Trump Has the Perfect Response to Biden's New Nickname for Him

Joe Biden was a hot mess during his remarks on Wednesday in Illinois. He kept trying to deflect blame away from himself for all the problems while at the same time, continually getting confused and losing his train of thought. He didn’t even seem to understand the contours of New Jersey despite being born in the adjoining state of Pennsylvania and being the senator from the nearby state of Delaware for 36 years.


All this leaves the Democrats in quite a quandary. Biden is terrible and unpopular. The Democrats are about to get creamed big time in the midterms in November. What options do they have, besides screaming about abortion, which isn’t what’s affecting most people’s pocketbooks? What they’ve settled on is trying to demonize the “MAGA people” and President Donald Trump, coming up with terms like “Ultra MAGA,” and calling them extreme every 15 minutes. They’re concentrating on that, not dealing with inflation or doing their jobs. They have no record to stand on, so this is all they can think to do.

But Trump isn’t the reason the people are suffering. Indeed, every mention of him just reminds people of how much better things were under him when he was president. Plus, if Democrats are trying to paint someone as “extreme,” it doesn’t go over well when they are the ones doing extreme things, like encouraging protests against Supreme Court Justices in their homes. Americans have shown they don’t like that at all.

But whatever brain trust was behind this “MAGA strategy” came up with a hilarious one, with Biden being instructed to call Trump, “The Great MAGA King” which he said during the remarks he gave to the IBEW in Chicago.


Trump couldn’t have written that better to show how desperate they are and fearful of him. But it wasn’t Trump siccing the FBI on parents or setting up disinformation truth boards. Pro-tip, Biden folks? It makes Trump sound better and you guys sound ridiculously obsessed. It’s also reminiscent of Hillary’s “deplorable” moment as Biden doesn’t seem to understand demonizing millions of Trump supporters as “extremists” probably isn’t a good idea to get people to vote for his side.

Trump had a great response on Truth Social, mocking and having great fun with the obsession of Biden and the Democrats.

But notice there’s something else in there that’s going to set the left off if they pick up on it. The hint that he’s running again with “The Return.” Funny that the top of the sword looks sort of like a Tesla logo as well. They are completely going to lose their minds if he runs again.



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