As we reported earlier, things got out of hand in Minneapolis on Wednesday night, with rioters attacking a police station as well as looting several stores and apparently setting fire to at least one of them.
But it didn’t stay restricted to Minneapolis. There was violence in Los Angeles, as well.
Dozens of Black Lives Matter protesters stormed onto the 101 Freeway in Los Angeles on Wednesday night in reaction to the death of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis.
They tried to block the freeway and, when two California Highway Patrol cars showed up to try to clear them from the road, the police were then attacked. People surrounded the first car and then started kicking it, beating it and smashing the window. People began jumping on the car and it was clear the cops needed to get out of there. The first car pulled away and one of the rioting attackers who was on the car fell or jumped off. The second police car went to see how he was but then was immediately set upon by the rioters who were now mad about the man on the ground and began attacking the second car.
BREAKING NEWS: Black Lives Matter protestors attacking police cars on 101 freeway in LA during #GeorgeFloyd protest @FOXLA pic.twitter.com/iMYnFU2mO6
— Liz Habib (@LizHabib) May 28, 2020
Here’s NBC leaving out the important part — that the cops are under attack.
Video: During Black Lives Matter protest on the 101 Freeway, a CHP cruiser tries to pull through the crowd before accelerating with people on the hood. https://t.co/LChcoUzGJ3 pic.twitter.com/Sfgpl6QKrR
— NBC Los Angeles (@NBCLA) May 28, 2020
Protesters are blocking the 101 freeway in Downtown Los Angeles and just smashed a police car window. pic.twitter.com/1q15WcXdXh
— Arash Markazi (@ArashMarkazi) May 28, 2020
Here are the Revolutionary Communists who were part of the group claiming the police ran the man over because capitalism is oppression or something.
.@therevcoms agitating on the true nature of this murderous system after a protestor got badly ran over by a police car on the freeway. #GeorgeFloyd #ICantBreathe #racism #ThisIsAmerica #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd
#BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/Aa8eYjID3P— Revolution Club Los Angeles (@revclub_la) May 28, 2020
The lesson is that when they block the freeway and attack cop cars, the system should be overthrown? How does attacking police justify anything? In the mind of the crazy leftists, it does. With them, it’s never really about the current issue, it’s not really about George Floyd for some of the folks like this. He’s just their excuse to “overthrow the system” and install Communism. They care only about their movement, everything else is just an end toward that.
Emergency services were later seen treating the man who fell. He was sitting up and talking so he appeared to be okay.
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