CNN Reporter Appears to Promote Biden Anti-Trump Merchandise, Even Linking to Joe's Campaign Store

AP Photo/Ron Harris

The debate news heated up and went into overdrive on Wednesday, as Joe Biden finally said he would agree to debate former President Donald Trump. 

As we noted, he put all kinds of conditions on it, including not wanting an audience and only wanting certain media to be able to cover it (translation: only people he thinks might be favorable to him). You know if he's agreeing to this, he must be desperate over the polls and his chances. 


But even the video he put out to respond to Trump showed Biden's issues. He couldn't even get through a 14-second video without sounding like a ridiculous high schooler daring someone to a fight, and it had at least five edits. When you can't even do 14 seconds or one sentence without getting the help of edits, you are in big trouble. 


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One of the debates that they did agree to was a CNN debate on June 27. I would be concerned--if I were the Trump team--about arranging it to avoid the bias we're going to see from media like CNN. 

If there is any question about how problematic CNN can be, let's look at what one of the CNN reporters posted about the debates. 


He included the link to the Biden merchandise shop. So, he's not just reporting on what Biden is doing, he's effectively helping promote Biden merchandise. 

Can we say how much of a problem this is? Particularly now that there's going to be a CNN debate? And they wonder why the American people don't trust them. 

A member of the Biden campaign team even tweeted out Dovere's tweet. 

Remember Ducklo? That was the guy who was let go from his White House job because of accusations of harassing a reporter. But hey, here he is working for the campaign, despite what Biden said about dealing with accusations of harassment. Once again, Biden hypocrisy writ large. 

People called out the bias. 

If CNN were being objective, they would question the lawfare that Biden was trying to taunt Trump over, rather than linking the merchandise. But as my colleague Susie Moore noted, Trump should lean into the "free on Wednesdays" - that, yes, with him Americans will be free on Wednesday -- and every day.


That's great advice. And use it to again to emphasize again how lawfare is being used against Trump here--and how desperate Biden is. It's actually really dumb for Biden to highlight it like this. 


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