Fox has come under the gun for how they’ve dealt with the election including calling Arizona early for Joe Biden early on Election Day when indeed the count is still ongoing and the state may yet flip to President Donald Trump. Whatever they were thinking, they were obviously wrong to call it early, even if Trump ultimately were to lose the state.
That wasn’t all they did, as we reported. They had Sandra Smith caught on a hot mic absolutely mocking a guest, acting as though it wasn’t reasonable to question any of the results of the election or the network’s call for Biden. Media including Fox seems not to understand that they only make projections, we don’t actually determine the election based on what they say.
But there was more. Not only did they call Arizona early, they called the House results early and exceedingly wrong, claiming that the Democrats held the House but that they were anticipated to pick up five seats.
BREAKING: THE Fox News Decision Desk can now project that Democrats will retain control of the House of Representatives and expand their majority by at least five seats.
— Lauren Blanchard (@LaurenBlanch12) November 4, 2020
.@BretBaier, Is this deleted tweet authentic? If so, did you explain why it was deleted? Has there been any explanation from Fox News of this botched call by the decision desk?
— Eddie Zipperer (@EddieZipperer) November 11, 2020
Bret Baier even stealth deleted the tweet despite the fact that Fox hasn’t taken back the call.
The @BretBaier tweet is authentic. It’s visible in Google’s cache.
H/t @seanmdav of @FDRLST
— Eddie Zipperer (@EddieZipperer) November 11, 2020
Here’s the video of Fox News making this call on election night. It was the first call of the
— Eddie Zipperer (@EddieZipperer) November 11, 2020
That of course was just monumentally wrong. Based on what? In fact, the Republicans gained at least 6, with likely more still to come. Seven races are still outstanding according to Cook Political Report.
It's been a terrible day for Dems in uncalled House races: #CA21: Valadao (R) still ahead by 4,026 votes#CA25: Garcia (R) retakes lead by 159 votes#CA39: Kim (R) lead up to 4,160 votes#IA02: Miller-Meeks (R) now ahead by 40 votes#UT04: Owens (R) lead up to 1,780 votes
— Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) November 11, 2020
So what’s Fox’s explanation for calling this so early and so wrong? What’s their explanation for Arizona and even sticking by it now still, even after others, even other liberal networks retracted their early calls? They still haven’t retracted or explained their House call while the polls were still open on the West Coast. Where’s their “we’re sorry, we messed up” segment?
Judge Jeanine was also suspended after reportedly wanting to support Trump and do something on the voter fraud. That didn’t go over well.
Neil Cavuto also cut away from Kayleigh McEnany when she was raising questions of fraud in the election because he said the claims were unsubstantiated.
Tucker Carlson then seemed to be calling out Cavuto for doing such a thing on his show.
TUCKER takes aim at Neil Cavuto for cutting away from the Trump campaign's press conference today:
"You can't just cut away from coverage you don't like. Force doesn't work in a democracy. That's a dictatorship. Telling voters to shut up is never enough."
— August Takala (@AugustTakala) November 10, 2020
Now, Fox is hemorrhaging viewers. If they don’t understand why, they may want to take a look at their actions.
HT: Twitchy
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