Biden Campaign Steps in It Again With Latest Attack on Trump, but It Backfires on Them

AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura

The Biden-Harris HQ campaign account has a lot in common with Joe Biden, the guy they're trying to promote: They have a great deal of difficulty with the truth. 


We've seen them actively involved in the ridiculous bloodbath hoax, for example, but they weren't done there. 


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As Rebecca Downs at Townhall observed, former President Donald Trump was discussing how he improved the military during his time in office with people from Fox News. He praised the military, chastised what Biden did during the Afghanistan withdrawal, and said he would take action in the future with the "woke generals."

"Yes, I would get rid of them, yeah," Trump confirmed, explaining now he knows who they actually are, unlike when he first came into office. "But see, now I know 'em; I didn't know 'em before. You know, I came in, what do I know, I was a New York real estate person," he reminded. "But no, I'd fire 'em, I would fire them," Trump continued, making clear, "You can't have a woke military."


He said that the military should be focused on winning wars. 

Notice how what the Biden-Harris account tweeted about replacing people with "MAGA loyalists" wasn't anywhere on the clip. Nor did they properly note the context. 

As Downs explained: 

Conveniently, the clip ended before Trump brought the conversation back to points made earlier, about how "you need people that want to win, they want to win wars," as he reminded "that's what their purpose is, to win wars, not to be woke!"

Exactly. One might say Trump was attempting to de-politicize the military, the very opposite of what the Biden Harris campaign account was claiming. 

Now you had some on the left who just completely fell for his latest nonsensical story. Don't any of them even listen to the clips? 

But the funny thing is that even though the campaign account was trying to attack Trump with the post, many then responded how much they approved of what Trump had to say. The Biden campaign was even mocked for basically running an ad that would make people want to vote for Trump even more. Even Pete Hegseth responded, saying, "Trump was right." 


Once again, the Biden team has a backfire. Can we encourage them to keep it up? At this rate, with all their failure, they're going to propel Trump right back into the White House. 


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