CDC Joins Fauci in the Effort to Squash Your Holidays

(AP Photo/David Goldman, File)

We reported over the weekend how Dr. Anthony Fauci said that he didn’t know if we could all gather on Christmas yet on “Face the Nation” because of COVID.


“It’s just too soon to tell. We just gotta concentrate on continuing to get those numbers down, and not try to jump ahead by weeks or months and say what we’re going to do at a particular time. Let’s focus like a laser on continuing to get those cases down.

And we can do it by people getting vaccinated and also in the situation where boosters are appropriate, to get people boosters, because we know they can help greatly in diminishing infection and in diminishing advanced disease, the kinds of data that are now accumulating in real time.”

My colleague Joe Cunningham also wrote on Fauci’s remarks, noting that it isn’t even time to think about Christmas — we have other holidays in between.

But now, the CDC is climbing aboard that Fauci holiday bandwagon and recommending that people celebrate virtually or outdoors.

From Fox News:

“Attending gatherings to celebrate events and holidays increases your risk of getting and spreading COVID-19,” the latest guidance reads. “The safest way to celebrate is virtually, with people who live with you, or outside and at least 6 feet apart from others.”

The health agency advised celebrating over video chats with family and friends, watching virtual events and driving around the community to wave at neighbors from a safe distance.

For those eyeing indoor gatherings, the CDC issued recommendations for a safer holiday, including vaccinations for all those eligible who have yet to receive shots, adhering to mask guidance, opening doors and windows to boost air flow, but also to “have conversations ahead of time to understand expectations for celebrating together.”


Are these people actually seeing the “gatherings” people are having across the country? Thousands in stadiums and at other events? Did the CDC miss the Emmys (everyone getting together in close quarters without masks) or Barack Obama’s birthday party in August with hundreds showing up? Do they really think that people are actually planning their holidays waiting on the word from Fauci or the CDC as to what they can do?

I’ll have a virtual celebration when Barack Obama does.

So if you’re at Thanksgiving next month, make sure that you’re celebrating out in the snow. Make sure you’re at least six feet away from Grandma when you toss that turkey leg to her and try not to miss when you chuck the stuffing at Uncle Ed. If Grandpa freezes in the snow, just remember — you’re being safe and operating within CDC and Fauci guidance.


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