When Even Jim Acosta Nails the Harris Team for Her Media Avoidance, You Know She's in Trouble

AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File

Kamala Harris' press avoidance has now started to become a big issue. 

She hasn't had an interview ever since she took over the nomination without a single vote from the American people after Joe Biden was unceremoniously shoved out of the race. She hasn't even answered any real questions since then. She hasn't even had any policy positions on her website. 


Not only has Harris avoided questions and an interview with the press, even a friendly outlet, she's now in trouble for ditching her press pool earlier in the week when she went to Howard University. Fox's Peter Doocy busted her on it on Tuesday. 

Moreover, her team seemingly can't answer simple questions about her schedule, which is ridiculous. 

READ MORE:  What Is Harris Hiding? Peter Doocy Busts Kamala for Ditching the Press Pool

WATCH: Kamala Spox Squirms As CNN Asks Very Simple Question About Her Schedule

But now, the mainstream media is starting to press her and her team on the issue. 

If even CNN's Jim Acosta thinks there's an issue, then Kamala Harris may just have a problem. Listen as he presses Michael Tyler, the campaign's communications director, about doing a press conference. The response from the Harris official is lacking, to say the least. 


"Would it kill you guys to have a press conference?" Acosta asked. "Why hasn't she had a press conference?"

Tyler laughed as though the question was ridiculous and said that she was doing rallies, talking to the people. Um, yeah, reading off a teleprompter isn't the same thing as a press conference. When people don't even know what your policies are and you're trying to hide/run away from the policies you've propounded in the past, people just might have questions. She's been in office, has done nothing, but still can't put her policies out there. 

Wonder of wonders, Acosta brought him up short, saying, "A campaign rally is not a press conference...Why hasn't she had a press conference?" 

Tyler claimed she was taking questions out on the stump, which isn't really true. All she's said is that she might do an interview by the end of the month. That's ridiculous, and it's not a press conference, like former President Donald Trump has done. 

Acosta asked if they would commit to a press conference this week. He then asked if he would commit by the end of the month. Tyler wouldn't do either. He just kept talking about Harris' "vision" — which so far doesn't even include any policies. Acosta noted that even the interview they said they were going to do at some point wasn't "much." But Tyler refused to commit to a press conference before the end of the month, as he continued to pontificate. 


Laughing and acting like the question isn't worth your time isn't a good look. Because that says what you think about the concerns of the American people. Who campaigns like this? And you have to think when she is so panicked over this that she knows how deficient she is and doesn't want to be found out, that she's trying to hold that off as long as possible. 


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