On Tuesday night, Portland radical leftists set up their own autonomous zone in Lownsdale Square Park, across the street from the federal courthouse that they have been attacking for weeks.
Overnight antifa occupied the street outside the Portland federal courthouse using stolen construction equipment and kitchen appliances. They named the occupation the “Chinook Land Autonomous Territory,” or CLAT. pic.twitter.com/wS89M0F9S5
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 15, 2020
Well, if they’re not Chinook, then why were they even there? They should boot themselves out. But obviously, that point of logic is lost on them.
Antifa in Portland set up walls and barriers in the street outside the federal courthouse to claim their own autonomous zone, calling it “CLAT” for “Chinook Land Autonomous Territory.” pic.twitter.com/ntQQPfCZAR
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 15, 2020
People downtown need support tonight and the next couple of nights! Get down there and bring some tents and some friends. #ACAB #BLM #CLAT pic.twitter.com/hELzpkZe9x
— PNW Youth Liberation Front (@PNWYLF) July 16, 2020
You can check out what a mess the thing was in just a short period of time here.
But with the news that Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf was going to be visiting the courthouse, it looks like the city finally decided to take some action.
Thursday morning they moved in and squashed the autonomous zone.
Portland mayor, protesters say police are using excessive force to clear 'autonomous zone' | https://t.co/cG85oRDbXc
— KIEM NGUYEN (@kiem1642) July 16, 2020
They gave the radicals ten minutes to get the heck out at 5:00 a.m., then they moved in. They booted them all out and made multiple arrests. They then put up fencing around the park to make it harder for them to get back in. They declared Chapman Square Park and Lownsdale Square Park temporarily closed.
According to the police, the parks will remain closed until they can repair the lawns, bathrooms, benches and public art that the radicals destroyed or otherwise defaced. The streets around the park will now remain open to traffic. Imagine that, streets finally able to be streets again.
— Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) July 16, 2020
Most antifa groups don’t have “antifa” in the name. That’s intentional. New antifa groups pop up all the time w/same people involved. The latest in Portland is “Riot Ribs.” They focus on resupplying & aiding rioters. Many were arrested today. I will be naming them all. pic.twitter.com/YWVD024pjh
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 17, 2020
Folks apparently tried to come back later in the day. That didn’t go well for them. The whining and screeching is something to behold. When the guy asks why he’s being arrested, the police response is succinct.
Another angle of the arrest where far-left protesters began screaming and trying to stop @PortlandPolice. A woman can be seen attacking an officer before she is shoved back. pic.twitter.com/1HnaQqcPCG
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 16, 2020
So here’s the thing. You try to reach in and help de-arrest someone, you’re going to get pushed back. You try to grab for the cop’s belt, that’s a big no-no, screeching woman is lucky she wasn’t arrested there. You try to resist being arrested as this guy did here with your buddies around trying to de-arrest you, then, yes, you’re going to be shoved into the police car. Gotta love the futile whining of the leftist screeching about how she/he (?) was treated.
They’re still trying to figure out what to do and they still have some folks assembling near the park. But for the moment, looks like they’re out of luck.
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