Booming Trump Economy: Super Saturday Sets Highest Sales Record of Any Day in U.S. History

President Donald Trump points to supporters after speaking at his Black Voices for Trump rally Friday, Nov. 8, 2019, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

How off are the Democrats about what’s going on in the U.S. right now?


Here’s former Vice President Joe Biden saying he doesn’t think Americans really do like the economy now.

Apparently, Americans beg to differ, Joe.

As AEI observes:

The unemployment rate is the lowest since the Vietnam War, and some economists think it may headed toward the lowest levels since the Korean War. The prime-age employment rate — workers age 25 to 54 — is now back above where it was at the start of the Great Recession. And real wages are growing, especially at the bottom, thanks to the long expansion that just keeps rolling.

So it’s hard for Democrats to argue it isn’t helping those at lower wage levels.

When even CNN has to admit that the polls for President Donald Trump are surging, the economy is the best in two decades and 76 percent rate the economy as “very or somewhat good,” it’s hard to argue with that. And it says something about Democrats and Joe Biden that they want to deny that fact and their inability to properly assess the economy.


Now, there’s more good news that Democrats are going to find hard to argue away, one of the measures of consumer confidence.

From Daily Wire:

Bloomberg reported, “Holiday shopping set records over the weekend, with Super Saturday sales reaching $34.4 billion, the biggest single day in U.S. retail history, according to Customer Growth Partners.” Craig Johnson, president of Customer Growth Partners, credited job growth and the abundance of disposable income for the record-setting day, adding, “Paced by the ‘Big Four’ mega-retailers — Walmart, Amazon, Costco and Target — Super Saturday was boosted by the best traffic our team has seen in years.”

Johnson noted that 58% of the increase in sales could be attributed to sales online. On Black Friday 2019, the day after Thanksgiving, the nation recorded $31.2 billion; on Saturday, December 14, the level reached $28.1 billion, and Cyber Monday, the Monday after Thanksgiving, the level of sales reached $19.1 billion.

Johnson attributed it to job growth and fatter wallets.

Psst, Democrats? You can’t get there by impeachment or by attacking Trump. In the inimitable words of the Democrats’ James Carville, it’s “The economy, stupid.”


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