Bill Maher Blisters Ivy League Antisemitism, 'Team Hamas,' and 'Useful Idiots'

Janet Van Ham/HBO via AP

Bill Maher took on one of the big stories of the week during his "Real Time" show, talking about antisemitism at Ivy League schools and the comments at the House hearing by the presidents of Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, and MIT. As we reported, UPenn President Liz Magill resigned because of her comments on Saturday, and good riddance to her. 


UPenn President Liz Magill Steps Down After Outrageous Statements on Antisemitism

He spoke with Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) President Greg Lukianoff about how Harvard and UPenn were at the bottom of the list when it came to rankings on free speech. 

"So these are two of the colleges who are now on Team Hamas," Maher said. "Is that a coincidence? Or what is the connection?"

Then they began to speak about what crosses the line, with Maher giving funny responses about various terms being tossed out there by the anti-Israel activists. He termed "intifada" one of those "vague terms — like jihad," pointing out it '"probably means violence." Then there's "from the river to the sea," which he admitted was "a little more genocide-y." 

"But, you know, let's give the benefit of the doubt — that could be, ‘Well, we just want the Jews to move and not die,'" Maher joked sarcastically. "And then there's the phrase ‘by any means necessary.’ Ok, now I'm kinda peeing my pants," he declared. 


"It was kind of embarrassing to watch these university presidents of the top institutions in the country not being able to answer that clearly," Lukianoff said.  [....]

The HBO star later equated college students to "useful idiots," telling Lukianoff the "bigger scandal here is that these are the biggest, most esteemed colleges in the country and they've raised a bunch of f---ing idiots."

And that's the problem with many college students. Many of them don't even understand the issues; they're just jumping on board with whatever the "current thing" is in the oppressor/oppressed binary, trying to make themselves feel better because the left is permanently unhappy as they try to push everything further left and into more chaos. It's all about whatever will serve that purpose. 

Maher then went on to call out the liberals who "only watch MSNBC" and "read The New York Times," who had dismissed the calls he's been making about the disturbing nature of what's happening with the left on college campuses. "If anything good that has come out of this, it's that now you see what we've been talking about. We were not making it up!" Maher declared. And it does appear it has woken some up to the problem, so that is a positive toward pulling some over to the side of reality. 



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