It’s been a good few days for justice.
The execrable Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) was forced to release Russia investigation transcripts which showed how Obama officials testified that none of them found any evidence of Russia collusion, this despite what some of them had continued to say in public, continuing to push the fiction.
The Department of Justice also dropped charges against Gen. Michael Flynn. The effort to set a perjury trap was exposed and called out by Attorney General Bill Barr. Barr spoke about the Flynn case, he made it clear that they were examining the circumstances behind that effort as part of U.S. Attorney John Durham looking at the “whole pattern of conduct” of the Russia investigation.
On top of all that, new documents dropped that revealed the involvement of former President Barack Obama in the Flynn case, with Barr noting how Crossfire Razor was going to closed as of Jan. 4. But then the phone call of Flynn with the Russian ambassador was used to reopen the case. That happened after the Jan. 5 meeting in the White House when Obama made Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates aware of the call in a meeting with Obama and FBI Director James Comey. According to former National Security Adviser Susan Rice, both she and Joe Biden were in on the meeting.
So, it’s no wonder that Barack Obama appears to be pretty nervous. Suddenly a “private call,” allegedly between Obama and former officials, was “leaked” to Yahoo’s Michael Isikoff — interestingly, the same reporter to whom the initial information about Carter Page was leaked. Same playbook. On the call, Obama whined that the “rule of law was at risk” because of the DOJ dismissal of the Flynn charges.
Now comes the rant of John Brennan.
One way to judge how close Attorney General Bill Barr and his team are getting is to check how much former CIA Director John Brennan is losing it.
Seeing it is always such fun, too, knowing that he’s sweating. The harder he rages, you know the closer Barr is.
It is unsurprising @realDonaldTrump enjoys wallowing in his fetid self-indulgence, but I find it surreal that so many other government officials encourage his ignorance, incompetence, & destructive behavior.
BTW, history will be written by the righteous, not by his lickspittle.
— John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) May 9, 2020
If ever there was an example of “fetid self-indulgence” it would be John Brennan, who believes he can lie and spy with impunity. He could, under Obama, even when he was caught lying red-handed. But Obama is no longer in power, John.
Gotta love this: “history will be written by the righteous, not by his lickspittle.”
Indeed, it will be written by the righteous. Which means it will never be written by Brennan or his like, who are as far from righteous as one could imagine. Who calls another human being “lickspittle?” Only someone who thinks of people in that way.
But he sure sounds scared, doesn’t he? Thinking if he hasn’t been already, he should be huddling with his lawyers.
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