#ObamaGate finally started trending today after all the information about the scandalous Obama administration that was confirmed this week.
One reason was because President Donald Trump tweeted a great recitation of some of that information, as recounted by Fox’s Jesse Watters.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 10, 2020
It’s always been astonishing that the media has treated the Obama Administration as though it were free of scandal, that all Obama was guilty of was wearing a “tan suit.” The Watters video leads with Obama saying in 2017 that his administration was the only one “without a major scandal.” Does he think that people can’t remember that far back? Indeed, there were a boatload of scandals, from spying on reporters and Congress to the biggest one of all still being uncovered: spying on their political opponents. But perhaps the biggest scandal was there never being any consequences for their actions despite their actions and the media just always moved on, never holding them to account.
As Watters lays out, he lists the various Obama officials who called Trump a traitor and implied there was evidence of collusion with Putin. Yet they all knew that was untrue, indeed they testified to that themselves. So they were out and out lying to the public each and every time they said it. House Intel Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA) didn’t want to release the transcripts that would show they were lying until he was forced to by the Director of National Intelligence, Ric Grenell. Schiff knew there was no evidence of collusion, yet he, too, continued to lie publicly and say that there was. They stoked unprecedented division to undermine a political opponent in order to try to regain power.
Attorney General Bill Barr said he hoped the dismissal would start to restore “one standard of justice for all,” something sorely lacking under the Obama administration. As Watters notes, it’s why it’s so critical that these despicable people are never allowed back into power, to make sure that history is not rewritten to cover up what occurred but that all the dirty truth comes out.
Watters points out the importance of the new documents that came out on the Flynn case, that they wanted to either get him prosecuted or fired. Think about that for a minute. If they were really looking at this in a pure way, why would a goal be to get him fired? Either you prosecute for a crime or you don’t. The goal is to get him fired if the goal is to get him out of the way. As Watters opines, you want him out of the way because he’s going to discover all the funny business that has gone on. They knew it was coming.
So, Obama then inserts himself and flags the call which was perfectly normal for an incoming National Security Adviser to make, as Bill Barr said. The FBI had already looked at the call and didn’t see any issue with it. So the only reason they were interviewing Flynn was for a non-legitimate reason to achieve their goal. It’s Obama raising the issue of it on Jan. 5 to Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and FBI Director James Comey, with Susan Rice and Joe Biden in the room at the time.
What Watters finishes up with is fascinating. He claims that a source has just told them that Barr has been given “smoking gun” documents on Obama’s involvement, this is on top of the documents we already have seen. Watters suggests they may have to appoint a special prosecutor if this continues to “go to the top” and Obama.
Can’t wait to see what’s coming.
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