Trump supporters have been holding weekly rallies in Los Angeles and about 200 of them were gather in Beverly Gardens Park in Beverly Hills on Saturday.
Freedom rally Beverly Hills! #trump2020 pic.twitter.com/iNoAw9oJ7X
— Justin Pearson (@Jsavageriv) August 23, 2020
But a few dozen Black Lives Lives Matter people showed up to “counter protest” and got violent. They came apparently trying to start fights with the Trump supporters. It also seemed like there were more people of color on the Trump side than the BLM side.
Check out the “peaceful protesters.”
@FreemanReporter caught video of one big sucker punch from one of the BLM group attacking a Trump supporter. But the Trump supporter reportedly got up and told him he couldn’t hit which upset the BLM guy.
Today in #BeverlyHills ðŸ˜ðŸ’€ pic.twitter.com/ooYbBnMR8w
— xxx (@xxx15814204) August 23, 2020
It’s gotten very violent in Beverly Hills as multiple fights break out btw Trump supporters and opponents. Law enforcement stands by, watching pic.twitter.com/KvqrNwW837
— Josie Huang (@josie_huang) August 23, 2020
Police then declared an unlawful assembly and cleared everyone out of the park.
Police waiting to disperse crowd pic.twitter.com/kBUgWgl9oU
— Josie Huang (@josie_huang) August 23, 2020
They had counter-protesters show up to the rally last week as well, but it wasn’t as violent and only one of them was arrested.
So what were the “peaceful BLM protesters” doing, going to the Trump rally obviously trying to cause trouble and trying to shut down the free speech of others? What does that have to do with police brutality or police reform, the causes the media likes to say they’re about? The answer is not a thing because the end game is radical leftist change to all of society.
This is the movement that Democrats endorsed in their convention, people that will try to sucker punch their political opponents. Americans are seeing this, seeing Democrats embracing the group unreservedly while also seeing the violent action the BLM supporters are involved in across the country. But the Democrats refuse to condemn them by name.
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