Dems Prove Why You Don't Want Them In Charge: First They Got a PPP Loan, Then They Stomp on Their Own Staffers

RedState/Brandon Morse

One of states that was supposed to be in hot contention during the election but went early to President Donald Trump was Florida.

One of the reasons was because the Democrats’ embrace of radical leftist policies and radical leftist groups like the BLM which many folks in Florida were not fans of, having come originally from countries like Cuba and Venezuela who were radical leftist Communist and/or socialist countries.


But there may have been another very simple and glaring reason that some didn’t want to vote for Democrats in Florida.

In a story that hasn’t gotten a lot of national attention but did in the state, the Florida Democratic Party last year applied and got a PPP loan worth at least $780,000. Now PPP loans were supposed to be about helping out struggling businesses to be able to maintain their employees because of the state lockdowns, not to help political parties help themselves.

But when the PPP list came out, the Florida Democratic Party got so much deserved backlash, that they returned the money.

But Republicans wanted to know who signed off on it, arguing that political parties weren’t supposed to be getting the money and making a lot of justifiable hay of it in attack ads during the election.


So imagine, you’re a person in Florida who has been waiting for that virus relief money but you learned that Democrats got so much. Would you ever really want to vote for them again?

But in addition to that, there’s a further coda to the story about Florida Democrats. Because they’re Democrats, meaning they take every advantage but don’t know how to handle money, they were soon in more trouble.

Unfortunately it’s that kind of ability or lack thereof that is going to have us go from the strong underlying economy that President Donald Trump built to the regulation burdened, spend on everything economy that we’re going to get from Joe Biden.

So how did that roll out in Florida? Turns out not only did they try to screw Americans by taking a PPP loan they had to give back, they had screwed their own workers, reportedly failing to pay their health insurance for them and having it canceled, but then not even telling them as they racked up medical bills.


According to Politico, the party’s health insurance coverage was dropped effective Dec. 1, but the staff never got notice from the party and only found out from Florida Blue, the insurer a month later in a Jan. 7 dated letter that was sent out, more than a month later.

“Your health and well being are important to us,” read a notice dated Jan. 7 sent from Florida Blue to FDP staffers reviewed by POLITICO. “And we understand your employer had a difficult decision to make when they chose to drop your Florida Blue coverage.”

The letter continues: “We are sorry that your group was unable to ‘Stay Blue’ … If you have any questions, we encourage you to talk to your employer.”

Thinking that a lot of these folks might not want to “stay blue” and might want to head over to the Republican Party where they’d actually get paid and have insurance.

After again this all hit the fan, the new state chair of the party, Manny Diaz, said they would reinstate the party and that the staff’s bills would be covered. Diaz said the party was hurting financially but could have paid for it, so he’s not sure why they didn’t.


Orlando Sentinel columnist:

But sure, put these guys in charge of health care. Or anything.

HT: Twitchy


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