Biden's Crazy Woke Focus Led to Invasion but Here Are Some Things He Could Do

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

I wrote earlier this week about how the “chickens of weakness were coming home to roost” regarding Joe Biden and Russia, that this invasion is a response to weakness and a failure to understand that showing that weakness emboldens bad actors. Even now, the Biden team still doesn’t seem to know how to respond. Despite talking about this now for months, they seem completely paralyzed when Vladimir Putin didn’t take the weak threat of sanctions seriously.


But, any bad actors looking at what the Biden Administration has been showing over the past year would be emboldened.

What they saw was an administration that was focused not on America’s strength or checking bad actors, but on things like climate change and being woke.

As we noted earlier, even now, the concern of John Kerry was about the effect of emissions on climate change, and he said he hoped Putin would still be on board with that, even as he’s invading another country.

Biden has spent most of his time demonizing the unvaccinated and putting out things like this.

Instead of building up the military or oil production, he was focused on killing our energy production, and spending his time making the military woke, spending nearly 6 million man-hours on implementing Biden’s “leftist social agenda” across the military: on new training regarding climate change, extremism, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Biden made our military more concerned about “white rage” than legitimate threats from bad actors.


What bad actor would ever be put off by anything like this?

Even now, there’s no effort to put sanctions on Putin directly, no decision to cut Putin off from the SWIFT system with the sanctions that Biden is talking about. Biden made clear he wasn’t doing that because European nations weren’t on board with that, so much for tough sanctions. He’s made us dependent, and Europe is now dependent on Russia as well, and doesn’t want to pull the trigger. Biden even had the temerity to say that no one thought that sanctions would prevent Putin from invading. So then, why was Biden lying and suggesting that they would? Then why is he only reacting with sanctions? You can do things that could back Putin off — without troops — but Biden is refusing to do that.

Here’s what Norway was doing and what they need more of — asymmetric action. Go after him personally. Hit him where he lives.

That’s why Putin didn’t move on President Donald Trump because he would hit them where they lived, and they couldn’t figure out what his reaction might be — he thought asymmetrically. Unfortunately, they know Biden’s moves and aren’t put off by them.


The Biden team can’t seem to keep their thoughts coherent, and that’s why we’re here now with this. Something else he isn’t doing is acknowledging he was wrong, and starting to increase our own energy production, which would send a message to Russia. He’ll never do that because all must fall to the gods of the woke liberal agenda. Biden’s priority isn’t what’s the best for America.

Now, sanctions will give Russia more money because they are the producers. So, the sanctions would hurt us and help him. But, the addled Biden is weak and doesn’t want to go there.


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