We did a lot of coverage of the Democrats’ efforts to take on Attorney General Bill Barr yesterday during a hearing largely about the federal response to the BLM riots.
As we reported, it largely blew up in their faces. We even covered a highlight reel of his responses, which is terrific.
Not only did he successfully defend himself from attack and “eat their lunch,” in the words of pundit Michael Goodwin, he went after them for their failure to condemn the rioting across the country and the people behind it with an assist from Jim Jordan, as we reported.
Here’s the clip that Jordan played, that showed the widow of David Dorn among other victims and a lot of the horrible attacks and violence that have been a part of these riots. That really puts paid to the ‘peaceful’ narrative Democrats have tried to construct.
It's your choice, America pic.twitter.com/9L1VpbOvHU
— Elizabeth Harrington (@LizRNC) July 28, 2020
In case you missed it, Jim Jordan Just wrecked Nadler's entire opening remarks re police, the DOJ, and the riots. Got pissy that Jordan didn't tell him about the video 48 hours ahead of time. Suck it up, buttercup
— Matt Vespa (@mVespa1) July 28, 2020
The point was clear. But Barr went on to hammer it home.
From Fox News:
When he got his chance, he didn’t just defend his tenure — he went on offense to demand an end to the “demonizing of police” and the dangerous defunding movement.
The war against law enforcement, he said, is making police “more risk-averse,” and that is part of the reason crime is soaring across America — leading to the deaths of the very people the Black Lives Matter movement says it wants to help.
“The leading cause of death for young black males is homicide,” he said, adding that about 7,500 are murdered each year, 90 percent by other black Americans.
“Each of those lives matter,” the attorney general declared.
Barr called the attacks in Portland and other cities “an assault on the government of the United States.” “We have to take a stand.” He wasn’t just talking about Congress but about all of us.
Then he laid into the Democrats, chastising them for not condemning the violent attacks.
“This is the first time in my memory that the leaders of one of our two great political parties, the Democratic Party, are not coming out and condemning mob violence,” he said. “Can’t we just say the violence against the federal courts has to stop? Could we hear something like that?”
The room was silent. The attorney general challenged their loyalty, and not a single Democrat objected. For them, it was just another day at the office.
Not a single one objected. On attacks against the United States.
That says everything you need to know right there.
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