CNN Interview With Rapper Cam'ron About Diddy Goes Sideways in Jaw-Dropping Way

AP Photo/Ron Harris

I'm not sure what CNN expected when they invited rapper and podcaster Cam'ron (whose real name is Cameron Giles) to talk about Sean "Diddy" Combs and the disgusting video that shows him allegedly beating his former girlfriend, Cassie Ventura. I'm not sure why they had him on to begin with because it doesn't sound like he's close to Combs, so what did they think he would really contribute to the discussion? It sounds like maybe he knew people who were close to Diddy, but that hardly makes him a qualified person to ask questions of on the issue. 


But I think it's safe to say they didn't expect what they got, and things went completely sideways with his response to their questions. 

Cam'ron started out okay, saying he was against the violence shown in the video, which shows Combs allegedly beating his former girlfriend. It's gone viral because of how disgusting it is, with a lot of people asking why it hasn't come out before and why the issues it raises are only being asked about now. 

But as anchor Abby Phillip continued to ask him questions, Cam'ron seemed to get disturbed that she kept prodding him. 

What did he think about Combs' apology, he was asked. He said it wasn't up to him to accept it or not, it was up to Ventura because she was the alleged victim. 

Phillip asked if there was something known to people about the way Diddy treated his artists? 

That's when things really went south. You can see Cam'ron gulping something down, and he explains, "So I'm going to get some cheeks after this horse power drink." Um, alrighty now, what the heck did he just say? 


What he's saying is he's about to go have sex and he's taking a sexual stimulant. Something that you're not likely to see on any other network anytime soon. Good job, CNN, for breaking new barriers. Not. 

But Phillip kept going and asking if there were a lot of people protecting Diddy. That's when he really lost it on her: "Who the talent agent for this joint? You think I be sitting around sitting around watching what Diddy doing...Who booked me for this joint?" 

Now that's pretty hilarious and crazy at the same time. 

But that's on CNN who invited someone on to comment on an issue he wasn't really connected to, and he wanted to talk about the things he wanted to promote, like his podcast. That's all on them. It shows how they really didn't do their homework and then they got caught short when the guest is wondering why he's there too. But he certainly did get some attention for himself and his podcast with this. 



SHOCKING: Video Just Released of Sean 'Diddy' Combs Allegedly Beating His Former Girlfriend

'I'm Truly Sorry': Sean 'Diddy' Combs Issues Apology After Footage Shows Him Assaulting Ex-Girlfriend


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