Antifa Throws Fit That FL Police Are Trying to ID Masked Man Who Threatened Jews

AP Photo/Gillian Flaccus

Anti-Israel activists have been getting crazy all over the country. I reported earlier on Saturday how they tried to kick in the doors to Grand Central on Friday night, fought with the police, and even attacked a vehicle with UFC fighters including Jamahal Hill. 


These violent actions are happening all over the place including in one area where there are a lot of Jewish people: Boca Raton, Florida. 

Julio Rosas caught this moment there, when a masked man threatened some of the Jewish counter-protesters across the street. He said he would go to Gaza right now if it meant he could kill them. 

"To kill you, I go right now!" he shouted. "You're scared to set foot over here," he yelled. "I'd die for my people!" He kept trying to induce people to cross the road to fight with him. 

There was at least one alleged assault by an anti-Israel person.

Warning for graphic language: 

But that same guy from the first video kept trying to cause trouble and get into another fight. Rosas said people from "both sides" spat at each other. 


Rosas then noted that Florida state troopers wanted to talk to the guy and were asking if people could identify him. 

But perhaps the funniest reaction to the police trying to identify this guy was from an Antifa account on X -- the Miami Antifascist Newsletter -- which purports to be an "Anarchist news bulletin on Miami and SFL; sharing actions, mutual aid, and cop/fascist watch." He said they were "ready," if the "highway patrol wants to play this game." 

Yeah, if they had the video, they'd already be out with it. Nice try, but not buying it, buddy. 

Then the Antifa person hilariously tried to brag about their legal team "that was fully prepared to beat the charges." 


Um, so is the guy Antifa if their "legal team" is "prepared to defeat criminal charges"? And hey, Democrats, if they have a "legal team," maybe they're real? I always think that's the funniest defense from the Democrats, to throw these guys under the bus and pretend they don't exist. 

But it shouldn't be surprising that Antifa is involved. The leftist signs are all over the rallies. It's like a retread of 2020 with more people for the new, latest "cause."


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