As we reported earlier, despite the fact that Joe Biden had the weekend off and was at Camp David on yet another one of his many vacations, he was in bad shape during his interview with Al Roker. It was a softball opportunity to pump his campaign, something that NBC should not have done that way. It's one thing to cover the Easter Egg roll, it's another to give Biden the opportunity to campaign on the network. But it was such a mess it probably had a negative effect as he slurred, made no sense, and then had a bizarre story about liking his kids -- corrected to grandkids -- jumping in bed with him.
READ MORE: Biden Interview With Al Roker Goes South With Slurring and Bizarre Story About Kids/Grandkids
Then Joe Biden had to do the Easter Egg roll event with Jill. Biden's confusion was in evidence yet again.
As he and Jill came out of the event, he seemed perplexed as he had to point ahead to get the signal that he was going in the right direction.
A confused Biden and his Easter Bunny handlers emerge from the White House β as Biden points to make sure he's headed in the right direction
β RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 1, 2024
Then he trotted over to one of the bunnies and tried to ask him something, but the bunny seemed to blow him off.
Biden has only one mode: confused
β RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 1, 2024
There were AP pictures of him throughout the event, trying to talk to the kids. Here was a look at him appearing to kiss and sniff one of the babies at the event:
Biden leans in for the sniff π₯΄
β RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 1, 2024
But truly, one of the wildest public comments he made during the gathering was when he introduced the Easter Bunnies when he and Jill came out on the balcony. I know his slurring was bad on Monday, but this was a new low even for him. Was this just incoherence or was this another way of obliterating Easter from the day?
Jill, Ed.D., escorts Biden and his Easter Bunny handlers out to the balcony
β RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 1, 2024
BIDEN: "By the way, say hello to oyster bunnies!"
β RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 1, 2024
"By the way, say hello to the oyster bunnies," Biden said. "It's all yours, (unintelligible)."
What the heck is he referring to there? I'm not sure. But that's typical Biden, you have to keep searching the incoherence for meaning, hoping to find some. Not what you should have to be doing with the alleged leader of the free world. If he was trying to eliminate Easter from the term, it didn't help him because it made him look ridiculous, and he had people wondering what the heck he was talking about. And as some pointed out, Biden was being regressive, since he only seemed to have a male and female bunny and no non-binary or other gender bunnies.
But maybe oyster bunnies are gender fluid.
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