We’ve been watching Antifa elements supporting the BLM political movement wreaking havoc in city after city, from Portland to New York City.
But despite this, despite the reality of, at this point, perhaps thousands of videos showing what’s going on, House Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler (Delusional-NY) denied reality.
Reporter Austen Fletcher, known as “Fleccas,” approached Nadler and asked him about Antifa violence. According to Nadler, that’s a D.C. “myth.”
I ran into Jerry Nadler in DC and asked him to disavow the Antifa violence/rioting in Portland.
His response?
“THATS A MYTH” pic.twitter.com/veImyE2rju
— Essential Fleccas 🇺🇸 (@fleccas) July 27, 2020
From Daily Wire:
“It is true. There’s violence across the whole country,” Fletcher said. “Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—”
“That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.,” Nadler claimed without evidence.
“About Antifa in Portland?” Fletcher pressed.
“Yes—” Nadler once again claimed without evidence.
So none of us are actually seeing what we think we’re seeing, according to Nadler.
Imagine. This guy is one of the most powerful Democrats in Washington and yet he’s so intent on denial as to ignore all reality. Because he’s denying it’s reality, he also is not condemning the violence which was what Fleccas asked him about. This isn’t the first time he’s said this either, as we reported about a month ago.
In Portland alone, we can see innumerable videos of them assaulting federal officers and property night after night.
Nearly every night for weeks, #antifa & other far-left rioters in Portland have used powerful explosive fireworks as weapons against law enforcement, & to start fires. This has resulted in both local & federal officers suffering concussions & burns. https://t.co/tUbFhDtGhO pic.twitter.com/zkj5mMkOce
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 27, 2020
Antifa rioters are throwing Molotov cocktails toward federal officers at the courthouse. Earlier in the day, police found a cache of ready-made incendiary devices and fully loaded magazines. Video by @livesmattershow. #PortlandRiots pic.twitter.com/KFPyahZ8Er
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 27, 2020
Pretty organized myth to be taking place across the country like it is, too.
You notice something else Jerry is missing, too? Where’s his mask? Is he trying to kill Grandma? Rules for thee but not for me.
Portland is at war every night, but Rep Jerry Nadler says my video coverage of Antifa violence & vandalism is a “myth”@fleccas: “Meanwhile…they’re trying to burn down the courthouse”
100% correct
Antifa is very real, & they are incredibly dangerous pic.twitter.com/NbSnoq9cZl
— ELIJAH RIOT (@ElijahSchaffer) July 27, 2020
This “Myth” is pretty realistic @JerryNadler
pic.twitter.com/GqMAIBByKN https://t.co/q4ujqQRNq9
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) July 27, 2020
Jerry Nadler: Riot violence and destruction is a myth
Tim Walz: https://t.co/9fqG9JRQIO
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) July 27, 2020
Deranged buffoon, Jerry Nadlerhttps://t.co/CHBm9Fvhf7
— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) July 27, 2020
WAIT! Where was his mask?!?!?!
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) July 27, 2020
But let’s hear from the perspective of the federal agents having to deal with the myth in Portland, from a reporter embedded with them.
I spent the weekend inside the Portland federal courthouse w/ the US Marshals. Mortars were being fired off repeatedly, fireworks & flares shot into the lobby, frozen bottles, concrete, cans & bouncy balls regularly whizzed over the fence at high speeds. https://t.co/PU4xbzwniY
— Mike Balsamo (@MikeBalsamo1) July 27, 2020
I watched as injured officers were hauled inside. In one case, the commercial firework came over so fast the officer didn’t have time to respond. It burned through his sleeves & he had bloody gashes on both forearms. Another had a concussion from being hit in the head w/ a mortar
— Mike Balsamo (@MikeBalsamo1) July 27, 2020
The lights inside the courthouse have to be turned off for safety & the light from high-powered lasers bounced across the lobby almost all night. The fear is palpable. Three officers were struck in the last few weeks & still haven’t regained their vision. pic.twitter.com/33Mt2WyNsV
— Mike Balsamo (@MikeBalsamo1) July 27, 2020
When we were out inside the fence line, someone fired off a mortar. It exploded inches away from us, but no one was hurt. A large bonfire had been started in the street & people were aiming fireworks through the fire at officers behind the fence. It was almost 2:30 a.m. then. pic.twitter.com/qVsH1T1DQM
— Mike Balsamo (@MikeBalsamo1) July 27, 2020
The officers outside the Portland courthouse have been hit by an array of objects from canned food to ball bearings fired from slingshots. On Saturday night, a DHS officer was soaked completely in orange paint thrown from of one of many paint cans later seized by authorities. pic.twitter.com/Dng70rG8xn
— Mike Balsamo (@MikeBalsamo1) July 27, 2020
This is what Nadler is denying, he’s literally denying injuries to federal agents and saying he doesn’t care what has happened to them. Not to mention all the violence across the country.
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