Thousands of Antifa poured into the area to riot in and around the Justice Center and the Federal Courthouse in Portland, Oregon on Saturday night.
There are thousands of them at the antifa riot in downtown. They’ve regrouped nearby the Portland federal courthouse again. pic.twitter.com/MM4ssCviL0
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 5, 2020
According to Fox, this has been the 38th consecutive day of unrest in the city and the Mayor and the police clearly still don’t have a handle on it.
Rioting in downtown Portland by antifa continues. Federal police used CS gas to clear the violent militants from further attacking the courthouse. Now Portland Police are dispersing them further out as they continue to break business windows and riot. pic.twitter.com/Ra3gIoyeVc
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 5, 2020
But tear gas helps and Antifa hates it.
Rioting in downtown Portland by antifa. They came fully equipped with shields and explosive fireworks. Federal police (not @PortlandPolice) have used CS gas to forcibly disperse them. It’s working and antifa hate it. pic.twitter.com/MA8f3BRLzO
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 5, 2020
Video recorded by @PortlandPolice shows the anarchy and chaos outside the federal courthouse. Overnight, antifa and BLM extremists caused numerous fires and property destruction in a riot involving over a thousand people. pic.twitter.com/TJhWdnPzGU
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 5, 2020
The statue to Oregon Trail pioneers has been set on fire again by antifa in downtown Portland. A sign saying "STOLEN LAND" is hanging on the statue. pic.twitter.com/apF3PKaxeZ
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 5, 2020
A bronze statue dedicated to the families who made the dangerous journey on the Oregon trial to settle in the Pacific Northwest has been the target of antifa & far-left extremists for weeks. Last night they set it on fire again & defaced it with messages about decolonization. pic.twitter.com/Lkpq3Y8Gd6
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 5, 2020
Antifa & BLM extremists have turned downtown Portland into an empty urban wasteland on the watch of @tedwheeler & @OregonGovBrown.
The aftermath of another night of rioting and arson attacks: pic.twitter.com/xSP6W6V8NU
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 5, 2020
This is some of the video taken by an Officer who was embedded with a Rapid Response Team tonight. The Officer sustained injury from a mortar that exploded near her feet while she was recording. pic.twitter.com/S4JvlXioZc
— Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) July 5, 2020
Mark Morgan, head of the CP, went on Fox and described how the rioter/criminals were attacking law enforcement. The CBP appears to have been called in to help the federal forces.
From Fox News:
“These are not protesters, these are criminals who got together and organized and planned and actually brought weapons, they brought shields, they brought frozen water bottles, rocks, lasers, weapons with the intent to destroy a federal building and harm law enforcement officers,” Morgan said on Sunday.
He added, “I don’t care what your idealogic beliefs are, your political affiliation, violence, we should all be united, is wrong.”
He went on to say that he’s glad that President Trump “understands the importance of law and order and that it’s a cornerstone of American society.”
Morgan said one of the rioters tried to assault a CBP employee while he was being arrested but that they found “a pipe bomb, a fused incendiary device, and machete was actually discovered during that search” of that suspect.
“It’s serious. This is about law and order. We must be united,” he continued. “Where are the local political leaders, standing up, saying this is unconscionable, this is wrong, and these individuals should cease and desist and be arrested? Where are they?”
It’s Portland. Progressive Democratic Mayor Ted Wheeler. What did he do to stop anything? He tweeted at people to remain calm and questioned police response at the beginning of the weekend.
I am calling for a full and thorough review of all use of force tactics and meaningful public transparency.
And I am asking for the public’s support in calling for an end to the nightly violence.
Join us in our call for peace.
Lives are at stake.
— Mayor Ted Wheeler (@tedwheeler) July 3, 2020
I’m sure that will be effective.
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