Biden Isn't Going to Like What Bill Maher Has to Say About the Debates and Switching Him Out

Janet Van Ham/HBO via AP

Joe Biden isn't going to like what Bill Maher had to say about him on his show, "Real Time," on Friday. 

Maher spoke about the debates and why he thought that Biden had finally agreed to debate former President Donald Trump. 


"To me, it says Biden knows he's losing," Maher declared. "Cause else he wouldn't have agreed. Only the loser wants to debate." 

That's absolutely right. Despite the fact that Biden is publicly denying the polls, he's getting beaten in them including in the crucial battleground states. On top of that, Trump seems to be putting other states that should be reliable blue back into play.  


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So Biden is finally agreeing because he knows he needs to do something to move the needle in his direction. And imagine how desperate they have to be to try to move that needle by throwing Joe out there even more and having him talk. 

But Maher had an interesting question about the debates, noting how early the first debate was scheduled, "I've never seen a summer debate. Not for the Presidential elections. They're always in October right before the election. This one? June 27th? They haven't even had the convention yet."


That's when one of the other panel member made a joke about the age of the candidates, "They're not getting any younger." 

They also went there on questions of drugs, after people have raised questions about if Biden is getting assistance. 

Debates may be able to move the needle. But maybe they're also thinking if Biden does badly and doesn't change the needle, they could switch him out. 

Maher and his panel went there on that question. You know it's not good for Joe when they're publicly contemplating this possibility. 

"After the last election it was "Trump is finished."

A year later it was "Well he's not going away."

Then it was, "Uh oh, he could win again."

Now it seems like the consensus is almost 'Biden can't win."

He is losing in all the swing states except Wisconsin, and by bigger and bigger numbers.

Is it too late to switch out?" Maher asked.


"They just don't see him as the guy," Maher said. "No matter what he does." 

"Democrats will have to get off their keister now. Now!" Maher continued. 

Then one of the other panel members even spoke about the "actuarial tables," implying that one of them could die before the election. "But we're not rooting for that," Maher quickly said. 

Perhaps that's the thought, that they can switch him out. But they're running out of time. And how would they solve the problem of Kamala? 

And who do they think they can sub in, Gavin Newsom? 

Look what he did to California. And at this point, wouldn't people just be tired of all the Democrat game playing and that they were willing to throw Biden out there to begin with? 

As far as the debates, maybe the only thing that Biden has is that expectations are so low is that media declares him the winner because he managed to show up and not fall off the stage. But that still wouldn't change all the greater issues with Biden. 


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