, who scolded: “As for the text, Horsey chose to lead his column with an attack on Sanders’s appearance. And the Times editors chose to print it.”
This kind of whining is rich, coming from a site that has relentlessly promoted misogynist extraordinaire Donald Trump. You know how you guys like to fight fire with fire? You know how you like to make the other side live by their own rules? Well, gee, guys. Maybe Horsey was doing exactly that to Sanders. After all, Sanders gets up day after day and shills and lies for a guy who has said some of the worst possible things about women. So I guess, according to the sacred Trumper “if they do it to us then we can do it back to them” principle, it is now OK to say the following things about Sanders:
You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her wherever.- She’s unattractive both inside and out.
.@ariannahuff is unattractive both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man- he made a good decision.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 28, 2012
- She has the face of a dog.
- While she is an extremely unattractive woman, I refuse to say that because I am politically correct.
While @BetteMidler is an extremely unattractive woman, I refuse to say that because I always insist on being politically correct.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 28, 2012
- A picture is worth a thousand words (using an unattractive picture of Sanders).
"@Don_Vito_08: "A picture is worth a thousand words" @realDonaldTrump #LyingTed #NeverCruz @MELANIATRUMP"
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 24, 2016
Not that long ago, I said:
If you give any single person a pass for bad behavior, it hurts your ability to credibly criticize others for the same bad behavior.
— Patterico (@Patterico) October 26, 2017
Diehard Trumpers think they’re so clever with their handful of whatabouts referring to Hillary or Obama. Whatabout Obama’s if you like your doctor you can keep him? Whatabout Hillary’s dirty uranium deals?
Guess what? Trump is handing the left 30 years of whatabouts. Democrat politicians will be immune from criticism over character defects for the rest of my life. There is literally no moral flaw that Trump does not embody. Find a Democrat with one or two in the future, and there will be a dozen “whatabout Trump’s _______” in response.
Horsey’s behavior was wretched and inexcusable. Trump’s has been worse. If you make a Huge Deal out of Horsey but laughed off Trump’s behavior, you’re just a cheap partisan. Just like the cheap partisans on the left. No better at all.
And when Donald Trump’s behavior is thrown back in your face in the future? You’ll deserve it.
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